Reading Comprehension 3rd Grade

Додано: 15 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading-3Form-1
Тест виконано: 1168 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

This is Tania. She is nine. In summer she lives in a big house near the sea.

Every morning Tania goes to the beach with her family. Tania loves swimming. 

In the afternoon she sometimes goes to the park with her friends. They ride their bikes and they play volleyball.

In the evening she always plays with her pet. It is a cat. It’s white and black. It likes to eat and play.

1. Tania lives .........

варіанти відповідей

she always plays with her pet.

she goes to the park with her friends.

in a big house.

she goes to the beach with her family.

Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

This is Tania. She is nine. In summer she lives in a big house near the sea.

Every morning Tania goes to the beach with her family. Tania loves swimming. 

In the afternoon she sometimes goes to the park with her friends. They ride their bikes and they play volleyball.

In the evening she always plays with her pet. It is a cat. It’s white and black. It likes to eat and play.

2.Every morning.......

варіанти відповідей

she always plays with her pet.

she goes to the park with her friends.

in a big house.

she goes to the beach with her family.

Запитання 3

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

This is Tania. She is nine. In summer she lives in a big house near the sea.

Every morning Tania goes to the beach with her family. Tania loves swimming. 

In the afternoon she sometimes goes to the park with her friends. They ride their bikes and they play volleyball.

In the evening she always plays with her pet. It is a cat. It’s white and black. It likes to eat and play.

3. In the afternoon.....

варіанти відповідей

 she always plays with her pet.

she goes to the park with her friends.

in a big house.

she goes to the beach with her family.

Запитання 4

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

This is Tania. She is nine. In summer she lives in a big house near the sea.

Every morning Tania goes to the beach with her family. Tania loves swimming. 

In the afternoon she sometimes goes to the park with her friends. They ride their bikes and they play volleyball.

In the evening she always plays with her pet. It is a cat. It’s white and black. It likes to eat and play.

4. In the evening......

варіанти відповідей

she always plays with her pet.

 she goes to the park with her friends.

  in a big house.

she goes to the beach with her family.

Запитання 5

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

This is Tania. She is nine. In summer she lives in a big house near the sea.

Every morning Tania goes to the beach with her family. Tania loves swimming. 

In the afternoon she sometimes goes to the park with her friends. They ride their bikes and they play volleyball.

In the evening she always plays with her pet. It is a cat. It’s white and black. It likes to eat and play.

5. How old is she?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

This is Tania. She is nine. In summer she lives in a big house near the sea.

Every morning Tania goes to the beach with her family. Tania loves swimming. 

In the afternoon she sometimes goes to the park with her friends. They ride their bikes and they play volleyball.

In the evening she always plays with her pet. It is a cat. It’s white and black. It likes to eat and play.

6. What is her pet?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 7

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

This is Tania. She is nine. In summer she lives in a big house near the sea.

Every morning Tania goes to the beach with her family. Tania loves swimming. 

In the afternoon she sometimes goes to the park with her friends. They ride their bikes and they play volleyball.

In the evening she always plays with her pet. It is a cat. It’s white and black. It likes to eat and play.

7. Where does Tania live?

варіанти відповідей

near the mountains

near the sea

near the lake

Запитання 8

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

This is Tania. She is nine. In summer she lives in a big house near the sea.

Every morning Tania goes to the beach with her family. Tania loves swimming. 

In the afternoon she sometimes goes to the park with her friends. They ride their bikes and they play volleyball.

In the evening she always plays with her pet. It is a cat. It’s white and black. It likes to eat and play.

8. Tania loves to eat and sleep.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

This is Tania. She is nine. In summer she lives in a big house near the sea.

Every morning Tania goes to the beach with her family. Tania loves swimming. 

In the afternoon she sometimes goes to the park with her friends. They ride their bikes and they play volleyball.

In the evening she always plays with her pet. It is a cat. It’s white and black. It likes to eat and play.

9. In the evening she reads a book.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

Read the text and choose the correct variant.

This is Tania. She is nine. In summer she lives in a big house near the sea.

Every morning Tania goes to the beach with her family. Tania loves swimming. 

In the afternoon she sometimes goes to the park with her friends. They ride their bikes and they play volleyball.

In the evening she always plays with her pet. It is a cat. It’s white and black. It likes to eat and play.

10. Tania lives in a small house. 

варіанти відповідей



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