
Додано: 12 листопада 2022
Предмет: , 7 клас
Тест виконано: 30 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Прочитай діалог. Обери правильну відповідь відповідно до теста.

- So Paul, how do the members of your family share the household jobs? For example, who does the washing up?

- My sister does that. And sometimes I do it. We have a dishwasher and it is not difficult for me to put the dirty dishes into it.

- Do you do the shopping?

- No, my parents do the food shopping. They like buying food at the market. And I can only buy some crisps and a can of cola.

- What about cleaning?

- I must say that I clean my room every day. I don’t like doing it very much but I have to. My sister usually vacuums the living-room and my mother cleans the kitchen and the bathroom.

- What about the cooking and ironing? Who does that?

- Well, those are my sister’s and my mother’s jobs. I can’t cook at all and I hate ironing. But my father is keen on cooking. As he is very busy during the week, he can cook tasty things for us only at the weekend.

- And who washes clothes in your family?

- Anybody who has free time. It’s the easiest thing to put the clothes into the washing machine and turn it on. As for me, I wash my clothes myself.

варіанти відповідей

1. My sister does the washing up.   True +        

1. My sister does the washing up.   False -        

Запитання 2

Прочитай діалог. Обери правильну відповідь відповідно до теста.

- So Paul, how do the members of your family share the household jobs? For example, who does the washing up?

- My sister does that. And sometimes I do it. We have a dishwasher and it is not difficult for me to put the dirty dishes into it.

- Do you do the shopping?

- No, my parents do the food shopping. They like buying food at the market. And I can only buy some crisps and a can of cola.

- What about cleaning?

- I must say that I clean my room every day. I don’t like doing it very much but I have to. My sister usually vacuums the living-room and my mother cleans the kitchen and the bathroom.

- What about the cooking and ironing? Who does that?

- Well, those are my sister’s and my mother’s jobs. I can’t cook at all and I hate ironing. But my father is keen on cooking. As he is very busy during the week, he can cook tasty things for us only at the weekend.

- And who washes clothes in your family?

- Anybody who has free time. It’s the easiest thing to put the clothes into the washing machine and turn it on. As for me, I wash my clothes myself.

варіанти відповідей

2. My mother usually vacuums the living-room. True +

2. My mother usually vacuums the living-room. False -

Запитання 3

Прочитай діалог. Обери правильну відповідь відповідно до теста.

- So Paul, how do the members of your family share the household jobs? For example, who does the washing up?

- My sister does that. And sometimes I do it. We have a dishwasher and it is not difficult for me to put the dirty dishes into it.

- Do you do the shopping?

- No, my parents do the food shopping. They like buying food at the market. And I can only buy some crisps and a can of cola.

- What about cleaning?

- I must say that I clean my room every day. I don’t like doing it very much but I have to. My sister usually vacuums the living-room and my mother cleans the kitchen and the bathroom.

- What about the cooking and ironing? Who does that?

- Well, those are my sister’s and my mother’s jobs. I can’t cook at all and I hate ironing. But my father is keen on cooking. As he is very busy during the week, he can cook tasty things for us only at the weekend.

- And who washes clothes in your family?

- Anybody who has free time. It’s the easiest thing to put the clothes into the washing machine and turn it on. As for me, I wash my clothes myself.

варіанти відповідей

3. My parents go shopping. True +

3. My parents go shopping. False -

Запитання 4

Прочитай діалог. Обери правильну відповідь відповідно до теста.

- So Paul, how do the members of your family share the household jobs? For example, who does the washing up?

- My sister does that. And sometimes I do it. We have a dishwasher and it is not difficult for me to put the dirty dishes into it.

- Do you do the shopping?

- No, my parents do the food shopping. They like buying food at the market. And I can only buy some crisps and a can of cola.

- What about cleaning?

- I must say that I clean my room every day. I don’t like doing it very much but I have to. My sister usually vacuums the living-room and my mother cleans the kitchen and the bathroom.

- What about the cooking and ironing? Who does that?

- Well, those are my sister’s and my mother’s jobs. I can’t cook at all and I hate ironing. But my father is keen on cooking. As he is very busy during the week, he can cook tasty things for us only at the weekend.

- And who washes clothes in your family?

- Anybody who has free time. It’s the easiest thing to put the clothes into the washing machine and turn it on. As for me, I wash my clothes myself.

варіанти відповідей

4. My father sometimes cooks breakfast. True+

4. My father sometimes cooks breakfast. False -

Запитання 5

Прочитай діалог. Обери правильну відповідь відповідно до теста.

- So Paul, how do the members of your family share the household jobs? For example, who does the washing up?

- My sister does that. And sometimes I do it. We have a dishwasher and it is not difficult for me to put the dirty dishes into it.

- Do you do the shopping?

- No, my parents do the food shopping. They like buying food at the market. And I can only buy some crisps and a can of cola.

- What about cleaning?

- I must say that I clean my room every day. I don’t like doing it very much but I have to. My sister usually vacuums the living-room and my mother cleans the kitchen and the bathroom.

- What about the cooking and ironing? Who does that?

- Well, those are my sister’s and my mother’s jobs. I can’t cook at all and I hate ironing. But my father is keen on cooking. As he is very busy during the week, he can cook tasty things for us only at the weekend.

- And who washes clothes in your family?

- Anybody who has free time. It’s the easiest thing to put the clothes into the washing machine and turn it on. As for me, I wash my clothes myself.

варіанти відповідей

5. I can cook only fried eggs. True +                      

5. I can cook only fried eggs.   False -                  

Запитання 6

Прочитай діалог. Обери правильну відповідь відповідно до теста.

- So Paul, how do the members of your family share the household jobs? For example, who does the washing up?

- My sister does that. And sometimes I do it. We have a dishwasher and it is not difficult for me to put the dirty dishes into it.

- Do you do the shopping?

- No, my parents do the food shopping. They like buying food at the market. And I can only buy some crisps and a can of cola.

- What about cleaning?

- I must say that I clean my room every day. I don’t like doing it very much but I have to. My sister usually vacuums the living-room and my mother cleans the kitchen and the bathroom.

- What about the cooking and ironing? Who does that?

- Well, those are my sister’s and my mother’s jobs. I can’t cook at all and I hate ironing. But my father is keen on cooking. As he is very busy during the week, he can cook tasty things for us only at the weekend.

- And who washes clothes in your family?

- Anybody who has free time. It’s the easiest thing to put the clothes into the washing machine and turn it on. As for me, I wash my clothes myself.

варіанти відповідей

6. Every member of my family can wash clothes. True +

6. Every member of my family can wash clothes. False -

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