Read the texts. Match choices. There are three choices you do not need to use.

Додано: 22 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 562 рази
5 запитань
Запитання 1


It can seat three comfortably. The sofa folds out into a double bed enough for a fully grown adult. It was bought three years ago for $300 and is i nperfect condition. We`re looking for no less than $150.

варіанти відповідей

rent a room

buy brend new furniture

sell something

buy something used

shop at a mall

renovate your furniture

buy old dresses

spend no money

Запитання 2


Do uou have old chairs you love and don`t want to throw away?

Chairdressers fixes or dresses old chairs to make them look brand new.

варіанти відповідей

rent a room

buy brand new furniture

sell something

buy something used

shop at a mall

renovate your furniture

buy old dresses

spend no money

Запитання 3


We are two students who share a flat in the city centre and we`re looking for a flatmate. Your room will have a single bed, wardrobe, desk and desk chair. We will be sharing the kitchen and the bathroom. We don`t allow pets in the flat.

варіанти відповідей

rent a room

buy brand new furniture

sell something

buy something used

shop at a mall

renovate your furniture

buy old dresses

spend no money

Запитання 4


I am moving abroad and I am giving away some things that I cannot take with me.

The desk is an antique that I got from a flea market - it is perfect for those who love old things.

The swivel chair is in very good condition. You can pick them up from my flat in the Croydon area.

0738241253 -

варіанти відповідей

rent a room

buy brand new furniture

sell something

buy something used

shop at a mall

renovate your furniture

buy old dresses

spend no money

Запитання 5


We buy old sofas, armchairs, coffee tables, display cabinets, bookcases, desks, beds, carpets, rugs, mirrors, dishes, lamps, ornaments, clothes... and more!

Is it in good condition? We`ll buy it!

Is in in bad condition? We`ll buy it!

Look in your grandparents` attic and call

Paul`s Vintage Mall


24 Plot Street, Preston

варіанти відповідей

rent a room

buy brand new furniture

sell something

buy something used

shop at a mall

renovate your furniture

buy old dresses

spend no money

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