Holidays and their symbols
People of each country have a lot of holidays. Some holidays are public, some are religious. All these holidays are part of our culture. Holidays are always fun. We usually prepare a lot of presents and write greeting cards to congratulate our friends and relatives.
All the greeting cards have pictures — symbols of every holіday. You can often see a nice cake and flowers on the cards, congratulating with birthday, and pictures of hearts on St Valentine’s cards.
New Year’s tree and candles are the symbols of New Year. Santa Claus and a red stocking are the symbols of Christmas. Children prepare stockings so that Santa could put presents in them.
Beautifully coloured eggs are the symbol of Easter. Pumpkin with cut eyes and mouth is the symbol of Halloween, and a roast turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day in America. Spring flowers are usually in the pictures which we prepare for Mother’s Day. Be careful when you choose the greeting card, don’t mix up.
Read the text and choose True or False.
1.There are public and religious holidays.
Holidays and their symbols
People of each country have a lot of holidays. Some holidays are public, some are religious. All these holidays are part of our culture. Holidays are always fun. We usually prepare a lot of presents and write greeting cards to congratulate our friends and relatives.
All the greeting cards have pictures — symbols of every holіday. You can often see a nice cake and flowers on the cards, congratulating with birthday, and pictures of hearts on St Valentine’s cards.
New Year’s tree and candles are the symbols of New Year. Santa Claus and a red stocking are the symbols of Christmas. Children prepare stockings so that Santa could put presents in them.
Beautifully coloured eggs are the symbol of Easter. Pumpkin with cut eyes and mouth is the symbol of Halloween, and a roast turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day in America. Spring flowers are usually in the pictures which we prepare for Mother’s Day. Be careful when you choose the greeting card, don’t mix up.
Read the text and choose True or False.
2.The symbols of the birthday are cake and pumpkin with cut eyes and mouth
Holidays and their symbols
People of each country have a lot of holidays. Some holidays are public, some are religious. All these holidays are part of our culture. Holidays are always fun. We usually prepare a lot of presents and write greeting cards to congratulate our friends and relatives.
All the greeting cards have pictures — symbols of every holіday. You can often see a nice cake and flowers on the cards, congratulating with birthday, and pictures of hearts on St Valentine’s cards.
New Year’s tree and candles are the symbols of New Year. Santa Claus and a red stocking are the symbols of Christmas. Children prepare stockings so that Santa could put presents in them.
Beautifully coloured eggs are the symbol of Easter. Pumpkin with cut eyes and mouth is the symbol of Halloween, and a roast turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day in America. Spring flowers are usually in the pictures which we prepare for Mother’s Day. Be careful when you choose the greeting card, don’t mix up.
Read the text and choose True or False.
3. The symbol of New Year is a stocking.
Holidays and their symbols
People of each country have a lot of holidays. Some holidays are public, some are religious. All these holidays are part of our culture. Holidays are always fun. We usually prepare a lot of presents and write greeting cards to congratulate our friends and relatives.
All the greeting cards have pictures — symbols of every holіday. You can often see a nice cake and flowers on the cards, congratulating with birthday, and pictures of hearts on St Valentine’s cards.
New Year’s tree and candles are the symbols of New Year. Santa Claus and a red stocking are the symbols of Christmas. Children prepare stockings so that Santa could put presents in them.
Beautifully coloured eggs are the symbol of Easter. Pumpkin with cut eyes and mouth is the symbol of Halloween, and a roast turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day in America. Spring flowers are usually in the pictures which we prepare for Mother’s Day. Be careful when you choose the greeting card, don’t mix up.
Read the text and choose True or False.
4. All the greeting cards have pictures — symbols of every holіday.
Holidays and their symbols
People of each country have a lot of holidays. Some holidays are public, some are religious. All these holidays are part of our culture. Holidays are always fun. We usually prepare a lot of presents and write greeting cards to congratulate our friends and relatives.
All the greeting cards have pictures — symbols of every holіday. You can often see a nice cake and flowers on the cards, congratulating with birthday, and pictures of hearts on St Valentine’s cards.
New Year’s tree and candles are the symbols of New Year. Santa Claus and a red stocking are the symbols of Christmas. Children prepare stockings so that Santa could put presents in them.
Beautifully coloured eggs are the symbol of Easter. Pumpkin with cut eyes and mouth is the symbol of Halloween, and a roast turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day in America. Spring flowers are usually in the pictures which we prepare for Mother’s Day. Be careful when you choose the greeting card, don’t mix up.
Read the text and choose True or False.
5. Beautifully coloured eggs are the symbol of Christmas.
Holidays and their symbols
People of each country have a lot of holidays. Some holidays are public, some are religious. All these holidays are part of our culture. Holidays are always fun. We usually prepare a lot of presents and write greeting cards to congratulate our friends and relatives.
All the greeting cards have pictures — symbols of every holіday. You can often see a nice cake and flowers on the cards, congratulating with birthday, and pictures of hearts on St Valentine’s cards.
New Year’s tree and candles are the symbols of New Year. Santa Claus and a red stocking are the symbols of Christmas. Children prepare stockings so that Santa could put presents in them.
Beautifully coloured eggs are the symbol of Easter. Pumpkin with cut eyes and mouth is the symbol of Halloween, and a roast turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day in America. Spring flowers are usually in the pictures which we prepare for Mother’s Day. Be careful when you choose the greeting card, don’t mix up.
Read the text and choose True or False.
6.Spring flowers are usually in the pictures which we prepare for Mother’s Day
Task 2. Choose correct answer.
1.What is the symbol of St. Valentine Day?
Task 2. Choose correct answer.
2. Pumpkin is the symbol of …?
Task 2. Choose correct answer.
3. Children prepare … so that Santa could put presents in them.
Task 2. Choose correct answer.
4. Beautifully coloured eggs are the symbol of ….
Task 2. Choose correct answer
5. A roast turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day in ….
6. What are the symbols of New Year's Day?
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