reading 9

Додано: 26 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 148 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Task 1.

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article and use the words below to replace the words in bold

If pandas die out, I will be very sad

варіанти відповідей






become extinct

Запитання 2

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article and use the words below to replace the words in bold

It is important that we keep all animals safe

варіанти відповідей






 become extinct

Запитання 3

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article and use the words below to replace the words in bold

Animals need a safe environment to stay alive.

варіанти відповідей






become extinct

Запитання 4

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article and use the words below to replace the words in bold

Some birds go back to the same place every summer

варіанти відповідей






 become extinct

Запитання 5

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article and use the words below to replace the words in bold

It’s terrible. Hunters look for lions and kill them

варіанти відповідей






become extinct

Запитання 6

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article and use the words below to replace the words in bold

How did the baby elephant get to the river?

варіанти відповідей






become extinct

Запитання 7

Task 2.

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article about Jake again. Choose the best answer

  Jake decided to help

варіанти відповідей

because he loves the sea


so that he could visit Spain

after he learnt something

Запитання 8

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article about Jake again. Choose the best answer 

Caretta caretta is

варіанти відповідей

an animal

a Spanish organisation

the name of a place

Запитання 9

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article about Jake again. Choose the best answer

Why are sandy beaches important?

варіанти відповідей

People swim there

Nice buildings are there

Turtles leave their eggs there

Запитання 10

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article about Jake again. Choose the best answer

Baby turtles

варіанти відповідей

can get lost

prefer towns

stay away from lights

Запитання 11

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article about Jake again. Choose the best answer

What did Jake do on the beach?

варіанти відповідей

He counted nests

He protected eggs

He gave food for other animals

Запитання 12

I never used to care about animals or the environment, but when I read that pandas and polar bears could become extinct, I changed my mind.

That's why I decided to help. I love the sea so I joined an organisation in Spain that protects Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle. They were looking for volunteers, so I flew there in the summer to help.

I learned a lot about the loggerhead turtle. It is disappearing because people build near the sandy beaches where the turtle needs to leave its eggs. Also, baby turtles sometimes need the moonlight to find the sea. Plus, loggerhead turtles eat plastic rubbish because it looks like fish, and they die. They need clean beaches to survive.

I had an interesting job. Every day, I searched for turtle nests and counted the eggs in them. Then I put cages around the nests to protect them. At night, I checked the beach to make sure that no animals were trying to eat the eggs. I also cleaned the beach and helped baby turtles return to the ocean.

The best day was when some baby turtles walked slowly towards the water. I watched closely, ready to help if one went the wrong way.When the babies entered the water and swam away, I felt like crying, but I was so happy to help them.

Read the article about Jake again. Choose the best answer

How did Jake feel when the turtles had left?  

варіанти відповідей

helpful but sad

happy and helpful

sad and happy

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