
Додано: 22 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 10 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Homeless People

The sad situation of the homeless remains a problem. It is difficult to estimate how many people are homeless because the number depends on how the homeless are defined. There are street people - those who sleep in bus stations, parks, and other areas. Many of these people are youthful runaways. There are the so-called sheltered homeless - those who sleep in government supported or privately funded shelters. Many of these individuals used to live with their families or friends. While street people are almost always single, the sheltered homeless include numerous families with children. Conservatives argue that many homeless are alcoholics, drug users, or mentally ill. In contrast, many liberals argue that homelessness is caused by a reduction in welfare benefits and by excessively priced housing. They want more shelters to be built for the homeless.

1. We can understand from the reading that the number of homeless people --

варіанти відповідей

is not so great as many people think

is on the increase in many countries

is counted annually

is difficult to know

has been decreasing for the past decade

Запитання 2

Homeless People

The sad situation of the homeless remains a problem. It is difficult to estimate how many people are homeless because the number depends on how the homeless are defined. There are street people - those who sleep in bus stations, parks, and other areas. Many of these people are youthful runaways. There are the so-called sheltered homeless - those who sleep in government supported or privately funded shelters. Many of these individuals used to live with their families or friends. While street people are almost always single, the sheltered homeless include numerous families with children. Conservatives argue that many homeless are alcoholics, drug users, or mentally ill. In contrast, many liberals argue that homelessness is caused by a reduction in welfare benefits and by excessively priced housing. They want more shelters to be built for the homeless.

2. According to the passage, liberals ----.

варіанти відповідей

think that the problem of homelessness cannot be solved

want more shelters for the homeless

are of the opinion that most homeless people are mentally ill

want the government to ban sleeping on park benches

believe that it is not possible to cure the problem of homelessness even

with a consistent government policy

Запитання 3

Homeless People

The sad situation of the homeless remains a problem. It is difficult to estimate how many people are homeless because the number depends on how the homeless are defined. There are street people - those who sleep in bus stations, parks, and other areas. Many of these people are youthful runaways. There are the so-called sheltered homeless - those who sleep in government supported or privately funded shelters. Many of these individuals used to live with their families or friends. While street people are almost always single, the sheltered homeless include numerous families with children. Conservatives argue that many homeless are alcoholics, drug users, or mentally ill. In contrast, many liberals argue that homelessness is caused by a reduction in welfare benefits and by excessively priced housing. They want more shelters to be built for the homeless.

. It is clearly stated in the reading that the sheltered homeless ----.


варіанти відповідей

are mostly youthful runaways

sleep in parks or in bus stations

can have families with children

are generally drug users and alcoholics

are in worse conditions than street people

Запитання 4

Friendships are so important (1) ---- an eight year old child. The lucky eight-year-old will live in a neighborhood (2) ---- group play is readily available. He also will have a best friend (3) ---- they may have frequent disagreements and fights. He gets along especially well with older children, but parents (4) ---- sure that any older playmates are a positive influence (5) ---- negative

варіанти відповідей


1. at

1. to

1. from

1. through

Запитання 5

Friendships are so important (1) ---- an eight year old child. The lucky eight-year-old will live in a neighborhood (2) ---- group play is readily available. He also will have a best friend (3) ---- they may have frequent disagreements and fights. He gets along especially well with older children, but parents (4) ---- sure that any older playmates are a positive influence (5) ---- negative

варіанти відповідей

2. which

2. when

2. that

2. of which

2. where

Запитання 6

Friendships are so important (1) ---- an eight year old child. The lucky eight-year-old will live in a neighborhood (2) ---- group play is readily available. He also will have a best friend (3) ---- they may have frequent disagreements and fights. He gets along especially well with older children, but parents (4) ---- sure that any older playmates are a positive influence (5) ---- negative.

варіанти відповідей

3. though

3. therefore

3. despite

3. since

3. because

Запитання 7

Friendships are so important (1) ---- an eight year old child. The lucky eight-year-old will live in a neighborhood (2) ---- group play is readily available. He also will have a best friend (3) ---- they may have frequent disagreements and fights. He gets along especially well with older children, but parents (4) ---- sure that any older playmates are a positive influence (5) ---- negative.

варіанти відповідей

4. used to make

4. should make

4. could have made

4. ought to be made

4. would rather make

Запитання 8

Friendships are so important (1) ---- an eight year old child. The lucky eight-year-old will live in a neighborhood (2) ---- group play is readily available. He also will have a best friend (3) ---- they may have frequent disagreements and fights. He gets along especially well with older children, but parents (4) ---- sure that any older playmates are a positive influence (5) ---- negative.

варіанти відповідей

5. instead

5. despite

5. owing to

5. rather than

5. because of

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