Reading Animals

Додано: 8 січня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: закінчи речення

1) My favourite animals and birds are ___

варіанти відповідей

parrots, bears and tortoises;

parrots, foxes and tortoises;

parrots, bears and cats.

Запитання 2

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: закінчи речення

2) Parrots eat__

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Запитання 3

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: закінчи речення

3) Some bears live in the ___

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Запитання 4

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: закінчи речення

4) Bears are ___

варіанти відповідей

very big;

very little;


Запитання 5

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: закінчи речення

5)Tortoises live in ___

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Запитання 6

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: обери True/False.

6) I do not like animals and birds.

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Запитання 7

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: обери True/False.

7) Parrots live in forests.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: обери True/False.

8)Bears can climb and run.

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Запитання 9

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: обери True/False.

9)Tortoises live in deserts.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: обери True/False.

10)Tortoises can fly

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

Прочитай текст та зроби завдання під ним:

I like animals and birds. I often go to the zoo.Parrots, bears, tortoises are my favourite. Parrots live in forests. They can fly and sing. They are beautiful. They eat fruit. Some bears live in the mountains. They can climb and run. They are very big. Tortoises live in rivers. They can swim. They are slow.

Завдання: обери True/False.

11)I never go to the zoo

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