Reading comprehension 3rd grade. Smart junior 3

Додано: 22 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Dialogue 1:  -     Hi, Jill. Were you at home yesterday afternoon? There was a good film on TV.

-       No, I wasn't at home. My friend Maria from Italy was here, and we were at the shopping center.

-       How was it?

-       There were a lot of people at the shopping center. It was very noisy, but it was fun.

1. Jill was at home yesterday afternoon. 

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Запитання 2

Hi, Jill. Were you at home yesterday afternoon? There was a good film on TV.

-       No, I wasn't at home. My friend Maria from Italy was here, and we were at the shopping center.

-       How was it?

-       There were a lot of people at the shopping center. It was very noisy, but it was fun.

2. Jill and Maria went to the shopping center yesterday afternoon. 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Dialogue 1:  -     Hi, Jill. Were you at home yesterday afternoon? There was a good film on TV.

-       No, I wasn't at home. My friend Maria from Italy was here, and we were at the shopping center.

-       How was it?

-       There were a lot of people at the shopping center. It was very noisy, but it was fun.

3. There were many people at the shopping center. 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

 Dialogue 2:  -   Where were you yesterday evening, Bill? Were you at the theatre with Jim?

-       No, I wasn't.  I was at home. There was a good film on TV.

-       Was the film funny?

-       No it wasn't. It was very scary. 

4. Bill was at the theatre with Jim yesterday evening. 

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Запитання 5

Dialogue 2:  -   Where were you yesterday evening, Bill? Were you at the theatre with Jim?

-       No, I wasn't. I was at home. There was a good film on TV.

-       Was the film funny?

-       No it wasn't. It was very scary. 

5. The film Bill watched on TV was sad

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Запитання 6

Dialogue 3 :  -   Hello, Kate. Were you at the park yesterday?

-      No, I wasn't. I was at the cinema.

-      How was it?

-      It was great. The film was funny and the popcorn was delicious.

6. Kate went to the park yesterday. 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Dialogue 1:  -     Hi, Jill. Were you at home yesterday afternoon? There was a good film on TV.

-       No, I wasn't at home. My friend Maria from Italy was here, and we were at the shopping center.

-       How was it?

-       There were a lot of people at the shopping center. It was very noisy, but it was fun.

7. Where was Jill the previous day?

варіанти відповідей

A. At home

B. At the shopping center

C. At the park

D. At the cinema

Запитання 8

Dialogue 1:  -     Hi, Jill. Were you at home yesterday afternoon? There was a good film on TV.

-       No, I wasn't at home. My friend Maria from Italy was here, and we were at the shopping center.

-       How was it?

-       There were a lot of people at the shopping center. It was very noisy, but it was fun.

8. What did Jill and her friend Maria do at the shopping center?

варіанти відповідей

A. Watched a film

B. Went to the theater

C. Went shopping

D. Were at the park

Запитання 9

 Dialogue 2:  -   Where were you yesterday evening, Bill? Were you at the theatre with Jim?

-       No, I wasn't. I was at home. There was a good film on TV.

-       Was the film funny?

-       No it wasn't. It was very scary. 

9.What did Bill watch on TV the previous evening?

варіанти відповідей

A. A funny film

B. A scary film

C. A good film

D. No film, he was at home

Запитання 10

Dialogue 3 :  -  Hello, Kate. Were you at the park yesterday?

-      No, I wasn't. I was at the cinema.

-      How was it?

-      It was great. The film was funny and the popcorn was delicious.

10. Where was Kate?

варіанти відповідей

A. At the park

B. At home

C. At the cinema

D. At the theatre

Запитання 11

Dialogue 3 :  -  Hello, Kate. Were you at the park yesterday?

-      No, I wasn't. I was at the cinema.

-      How was it?

-      It was great. The film was funny and the popcorn was delicious.

11. What did Kate say about the film she watched at the cinema?

варіанти відповідей

A. It was a good film

B. The film was scary

C. The film was funny 

D. She went with a friend

Запитання 12

Dialogue 1:  -     Hi, Jill. Were you at home yesterday afternoon? There was a good film on TV.

-       No, I wasn't at home. My friend Maria from Italy was here, and we were at the shopping center.

-       How was it?

-       There were a lot of people at the shopping center. It was very noisy, but it was fun.

12. Who went with Jill to the shopping center?

варіанти відповідей

A. Her friend Maria

B. Her friend Jim

C. Her brother

D. Her sister

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