Reading 9th Form

Додано: 3 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 15 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

1. According to the text what has the worst effecr on the human brain?

варіанти відповідей

Spending less that 30 minutes outdoors

Answering emails and listening to the news

Watching social media

Spending about ten hours a day with technology

Запитання 2

According to the text which one is NOT true camping?

варіанти відповідей

A camping trip can take a few days

During a camping trip because people can be more physically active

Camping is as busy as everyday life

Camping can be peaceful and relaxing

Запитання 3

Scientists have found out that:

варіанти відповідей

A short time in nature is best for tired brain

Three days in nature can give the brain a complete rest

Spending a short time outdoors with your device calms your brain

Spending time in nature does not improve your memory

Запитання 4

What is the reason for giving your brain a rest in nature?

варіанти відповідей

It can work better

It stays less busy in everyday life

You can remember your camping trip

You can work with technology more

Запитання 5

One of the reasons for camping is:

варіанти відповідей

Learning how to get wet in the rain

Learning about animals and environments in a different way

Teaching nature how to behave

Learning how to dress for the animals

Запитання 6

According to the text which statement does NOT talk about camping

варіанти відповідей

It helps you deal with difficulties

It can involve learning important skills

It puts a lot of pressure on the brain

It can inprove your health

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