Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Додано: 15 жовтня 2019
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 234 рази
7 запитань
Запитання 1

Paula ... (to cook) dinner now. She ... (to cook) since eleven o’clock, but she ... (not to prepare) meat yet.

варіанти відповідей

 Paula is cooking dinner now. She has been cooking since eleven o’clock, but she hasn’t prepared meat yet. 

 Paula is cooking dinner now. She cooked since eleven o’clock, but she hasn’t prepared meat yet. 

 Paula cooks dinner now. She has been cooking since eleven o’clock, but she hasn’t prepared meat yet. 

Запитання 2

Sally and Janies ... (to gather) raspberries in the garden now. They ... (to gather) raspberries for two hours, but they ... (not to gather) enough for jam by now. 

варіанти відповідей

Sally and James are gathering raspberries in the garden now. They have gathering raspberries for two hours, but they haven’t gathered enough for jam by now. 

Sally and James are gathering raspberries in the garden now. They have been gathering raspberries for two hours, but they haven’t gathered enough for jam by now. 

Sally and James are gathering raspberries in the garden now. They have been gathering raspberries for two hours, but they haven’t been gathering enough for jam by now. 

Запитання 3

We ... (to prepare) for exams at the moment. We ... (to prepare) since nine o’clock but we ... (not to revise) all the rules by now. 

варіанти відповідей

 We are preparing for exams at the moment. We have been preparing since nine o’clock but we haven’t been revised all the rules by now. 

 We are preparing for exams at the moment. We have prepared since nine o’clock but we haven’t revised all the rules by now. 

 We are preparing for exams at the moment. We have been preparing since nine o’clock but we haven’t revised all the rules by now. 

Запитання 4

What... Mary ... (to do) now? — She ... (to take) a shower. She ... (to wash) in the bathroom for half an hour now. 

варіанти відповідей

 What is Mary doing now? — She is taking a shower. She has been washing in the bathroom for half an hour now.

 What is Mary doing now? — She is taking a shower. She has washed in the bathroom for half an hour now.

 What has been Mary doing now? — She has been taking a shower. She is washing in the bathroom for half an hour now.

Запитання 5

... Vicky (to be) busy? — No, she ... (to watch) some programme on TV at the moment. She ... (to watch) TV since twelve o’clock. 

варіанти відповідей

Is Vicky busy? — No, she has been watching some programme on TV at the moment. She has been watching TV since twelve o’clock. 

Is Vicky busy? — No, she is watching some programme on TV at the moment. She has watched TV since twelve o’clock. 

Is Vicky busy? — No, she is watching some programme on TV at the moment. She has been watching TV since twelve o’clock. 

Запитання 6

 ... you ... (to read) anything now? You ... (to read) for more than an hour now. What... you ... (to read)? — I... (to read) a report of my manager at the moment. 

варіанти відповідей

Are you reading anything now? You have been reading for more than an hour now. What are you reading? — I am reading a report of my manager at the moment. 

Are you reading anything now? You have read for more than an hour now. What are you reading? — I am reading a report of my manager at the moment. 

Are you reading anything now? You have been reading for more than an hour now. What are you reading? — I have been reading a report of my manager at the moment. 

Запитання 7

... Elsa ... (to make) sandwiches yet? — No, she ... .She ... (to make) them for fifteen minutes now. She ... (to slice) cheese for the sandwiches at the moment. 

варіанти відповідей

Has Elsa made sandwiches yet? — No, she hasn’t. She has been making them for fifteen minutes now. She is slicing cheese for the sandwiches at the moment. 

Is Elsa making sandwiches yet? — No, she isn’t. She has been making them for fifteen minutes now. She is slicing cheese for the sandwiches at the moment. 

Has Elsa made sandwiches yet? — No, she hasn’t. She is making them for fifteen minutes now. She is slicing cheese for the sandwiches at the moment. 

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