Reading 2 term

Додано: 11 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 128 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Read the text. Choose true or false. (Прочитайте текст, выберите правда или ложь.)

Easter is in summer.

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Запитання 2

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Read the text. Choose true or false. (Прочитайте текст, выберите правда или ложь.)

People paint eggs in England and Ukraine.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Read the text. Choose true or false. (Прочитайте текст, выберите правда или ложь.)

Easter starts on Friday.

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Запитання 4

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Read the text. Choose true or false. (Прочитайте текст, выберите правда или ложь.)

People give children bad eggs for Easter.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Read the text. Choose true or false. (Прочитайте текст, выберите правда или ложь.)

Children can eeat eggs on Easter Sunday.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Read the text. Choose true or false. (Прочитайте текст, выберите правда или ложь.)

In Ukraine people paint eggs and make Easter cakes.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Choose the correct answer. (Bыберите правильный ответ.)

Easter is in...

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Запитання 8

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Choose the correct answer. (Bыберите правильный ответ.)

In Britain Easter starts ...

варіанти відповідей

on Monday

On Friday

on Saturday

on Sunday

Запитання 9

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Choose the correct answer. (Bыберите правильный ответ.)

People often eat...

варіанти відповідей

eggs and salads

hot cross eggs

hot cross buns and eggs


Запитання 10

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Choose the correct answer. (Bыберите правильный ответ.)

Children can eat eggs...

варіанти відповідей

only on Saturday

only on Easter Sunday

only on Wednesday


Запитання 11

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Choose the correct answer. (Bыберите правильный ответ.)

On Eeaster Sunday people go...

варіанти відповідей

to school

to the zoo

to the church

go home

Запитання 12

Easter is a great holiday in England and Ukraine. People celebrate this holiday in spring. Before Easter people clean their houses, paint eggs and make hot cross buns. They also buy food and make Easter presents for their relatives and friends.

On Easter Sunday people go to the church, sing songs and pray. Then they come back home from the church and sit around the table to have a big dinner. Also they give presents and Easter cards to each other.

Choose the correct answer. (Bыберите правильный ответ.)

People sit around the big table to...

варіанти відповідей

find the eggs

play games

watch cartoons

have a big dinner

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