Reading Comprehension

Додано: 20 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the right event according to the advertisement _______


варіанти відповідей

Light Festival

Book Fair

Harvest Festival

Halloween Carnival

Запитання 2

Choose the right event according to the advertisement _______

варіанти відповідей

Harvest Festival

Halloween Carnival

Automobile Carnival

Sports Lottery

Запитання 3

Choose the right event according to the advertisement _______

варіанти відповідей

Automobile Carnival

Sports Day

Sports Lottery

Light Festival

Запитання 4

Choose the right event according to the advertisement _______

варіанти відповідей

Light Festival

Automobile Carnival

Halloween Carnival

Book Fair

Запитання 5

Choose the right event according to the advertisement _______

варіанти відповідей

Automobile Carnival

Aviation Day

Sports Day

Light Festival

Запитання 6

Bournemouth Beach

Bournemouth Beach is an 11 km stretch of sand and a fantastic playground for families. Bournemouth was the first beach to introduce the family-friendly Kidzone scheme, where your children wear a coloured wristband, which will help keep them within the coloured beach zones and make it easy to identify them if they wander off.

This besch _______

варіанти відповідей

helps to find lost kids

has a lifeguard team

offers a dance course

is for visitors with pets

Запитання 7

Ainsdale Beach

With a Blue-F lag award for its clean swimming waters, Ainsdale Beach is the ideal place for a relaxing family day out. The beach offers lots of activities to keep your children entertained, including fabulous sand dunes. Family activities at the beach include kite surfing and parakarting, and there are donkeys in the nearby village, which children love.

This beach ______

варіанти відповідей

boasts rich fauna

has shopping facilities

has received a prize

offers a dance course

Запитання 8

New Quay

New Quay, near Cardigan in Wales is a must-see if your family loves animals. You’re more likely to see dolphins in the wild here than in any other part of the UK. The Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre, based in New Quay, runs boat trips in the summer, so you can see for yourself the seals, birds, dolphins and porpoises that visit this beautiful coastline.

This beach ______

варіанти відповідей

provides a boat rental service

has received a prize

helps to find lost kids

boasts rich fauna

Запитання 9

Three Shells Beach

This compact, sandy beach is very popular with families. Three Shells Beach is very clean, with lots of play equipment for children of all ages. There’s also an Adventure Island Theme Park nearby, stands and stalls, cafés and a picnic area so you and your family can make the best of your day at this beautiful beach.

This beach ______

варіанти відповідей

has shopping facilities

helps to find lost kids

offers a dance course

has a lifeguard team

Запитання 10

Shell Beach

On the small island of Herm in the Channel Islands, you’ll discover the Shell Beach, named after the millions of tiny shells that make up its sand. It is a stunning, unspoilt beach that allows dogs all year round. At low tide, exciting rock pools are revealed, which provide hours of entertainment for young explorers.

This beach _________

варіанти відповідей

has received a prize

is for visitors with pets

boasts rich fauna

has shopping facilities

Запитання 11

Blackpool Sands

This family beach is one of Devon’s most popular attractions. There’s a safe swimming area for children, as well as sand pits, a bathing raft and kayaks for hire, so there’s no danger of boredom. Set in a sheltered bay and surrounded by evergreens and pines, it is a great place to relax.

This beach _________

варіанти відповідей

provides a boat rental service

is for visitors with pets

has a lifeguard team

helps to find lost kids

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