Reading comprehension - 2 term, 9 Form

Додано: 7 червня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 292 рази
18 запитань
Запитання 1

1. Read the text and do the tasks.

Like all large cities, London has a lot of different parts and the river joins them together.

The oldest part of it is the City of London. There was a town here when the Romans came. The Romans built a new city with a bridge and a city wall. It became an important part with many industries. Today the City is an international financial centre, full of offices and banks. Over 2 million people work in the city during the day, but only a few thousand live there.

London hasn't always been the capital of England. The first capital was Winchester. But London has always been the richest city. The kings of England often needed money. So they moved their capital close to London.But they didn't want to live in London itself. It was dirty, smelly and dangerous. So they made their capital at Westminster. At first the two cities of London and Westminster were separate and there were fields between them. But slowly they grow together into one city. Until the 20th century most people and goods travelled between the different parts of London along the Thames. It was quicker and safer to travel along the river than along the roads.The kings built their city of Westminster to the west of the City, because the prevailing wind in Britain is from the West. This wind blew all the smells from the port and the factories in London towards the east. As the city grew, the rich people lived in the West End and poor people lived in the East End.

This is changing now, because the docks and a lot of the industries in the East End have closed. Now Dockland is becoming a new financial centre and a fashionable place to live.


The kings built their city of Westminster to the west of the City.

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Запитання 2

1. 2) The prevailing wind in Britain is from the East.

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Запитання 3

1. 3) As the city grew, the rich people lived in the East End and poor people lived in the West End.

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Запитання 4

1. 4) The oldest part of London is Westminster.

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Запитання 5

1. 5) In the past it was quicker and safer to travel along the river Thames than along the roads.

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Запитання 6

1. 6) The docks are in the West End.

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Запитання 7

2. Read the text. What does it say? Choose the correct variant

Hi Scott.

My cousin is coming for a few days and I thought we could show him the city, take him out to that Indian place and maybe watch some football on TV.


варіанти відповідей

Jonathan sent the message to ask where the Indian place was.

Jonathan sent the message because he wants to include Scott in his plans.

Jonathan sent the message to invite Scott to the stadium to watch a football match

Запитання 8

3. Read the text. What does it say? Choose the correct variant

The city of Bedford invite you to its annual


on Saturday 18 August

If you are over 18 sign up and compete with some of our city’s best athletes.

Prize will be awarded during the closing ceremony at 6 in the evening.

варіанти відповідей

This is the first time this event has been organized.

Prizes will be awarded on Sunday.

Children cannot participate in this event.

Запитання 9

4. Read the text. What does it say? Choose the correct variant


No cars beyond this point on flea market days.

(Friday and Saturday)

You may park in car park P6 free of charge and take public transport to the market.

варіанти відповідей

You need to use public transport to get to car park P6.

You can drive through this area only on weekdays.

Twice a week, the only access to the area is by public transport.

Запитання 10

5. Read the text and choose correct varint.

Fiona Ellis has a very challenging job. Some people think it’s a fun way to earn a living, but it’s actually very hard work and it can be stressful. Fiona often works long hours and has to travel a lot. What does she do? She scouts for models – that means she looks for new models that could be the next face of fashion. She runs the models department of the talent agency Independent, the agency that represents many of the most famous actors and models in the world, including Daniel Craig (star of the new Bond film) and the model Elizabeth Hurley.


Fiona travels all over Britain looking for new models. She goes to all the places young people go such as music festivals, clothes shops, train stations and clubs. She goes scouting twice a week. Although she sees hundreds of young people in a day, she doesn’t often find what she’s looking for. In the five years she has been at Independent, they have only taken on thirty-six new models.

Fiona is famous for finding unusual attractive models. So what does she look for in a possible new model? Surprisingly, it is not always beautiful girls. ‘People think models have to be beautiful or glamorous, but I look for different qualities … a special ‘something’. That could be the way they walk or their long wavy hair or their smile.’ Modelling is not an easy job – the girls have to be punctual and hard-working. Being sociable is important too because they work with a lot of different people. ‘It’s like being an actor,’ says Fiona. ‘You have to move your face and body so that the designer and photographer like the image. And you have to do it again and again if necessary. When the photographer starts, you aren’t allowed to move until he lets you move.’

1) Fiona’s job is challenging because she ...

варіанти відповідей

has a lot of fun

has to work hard

never gets stressed

Запитання 11

5. 2) Fiona’s job is sometimes ...

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not very hard work

Запитання 12

5. 3) In her job, Fiona tries to find ...

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 new models

famous actors

fashionable people

Запитання 13

5. 4) Fiona goes to music festivals because ...

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she wants to hear young people’s music

she prefers them to clothes shops

many young people go to them

Запитання 14

5. 5) In the last five years, Fiona ...

варіанти відповідей

has met hundreds of interesting people

has not found many new models

has often found what she was looking for

Запитання 15

5. 6) Photographers ...

варіанти відповідей

tell the models when they can move

choose images with the designers

don’t move when they are taking photos

Запитання 16

5. 7) The girls that Fiona chooses are ...

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always beautiful

usually glamorous

attractive but unusual

Запитання 17

6. 1) Read the following film review and tick (√) all the false statements.


In this fourth film in Disney’s pirate series, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is trying to find the Fountain of Youth. This fountain can make the person who drinks from it younger.

But this task will not be easy. A well-known pirate Blackbeard (played by Ian McShane) also wants to find this fountain and does not want anyone to stay on his way. His cruel daughter Angelica (played by Penelope Cruz) supports him in the process of searching.

Directed by Rob Marshall, this new film is quite different from the previous three. First of all, it is based on a novel and not on a script. Another difference is that in this film you can see real-life historical figures like King George II of England and King Ferdinand VI of Spain. Additionally, the new film is the first to be shown in digital 3D format.

However, there is one thing that did not change. It is Jack Sparrow with his interesting behavior, unique clothing style and tendency to get himself in all kinds of trouble. Jack is the most unforgettable character and a true hero of the series.

варіанти відповідей

Jack Sparrow is a well-known pirate.

The part of Angelica is played by Penelope Cruz.

The characters of the film are searching for the Fountain of Happiness.

The film can’t be watched in 3D format.

Запитання 18

6. 2) Put the events in order.

a) Another difference is that in this film you can see real-life historical figures like King George II of England and King Ferdinand VI of Spain. 

b) His cruel daughter Angelica (played by Penelope Cruz) supports him in the process of searching.

c) It is Jack Sparrow with his interesting behavior, unique clothing style and tendency to get himself in all kinds of trouble.

d) Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is trying to find the Fountain of Youth. 

e) Directed by Rob Marshall, this new film is quite different from the previous three.

варіанти відповідей

a, c, d, b, e

d, b, e, a, c

d, b, e, c, a

b, a, c, d, e

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