
Додано: 25 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 103 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Travelling by train is (1) ..... than by plane. But Mary likes to(2) train. She went to her grandmother by train last (3) .........Her train was comfortable with a (4) ....... She (5) .......see beautiful (6) ..... and forests through the (7) ..... window and she (8) .....books.

варіанти відповідей

• travel

• slower

• could

• read

• dining-car

• fields

• compartment

• summer

Запитання 2

Travelling by train is (1) ..... than by plane. But Mary likes to(2) train. She went to her grandmother by train last (3) .........Her train was comfortable with a (4) ....... She (5) .......see beautiful (6) ..... and forests through the (7) ..... window and she (8) .....books.

варіанти відповідей

• travel

• could

• slower •

• read

• dining-car

• fields

• compartment

• summer

Запитання 3

Travelling by train is (1) ..... than by plane. But Mary likes to(2) train. She went to her grandmother by train last (3) .........Her train was comfortable with a (4) ....... She (5) .......see beautiful (6) ..... and forests through the (7) ..... window and she (8) .....books.

варіанти відповідей

• travel

• slower

• could

• read

• dining-car

• fields

• compartment

• summer

Запитання 4

Travelling by train is (1) ..... than by plane. But Mary likes to(2) train. She went to her grandmother by train last (3) .........Her train was comfortable with a (4) ....... She (5) .......see beautiful (6) ..... and forests through the (7) ..... window and she (8) .....books.

варіанти відповідей

• travel

• slower

• could

• read

• dining-car

• fields

• compartment

• summer

Запитання 5

Travelling by train is (1) ..... than by plane. But Mary likes to(2) train. She went to her grandmother by train last (3) .........Her train was comfortable with a (4) ....... She (5) .......see beautiful (6) ..... and forests through the (7) ..... window and she (8) .....books.

варіанти відповідей

• travel • slower • could • read • dining-car • fields

• compartment • summer •

• slower

• could

• read

• dining-car

• fields

• compartment

• summer

Запитання 6

Travelling by train is (1) ..... than by plane. But Mary likes to(2) train. She went to her grandmother by train last (3) .........Her train was comfortable with a (4) ....... She (5) .......see beautiful (6) ..... and forests through the (7) ..... window and she (8) .....books.

варіанти відповідей

• travel • slower • could • read • dining-car • fields

• compartment • summer •

• slower

• could

• read

• dining-car

• fields

• compartment

• summer

Запитання 7

Travelling by train is (1) ..... than by plane. But Mary likes to(2) train. She went to her grandmother by train last (3) .........Her train was comfortable with a (4) ....... She (5) .......see beautiful (6) ..... and forests through the (7) ..... window and she (8) .....books.

варіанти відповідей

• travel

• slower

• could

• read

• dining-car

• fields

• compartment

• summer

Запитання 8

Travelling by train is (1) ..... than by plane. But Mary likes to(2) train. She went to her grandmother by train last (3) .........Her train was comfortable with a (4) ....... She (5) .......see beautiful (6) ..... and forests through the (7) ..... window and she (8) .....books.

варіанти відповідей

• travel

• compartment

• slower

• could

• read

• dining-car

• fields

• summer

Запитання 9

Find the right questions to the sentence.

Mary likes to travel by train.

варіанти відповідей

What does Mary like to do?

What do Mary likes to do?

What Mary does like to do?

Запитання 10

Find the right question to the sentence.

She went to her grandmother by train last summer.

варіанти відповідей

When did she went to her grandmother by train?

When did she go to her grandmother by train?

When she did go to her grandmother by train?

Запитання 11

Find the right question to the sentence.

She could.see beautiful fields and forests. 

варіанти відповідей

What could she see? 

What she could see? 

What could see she? 

Запитання 12

Find the right question to the sentence.

She read books in the train last summer.

варіанти відповідей

Where did she read books last summer?

Where she did read books last summer?

Where did she read books in the train last summer?

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