Reading Comprehension A1

Додано: 2 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 74 рази
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Endangered Animals

Beluga whale are the beautiful white whales of the Arctic. The word 'beluga' meaning white, however, these white whales are born dark gray.They can take up to eight years before they turn completely white. The belugas can swim backwards. Their dives may last up to 25 minutes and can reach depth of 880 meters. They are endangered because of climate change, hunting, oil and gas development and pollution. Besides, polar bears and killer whales may catch belugas for food.

Read the text. Write T(True) or F(False)

1. Beluga whales live in the Arctic.

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Запитання 2

2. Belugas are born completely white.

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Запитання 3

3. They may dive for about 25 minutes.

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Запитання 4

4. Belugas are not endangered because of pollution.

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Запитання 5

5. They can live in peace with polar bear!

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Запитання 6

Baby panda found alone

A few month (1) _____ a family found a very young panda in the forest in China. The panda (2) _____ trying to climb a tree when they found it, but it (3) _____ a broken leg, so it couldn't climb.

The family took the panda (4) _____ the nearby zoo. At the zoo there (5) _____ other pandas. The zoo knew how to take care of the injured panda.

Two weeks ago, the family visited the zoo. The panda was much bigger and he was (6) _____ happily with other young pandas!

Read. Choose the right words.

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Запитання 7

Baby panda found alone

A few month (1) _____ a family found a very young panda in the forest in China. The panda (2) _____ trying to climb a tree when they found it, but it (3) _____ a broken leg, so it couldn't climb.

The family took the panda (4) _____ the nearby zoo. At the zoo there (5) _____ other pandas. The zoo knew how to take care of the injured panda.

Two weeks ago, the family visited the zoo. The panda was much bigger and he was (6) _____ happily with other young pandas!

Read. Choose the right words.

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Запитання 8

Baby panda found alone

A few month (1) _____ a family found a very young panda in the forest in China. The panda (2) _____ trying to climb a tree when they found it, but it (3) _____ a broken leg, so it couldn't climb.

The family took the panda (4) _____ the nearby zoo. At the zoo there (5) _____ other pandas. The zoo knew how to take care of the injured panda.

Two weeks ago, the family visited the zoo. The panda was much bigger and he was (6) _____ happily with other young pandas!

Read. Choose the right words.

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Запитання 9

Baby panda found alone

A few month (1) _____ a family found a very young panda in the forest in China. The panda (2) _____ trying to climb a tree when they found it, but it (3) _____ a broken leg, so it couldn't climb.

The family took the panda (4) _____ the nearby zoo. At the zoo there (5) _____ other pandas. The zoo knew how to take care of the injured panda.

Two weeks ago, the family visited the zoo. The panda was much bigger and he was (6) _____ happily with other young pandas!

Read. Choose the right words.

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Запитання 10

Baby panda found alone

A few month (1) _____ a family found a very young panda in the forest in China. The panda (2) _____ trying to climb a tree when they found it, but it (3) _____ a broken leg, so it couldn't climb.

The family took the panda (4) _____ the nearby zoo. At the zoo there (5) _____ other pandas. The zoo knew how to take care of the injured panda.

Two weeks ago, the family visited the zoo. The panda was much bigger and he was (6) _____ happily with other young pandas!

Read. Choose the right words.

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Запитання 11

Baby panda found alone

A few month (1) _____ a family found a very young panda in the forest in China. The panda (2) _____ trying to climb a tree when they found it, but it (3) _____ a broken leg, so it couldn't climb.

The family took the panda (4) _____ the nearby zoo. At the zoo there (5) _____ other pandas. The zoo knew how to take care of the injured panda.

Two weeks ago, the family visited the zoo. The panda was much bigger and he was (6) _____ happily with other young pandas!

Read. Choose the right words.

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Запитання 12

Answer the questions:

1. Where did they find the young panda?

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in the forest

at the zoo

Запитання 13

2. What was the matter with the panda?

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had a broken leg

trying to climb a tree

Запитання 14

3. Did the family take the panda home?

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Yes, they did

No, they didn't

Запитання 15

4. How was the panda when the family saw it again?

варіанти відповідей

The panda was playing with other pandas

The panda was crying

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