Reading - 6 form 1 semester

Додано: 28 листопада 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 65 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Ted Becks loves when golfers play badly.

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Запитання 2

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

There are 2.5 million golf balls in the ponds and lakes of American golf courses.

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Запитання 3

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Ted doesn't start his job early because golfers usually play golf before they go to their offices in the morning.

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Запитання 4

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Ted dives into a pond and walks on the bottom.

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Запитання 5

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Ted searches for golf balls by feeling the bottom of a pond with his hands.

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Запитання 6

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Ted needs to be brave because his job can sometimes be dangerous.

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Запитання 7

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Ted works 5 hours per week and collects 2,500 balls.

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Запитання 8

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Golf balls are the only things Ted founds in the pond.

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Запитання 9

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Ted earns more money when he collects more balls.

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Запитання 10

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn't a good way for divers to earn a lot of money.

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Запитання 11

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Diving in the ponds of a golf course is the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean.

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Запитання 12

Read the text:

Ted Becks loves it when golfers have a bad game. Every year, golfers in the USA lose over 2.5 billion golf balls. They hit many of them into golf course ponds and lakes – and that’s exactly where Ted wants them! Here, Ted tells us all about his life as a golf ball diver.

On weekdays, I set off for the golf course at around 10 am. Many golfers play early in the morning before they go to their office jobs, so I usually wait until they leave before I begin work. The first thing I do is put on my wetsuit and oxygen tank. Then, I jump into a pond and dive straight down to the bottom. There, I crawl around on my hands and knees and look for golf balls.

It’s not easy, though – it is extremely dark down there because the water is dirty. Usually, I can’t see anything and have to rely completely on my sense of touch. Also, sometimes there are dangerous animals in golf ponds in the USA, including snakes and crocodiles! You need to be very brave to do my job!

Most days, I work for 5 hours and collect around 2,500 balls. The company I work for pays me ten cents for each ball, so I get around $250 each day. But golf balls aren’t the only things I find in the ponds. Sometimes, I come across computers, washing machines and even cars!

Diving in the ponds of a golf course isn’t the same as diving in the beautiful blue waters of the Caribbean – but it’s still a great way for divers to earn a lot of money. So don’t get annoyed the next time you hit a golf ball into a pond – you’re making sure that somebody like me has got a job!


Say if it is true or false:

Ted Becks works as a diver.

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