Reading 2 клас

Додано: 27 січня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
Тест виконано: 62 рази
6 запитань
Запитання 1

One day the woman comes into her room and sees the dog in her chair. She goes to the window and says,"Cats!" The dog runs to the window and the woman goes to her chair and sits down.

Choose a correct word:

She goes to the __________ and says "Cats!"

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Запитання 2

A story about a clever

An old woman has a clever dog. The woman has a big chair and she likes to sit in it and read the newspaper. But the old dog likes the chair too.

Choose a correct word:

The old woman has a clever ___________.

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Запитання 3

An old woman has a clever dog. The woman has a big chair and she likes to sit in it and read the newspaper. But the old dog likes the chair too.

Choose a correct word:

She has a big _____________.

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Запитання 4

An old woman has a clever dog. The woman has a big chair and she likes to sit in it and read the newspaper. But the old dog likes the chair too.

Choose a correct word:

The old dog __________ the chair too.

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doesn't like


Запитання 5

Very often the woman finds the dog in the chair when she wants to sit down. And the dog is angry when she ttells him to get up.

Choose a correct word:

The dog is _________ when she tell him to get up.

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Запитання 6

One day the woman comes into her room and sees the dog in her chair. She goes to the window and says,"Cats!" The dog runs to the window and the woman goes to her chair and sits down.

Choose True or False:

One day the woman comes into her room and sees the dog in her bed. ( True + / False - )

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