Reading 1

Додано: 11 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 181 раз
12 запитань
Запитання 1

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


This text is about the girl.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


What colour is Manuel’s hair?

варіанти відповідей

– It’s brown.

– It’s black.

– It’s blue.

Запитання 3

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


Does Manuel go to the swimming pool every Thursday?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, he does  

No, he doesn’t

Запитання 4

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


What colour is Jacky?

варіанти відповідей

-It’s brown.

-It’s black.

-It’s blue.

Запитання 5

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


 Is Manuel’s dog small?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, it is 

No, it isn’t

Запитання 6

Read. Choose. 

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


 Is Manuel’s favourite season spring?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, it is 

No, it isn’t

Запитання 7

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


 Where is the dog sitting?

варіанти відповідей

-It is on the chair.

-It is behind the chair.

-It is in the garden.

Запитання 8

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


 Manuel is a schoolboy.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


 Manuel has got dark hair.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

Read. Choose. 

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


 Where is Manuel now?

варіанти відповідей

- He’s in the living-room.

- He’s in the garden.

- He’s at school.

Запитання 11

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


When does Manuel play tennis?

варіанти відповідей

- Manuel plays tennis on Tuesday and Fridays.

- Manuel plays tennis on Thursdays and Fridays.

- Manuel plays tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Запитання 12

I am Manuel. I am eleven years old. I am from Spain. I live in Madrid.  I have got black hair and blue eyes. I am a handsome boy. I go to school. I like English. I play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. I like swimming too. I go to the swimming pool every Thursday.

  I like animals. I have got a dog at home. It is big and black. Its name is Jacky. I like playing with Jacky in the garden. It is behind my house.

I like spring. My favourite month is April. I like planting trees.

  Now I am in the living room. I am drinking milk . Jacky is sitting on the chair. It is looking at me. It wants to play.


 When does Manuel go to the swimming pool ?

варіанти відповідей

-Manuel goes to the swimming pool every Monday.

-Manuel goes to the swimming pool every Tuesday.

-Manuel goes to the swimming pool on Thursdays.

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