
Додано: 17 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 92 рази
13 запитань
Запитання 1

Reading Test

Robbie’s Grandfather

My grandfather lives in the North of England. He is in his early sixties, but he is strong and he still works. He is a Maths teacher. My grandfather is very kind and his pupils like him a lot. They say he is an excellent teacher and they are never tired in his class. He never forgets anything and explains his subject very well. He always speaks in a friendly voice and so they enjoy his lessons.

My granddad lives in the country and every morning, five days a week, gets the bus to school. He doesn’t have to change as the bus takes him right to the school. It’s a through bus. He gets off the bus at half past 8 or there about.

My granddad likes to do many things, but he likes travelling most of all. He often goes to different cities (perhaps once or twice a month) and sometimes he goes to other countries too. He travels by sea, by train or flies. He likes voyages very much and often takes pictures on board the ship. He likes the sea and the wind.

Last month he travelled to Scotland. It was not a lucky trip. He nearly missed his train because he arrived late at the railway station. On the train somebody stole his favourite silver box in which he kept his tobacco. There was no bus or taxi to take him to the hotel where he wanted to stay and so he had to go on foot. When he arrived at the hotel he was tired and went upstairs. However his luggage was not there. So granddad went downstairs again, but couldn’t find it. When he did, it

was midnight and the lift did not work. So he was very unhappy that night and slept badly.

However in the morning the sun began to shine again and life seemed brighter.

“There is nothing like travelling”, my granddad says. “You’ll always enjoy it. Only look on the bright side”.

Task 1


варіанти відповідей

1. Robbie’s grandfather is about 40.

2. He works as a teacher at school.

3. He is a villager.

4. He has to change a bus getting to school.

5. Last month he travelled around the country.

6. He kept sweets in his silver box.

Запитання 2

Task 2

Choose the correct item.

1. Robbie’s grandfather lives __ .

варіанти відповідей

a) in the North of England;

b) in the South of England;

c) in the West of England.

Запитання 3

Task 2

Choose the correct item.

2. He works __ .

варіанти відповідей

a) four days a week;

b) five days a week;

c) six days a week.

Запитання 4

Task 2

Choose the correct item.

3. He likes __ .

варіанти відповідей

a) singing;

b) travelling;

c) reading.

Запитання 5

Task 2

Choose the correct item.

4. When he was travelling, he nearly missed his train because __ .

варіанти відповідей

a) he was busy at school;

b) it rained;

c) he arrived late at the railway station.

Запитання 6

Task 2

Choose the correct item.

5. Somebody stole his favourite __ .

варіанти відповідей

a) silver box;

b) umbrella;

c) book.

Запитання 7

Task 2

Choose the correct item.

6. Robbie’s grandfather arrived in Scotland very late at night so he had to get to the hotel __ .

варіанти відповідей

a) by train;

b) on foot;

c) by taxi.

Запитання 8

Task 3

Answer the questions.

1. How old is Robbie’s grandfather?

варіанти відповідей

1. He is in his early sixties.

2. He is in his early sixteens.

Запитання 9

Task 3

Answer the questions.

2. What is he? Does he explain his subject well?

варіанти відповідей

1. Robbie’s grandfather is an English teacher. He explains his subject badly and always forgets everything.

2. Robbie’s grandfather is a Maths teacher. He explains his subject well and never forgets anything.

Запитання 10

Task 3

Answer the questions.

3. What is his hobby?

варіанти відповідей

1. He likes travelling.

2. He likes cooking.

Запитання 11

Task 3

Answer the questions.

4. Where did he travel last time?

варіанти відповідей

1. He travelled to Ukraine.

2. He travelled to Scotland.

Запитання 12

Task 3

Answer the questions.

5. When did he find his luggage at the hotel?

варіанти відповідей

1. He found it at night.

2. He found it at midnight.

Запитання 13

Task 3

Answer the questions.

6. How did he sleep that night?

варіанти відповідей

1. He slept badly.

2. He slept well.

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