Reading (3)

Додано: 25 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1


   It is spring now. Today is cold and windy. The sun doesn’t shines brightly. The sky is grey. It is cloudy. The wind is blowing. The air is wet.

    I am staying at home. I don’t like to go for a walk when it is not warm outdoors. My sister is reading a book in living-room. I am writing a letter to my friend who live in England.


I. Choose the correct letter.

1.   It is …. now.

варіанти відповідей

a)   spring

b) summer 

c) winter

Запитання 2


   It is spring now. Today is cold and windy. The sun doesn’t shines brightly. The sky is grey. It is cloudy. The wind is blowing. The air is wet.

    I am staying at home. I don’t like to go for a walk when it is not warm outdoors. My sister is reading a book in living-room. I am writing a letter to my friend who live in England.


I. Choose the correct letter.

2.   What’s the weather like today?

варіанти відповідей

a)   sunny and hot

b) cold and windy

c) frosty and snowy

Запитання 3


   It is spring now. Today is cold and windy. The sun doesn’t shines brightly. The sky is grey. It is cloudy. The wind is blowing. The air is wet.

    I am staying at home. I don’t like to go for a walk when it is not warm outdoors. My sister is reading a book in living-room. I am writing a letter to my friend who live in England.


I. Choose the correct letter.

3.     What color is the sky?

варіанти відповідей

a)   black

b) red

c) grey

Запитання 4


   It is spring now. Today is cold and windy. The sun doesn’t shines brightly. The sky is grey. It is cloudy. The wind is blowing. The air is wet.

    I am staying at home. I don’t like to go for a walk when it is not warm outdoors. My sister is reading a book in living-room. I am writing a letter to my friend who live in England.


I.              Choose the correct letter.

4.   I am staying at…

варіанти відповідей

a)   school

b) home

c) classroom

Запитання 5


   It is spring now. Today is cold and windy. The sun doesn’t shines brightly. The sky is grey. It is cloudy. The wind is blowing. The air is wet.

    I am staying at home. I don’t like to go for a walk when it is not warm outdoors. My sister is reading a book in living-room. I am writing a letter to my friend who live in England.


I.              Choose the correct letter.

5.   My sister is…

варіанти відповідей

a)   reading

b) writing

c) running 

Запитання 6


   It is spring now. Today is cold and windy. The sun doesn’t shines brightly. The sky is grey. It is cloudy. The wind is blowing. The air is wet.

    I am staying at home. I don’t like to go for a walk when it is not warm outdoors. My sister is reading a book in living-room. I am writing a letter to my friend who live in England.


I.              Choose the correct letter.

6.   Who lives in England?

варіанти відповідей

a) mother

b) sister

c) friend

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