Quick minds 3 Reading comprehension test 4

Додано: 2 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 45 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and tick true sentences.

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

Miss Isabelle is fat.

Miss Isabelle is fat and old.

Miss Isabelle is not thin.

Miss Isabelle is thin.

Запитання 2

Read the text and tick true sentences.

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

My English teacher`s name is Miss Sally.

My English teacher`s name is Miss Isabelle.

My English teacher`s name is Miss Sam.

My English teacher`s name is Miss Linda.

Запитання 3

Read the text and tick true sentences.

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

My English teacher is funny at school.

My English teacher is angry at school.

My English teacher is hungry at school.

My English teacher is serious at school.

Запитання 4

Read the text and tick true sentences.

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

Mr Sam has got short hair.

Mr Sam has got long hair.

Mr Sam has got a moustache.

Mr Sam has got a beard.

Запитання 5

Read the text and tick true sentences.

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

My sports teacher likes playing volleyball.

My sports teacher likes playing football.

My sports teacher likes playing baseball.

My sports teacher likes playing basketball.

Запитання 6

Read the text and tick true sentences.

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

He can ride a bike very fast.

He can run very fast.

He can speak English very well.

He can play music.

Запитання 7

Read the text and answer.

Can Miss Isabelle play basketball with Linda?

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

Yes, she can.

No, he can`t.

Yes, she is.

No, she can`t.

Запитання 8

Read the text and answer.

Where is Linda from?

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

She is from Ukraine.

She is from France.

She is from England.

She is from Spain.

Запитання 9

Read the text and answer.

Who has got a beard?

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

Miss Isabelle


Mr Sam

Mr David

Запитання 10

Read the text and answer.

When does Linda meet her English teacher?

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

On Monday.

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

At the weekend.

Every Sunday.

Запитання 11

Read the text and answer.

Is this story about sport?

This is the story about my favourite teachers. My name`s Linda and I`m nine. I`m a student from England. I can speak English very well. I like doing sports at school. My favourite sport is basketball. Every day I meet my English teacher at school. Her name is Miss Isabelle. She is young and thin. Her hair is blonde and straight. Her eyes are blue. She wears a nice dress. Miss Isabelle is serious at school. My sports teacher`s name is Mr Sam. He`s not old. His hair is short. He`s got a beard. Mr Sam can run very fast. He likes playing basketball with me. I love my teachers.

варіанти відповідей

Yes, it is.

No, it isn`t.

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