Reading comprehension I term 6 form (2d year)

Додано: 2 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 216 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

1. Read the parts of the text about Marco's school and put them into the correct order.

a. Lunch is at 12.30. There is a shop next to the gym and it sells sandwiches and

other snacks.

b. Lessons start at 8. 45 in the morning and you have to be at school before 8.30.

There are four lessons in the morning, two before the morning break and two

after the break. The morning break is from 10. 20 to 10. 50.

c. Lessons start again at 1.45 and finish at 3.30. On Tuesdays, everybody has P.E.

lesson. You must have a sport uniform for it. On Thursdays, school finishes an

hour early at 2. 30.

d. Welcome to St. Michael's Secondary school! I hope that you like it.

варіанти відповідей

1 - a

1 - b

1 - c

1 - d

Запитання 2

1. Read the parts of the text about Marco's school and put them into the correct order.

a. Lunch is at 12.30. There is a shop next to the gym and it sells sandwiches and

other snacks.

b. Lessons start at 8. 45 in the morning and you have to be at school before 8.30.

There are four lessons in the morning, two before the morning break and two

after the break. The morning break is from 10. 20 to 10. 50.

c. Lessons start again at 1.45 and finish at 3.30. On Tuesdays, everybody has P.E.

lesson. You must have a sport uniform for it. On Thursdays, school finishes an

hour early at 2. 30.

d. Welcome to St. Michael's Secondary school! I hope that you like it.

варіанти відповідей

2 - a

2 - b

2 - c

2 - d

Запитання 3

1. Read the parts of the text about Marco's school and put them into the correct order.

a. Lunch is at 12.30. There is a shop next to the gym and it sells sandwiches and

other snacks.

b. Lessons start at 8. 45 in the morning and you have to be at school before 8.30.

There are four lessons in the morning, two before the morning break and two

after the break. The morning break is from 10. 20 to 10. 50.

c. Lessons start again at 1.45 and finish at 3.30. On Tuesdays, everybody has P.E.

lesson. You must have a sport uniform for it. On Thursdays, school finishes an

hour early at 2. 30.

d. Welcome to St. Michael's Secondary school! I hope that you like it.

варіанти відповідей

3 - a

3 - b

3 - c

3 - d

Запитання 4

1. Read the parts of the text about Marco's school and put them into the correct order.

a. Lunch is at 12.30. There is a shop next to the gym and it sells sandwiches and

other snacks.

b. Lessons start at 8. 45 in the morning and you have to be at school before 8.30.

There are four lessons in the morning, two before the morning break and two

after the break. The morning break is from 10. 20 to 10. 50.

c. Lessons start again at 1.45 and finish at 3.30. On Tuesdays, everybody has P.E.

lesson. You must have a sport uniform for it. On Thursdays, school finishes an

hour early at 2. 30.

d. Welcome to St. Michael's Secondary school! I hope that you like it.

варіанти відповідей

4 - a

4 - b

4 - c

4 - d

Запитання 5

2. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1. At St. Marko's school lessons start at …

варіанти відповідей

8. 45


we don`t know

Запитання 6

II. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

2. You can buy sandwiches and other snacks …

варіанти відповідей

at the shop next to the gym

at the shop near the school

at the café next to the gym

Запитання 7

II. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

3. Pupils must be at school …

варіанти відповідей

at 8. 45

before 8.30

at 12.30

Запитання 8

II. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

4. How many lessons in the morning do they have?

варіанти відповідей

four lessons

two lessons

at 12.30

Запитання 9

III Write short answers to the questions.

1. When does school finish an hour early?

варіанти відповідей

on Mondays

on Thursdays

on Tuesdays

Запитання 10

III. Write short answers to the questions.

2. When does lunch start?

варіанти відповідей

Lunch is at twelve oc'lock.

Lunch is at twenty past twelve.

Lunch is at half past twelve.

Запитання 11

III Write short answers to the questions.

3. What do you need for the P. E. lessons?

варіанти відповідей

a sport uniform

a school uniform

a pencilcase

Запитання 12

III. Write short answers to the questions.

4. When do pupils from St. Michael`s Secondary school are usually free?

варіанти відповідей

at half past one

at half past two

at half past three

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