Plastic is cheap and useful, and it's an important part of modern life. But we throw it away and it pollutes our cities, towns, countryside, rivers, seas and oceans. We have to produce less plastic and stop using plastic bags. We need to recycle plastic, and we need to think of ways to clean up our environment and save the planet.
One young engineer, Tateh Lehbib Braica, has found an amazing way to recycle rubbish that people throw away. Tateh's family lives in the Algerian desert, in a house with a metal roof. The metal made the house too hot, and when there were storms, the wind blew the roof off. So Tateh decided to build a home → with plastic bottles! People thought he was crazy, but the house was so good that Tateh got £43,000 from an organisation to build twenty-five more houses!
Each house needs about 6,000 plastic bottles, and four people can build one in a week. The workers fill the bottles with sand. Then they use them as bricks to make the walls. The walls are very strong, and they keep the house cool. This is important in the desert, where the temperature is often higher than 50°C.
Read the article and choose the best title.
What do we have to stop using?
What is Tateh Lehbib Braica's job?
What kind of rubbish does he recycle?
What is he going to do with £43,000?
What do the workers put inside the plastic bottles?
Why are Tateh's houses good for people who live in the desert?
What is the main problem with plastic according to the text?
Who is Tateh Lehbib Braica?
What did Tateh use to build houses?
How many bottles are needed to build one house?
How long does it take to build a house?
Why did Tateh fill the bottles with sand?
What is special about the houses Tateh builds?
What are some of the problems caused by plastic waste?
What did Tateh Lehbib Braica do to address the issue of plastic waste?
Why did Tateh's family need to build a new house?
How did Tateh use plastic bottles to build the new house?
How long does it take four people to build one of these houses?
What are the benefits of the houses built with plastic bottles?
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