Reading Comprehension 6th form

Додано: 9 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 43 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, I often call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

Hanna and Julie are cousins.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, I often call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collectsthem on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and theylove my poems.

Hanna and Julie are classmates.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, I often call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

They are fourteen years old.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, Ioften call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

The girls live in the same street.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, Ioften call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

They usually go to the shopping-mall on Sundays.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, Ioften call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

The girls have the same hobby.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, Ioften call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

The girls are ____

варіанти відповідей

fourteen years old.

fifteen years old.

thirteen years old.

Запитання 8

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, Ioften call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

During the break at school they sometimes __________.

варіанти відповідей



talk with friends

Запитання 9

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, Ioften call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

Julie and Hanna often__________ together.

варіанти відповідей

play sports

do homework

take photos

Запитання 10

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, Ioften call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

The girls go to the shopping- mall ______ .

варіанти відповідей

on Fridays

on Mondays

on Sundays

Запитання 11

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, Ioften call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

They seldom eat__________ at the cinema.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 12

Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna, we are always together. We are 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to walk together. When we have a break in school, we often play games and sometimes we have lunch. We always go home together and talk about our hobbies. When I am doing my homework and I don’t understand a question, Ioften call Hanna for help and we do it together. When we finish our homework we always talk. We never go to sleep without talking.

At the weekends, we usually go to the shopping-mall. Hanna always wants to go shopping but I sometimes want to go to the cinema. We plan our day together and we never quarrel. On Saturdays, we watch films, we usually eat pizza and rarely eat popcorn.

We like to wear beautiful clothes, jeans and T-shirts, pretty dresses or skirts. When I want to wear jeans, I often ask Hanna to give me her T-shirt because she has got really cool clothes. And I sometimes give her my dresses.

Hanna has an interesting hobby. She likes to take photos. She has got many beautiful pictures and she collects them on her computer.

I have a hobby too. I write poems and I think my poems are good. I read them to my parents and friends and they love my poems.

Julie's hobby is ______ .

варіанти відповідей

going shopping

writing poems

taking photos

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