Choose the correct item to answer the question.
1. Why did the students decide to start a social project?
Choose the correct item to answer the question.
2. What was the name of the project?
Choose the correct item to answer the question.
3. What did the students do after they had identified the problem?
Choose the correct item to answer the question.
4. What did the teachers do?
Choose the correct item to answer the question.
5. What do the students think of the result of their work?
Choose the correct item to make word combination (according to the text).
6. To outline ...
Choose the correct item to make word combination (according to the text).
7. To identify ...
Choose the correct item to make word combination (according to the text).
8. To develop ...
Choose the correct item to make word combination (according to the text).
9. To present ...
Choose the correct item to make word combination (according to the text).
10. To discuss ...
Choose the correct item to make word combination (according to the text).
11. To avoid ...
Choose the correct item to make word combination (according to the text).
12. To complete ...
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