Reading Comprehension 10 grade 2 term

Додано: 29 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 355 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and do tasks. (The text appears only once)

In Britain, a lot of people say that teenagers do not eat good food. Television chefs have tried to encourage teenagers and young people to eat better food; but still, lots of young people in Britain prefer a daily diet of hamburgers and other fast food. Freeway magazine asked some British teenagers for their opinion about "fast food".

FREEWAY: People say that today's young people like nothing apart from "fast food"; do you think this is true? And what do you think of fast food?

GORDON: I don't have anything against it, really! It's O.K! I mean, you hear people saying it's all junk food, but most of the time it tastes good. Though I wouldn't want to live off it all the time!

DANNY: Yeah, if you mean hamburgers and whatever, there's nothing wrong with them. They're good food! They fill you up

; and that's what food's supposed to do, isn't it? I mean there's meat, vegetables and bread and cheese; as far as I'm concerned, that's a pretty balanced diet.

GORDON: Yeah, hamburgers are all right. I mean, my mum says it's all junk, but frankly I can't really see what makes it any different from the stuff she cooks. I mean bread's bread, isn't it, and steak's steak, as far as I'm concerned.

KATHY: I tend to agree. Like, personally I'm not all that keen on hamburgers - they just make you fat - but if

you go to a McDonald's or somewhere like that, you can get salads and things too....

JO: Well yes, 'course you can, but that's not the point, is it? I mean the thing about junk food is that it's all deep frozen, it's never fresh....

KATHY: What d'you mean? You can't get deep-frozen salads...

JO: Well maybe not the salads... but the rest's all deep frozen industrial stuff.

GORDON: But so is most of the food you get these days...

JO: It isn't at all! What about all the organic stuff, and fresh meat and things like that.

GORDON: Yes, OK... but who says it’s any better than deep frozen stuff?

DANNY: It certainly doesn't taste better, and it's much more hassle.

FREEWAY: Don't you eat fresh food at home then?

DANNY: Yeah, of course, from time to time; but most of the time my mum does stuff out of the deep freeze. It's good!

JO: what sort of stuff?

DANNY: All sorts of stuff. Pizzas, fish fingers, lasagna, things like that.

JO: You're not really suggesting that deep frozen pizza's as good as the real thing, are you? 

DANNY: What d'you mean 'the real thing'? Deep frozen pizza's perfectly real, and fine by me... once it's been heated up, I mean!

KATHY: Anyway, who eats home-made pizza at home anyway? No-one does! D'you?

JO: No, 'cos I'm a vegetarian!

KATHY: That doesn't stop you eating pizza, does it?

JO: It depends what kind of pizza it is, doesn't it? I mean I love a good vegetarian pizza.

DANNY: D'you eat cheese then?

JO: Yes, I'm not vegan.

GORDON: I think you've got to be sensible about it really: like as I said, I like hamburgers, but I wouldn't want to go round eating them every day; and there's some things that are better than others, obviously. I mean, look at chicken nuggets f'r instance. People think they're eating meat, but they're 90% nugget and only 10% meat. I reckon things like that are a rip off; you're really being conned!

JO: But it's the same with all junk food, isn't it?

GORDON: What d'you know about it? You just said you were a veggie!

JO: Yeah, I am now, but I didn't use to be! If you want to know, the reason I went vegetarian is because I got sick of tasteless junk food.

DANNY: Maybe you ate the wrong stuff! Most of the things I eat are pretty tasty, to be quite honest!

JO: Yeah, I'm sure they are! But it's all done with chemicals and flavourings, isn't it? You never know what you're eating!

DANNY: So what, it's not poison, is it? You can kill yourself by eating poisonous mushrooms, can't you, and they're quite natural...

GORDON: And organic....

JO: Well look at mad cow disease...

GORDON: Well that was an extreme case, wasn't it? An' anyway, how many people have caught it? About twenty! Probably as many as died from eating bad fruit....

WORDS:  conned: deceived, tricked - diet: what you eat - fine by me: good, in my opinion - frankly: honestly - junk: rubbish, very poor quality - hassle: trouble - I'm not all that keen on: I don't particularly like - mad cow disease: a fatal illness of cows, BSE - organic: natural, produced without chemicals - pretty: quite - rip off: a deception, very bad value for money - stuff: things - the point: the subject - vegan: someone who eats no animal products at all.

The main idea of the first paragraph:

варіанти відповідей

Many teens turn to dieting to try to change their body and feel better about themselves;

Vain attempts have been made to accustom adolescents to healthy eating;

TV chefs have tried to improve burgers and other fast food to make teens eat better food;

British teens have a different opinion of fast food than adults.

Запитання 2

What does Gordon think of fast food?

варіанти відповідей

Most people eat junk food all the time.

Не doesn’t consider it as a “bad” food, but this is the foods you should try not to have on a regular basis.

Junk food always tastes good.

Gordon would like to eat it all the time.

Запитання 3

Gordon supposes that

варіанти відповідей

hamburgers and other junk foods are really different from the stuff his mum cooks.

McDonald's hamburgers are made of good quality nowadays.

junk food is one that fulfills all of a person’s nutritional needs like any dish her mother cooks.

his mum makes better steaks than he eats at McDonald's.

Запитання 4

What is the reason of misunderstanding occurred between Jo and Danny?

варіанти відповідей

Jo doesn’t agree with Danny that deep frozen pizzas, fish fingers, lasagna are tasty things;

Danny is sure that deep frozen pizza's perfectly real if it isn’t heated up.

Jo is surprised that Danny likes deep frozen pizzas more than home-made pizzas.

Jo can’t believe that Danny considers a pizza which is taken out of the freezer is the natural.

Запитання 5

We know about Jo that he

варіанти відповідей

is afraid of mad cow disease and to be poisoned with poisonous mushrooms.

does not eat animal products.

quit eating meat because he regards fast food to be made with flavor additives and preservatives.

has been a vegetarian since his childhood.

Запитання 6

Which of the following is not mentioned in the text:

варіанти відповідей

Most of the teens strive to have healthy eating habits.

One of them considers that regular junk food intake leads to health problems such as obesity.

One of the teenagers says that people are deceived, when they eat poor-quality foods.

Some of the four teenagers aren’t against eating fast food if it is not very often.

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