Quick Minds 2 Unit 7. MONSTER.

Додано: 25 березня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
Тест виконано: 219 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

look at the picture. Choose the right monster description.

Подивіться на картинку. Виберіть правильний опис монстра.

варіанти відповідей

This is a monster.

It has two heads. Each head has one big eye. He has many teeth.

This is a monster.

It's green. His body is short and fat. He has no neck. He has one big eye and one white tooth.

This is a monster.

It's green. His body is short and fat. He has no neck. He has three eyes and wings. But he's funny.

This is a monster. It's pink. His body is short and thick. He has three eyes and wings. But he's sad

Запитання 2

look at the picture. Choose the right monster description.

Подивіться на картинку. Виберіть правильний опис монстра.

варіанти відповідей

This is a monster.

It's pink. His body is short and thick. He has three eyes and wings. But he's sad

It's a monster.

It has two heads. Each head has one big eye. He has many teeth. It is orange. It has four arms and two tails.

This is a monster.

It's green. His body is short and fat. He has no neck. He has three eyes and wings. But he's funny.

This is a monster.

It's pink. His body is short and thick. He has three eyes and wings. But he's sad.

Запитання 3

look at the picture. Choose the right monster description.

Подивіться на картинку. Виберіть правильний опис монстра.

варіанти відповідей

This is a monster.

It's orange. His body is short and thick. He has three eyes and wings. But he's angry.

This is a monster.

It has two heads. Each head has one big eye. He has many teeth.

It's a monster.

It is green. His body has no legs. But he has four hands.

This is a monster.

It's blue. His body is short and fat. He has no neck. He has six eyes and wings. But he's funny.

Запитання 4

look at the picture. Choose the right monster description.

Подивіться на картинку. Виберіть правильний опис монстра.

варіанти відповідей

This is a monster.

It's orange. He has four eyes and wings. He loves how to fly.

This is a monster.

It's pink. His body is short and thick. He has three eyes and wings. But he's sad.

This is a monster.

It's black. His body is short and fat. He has no neck. He has three eyes and wings. But he's funny.

This is a monster.

It has two heads. Each head has one big eye. He has many teeth.

Запитання 5

look at the picture. Choose the right monster description.

Подивіться на картинку. Виберіть правильний опис монстра.

варіанти відповідей

This is a monster.

It's green. His body is short and fat. He has no neck. He has one big eye and one white tooth.

This is a monster.

It's brown. He has long hair. He is very angry.

This is a monster.

It has two heads. Each head has one big eye. He has many teeth.

This is a monster.

It's green. His body is short and fat. He has no neck. He has three eyes and wings. But he's funny.

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