Reading Form 3 (2 semester) (М.Ростоцька, О.Карп'юк)

Додано: 20 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 57 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Прочитай текст та обери відповідь до поданих тверджень:

My summer holidays

I like summer holidays very much. Usually I spend June with my parents at the seaside. I like to swim in the Black Sea and lay in the sun.

In July I go to the camp. The camp is near my town. We have a lot of fun at the camp. There is a forest near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.

August comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents. We spend a lot of time near the river fishing or swimming.

I return home at the end of August, meet my friends and we have a picnic.

I like summer and enjoy my summer holidays very much.

I like summer holidays very much.

варіанти відповідей

true (правда)

false (неправда)

Запитання 2

I like to swim in the Sea of Azov and lay in the sun.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

I like ________ holidays very much.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

In July I go to the … 

варіанти відповідей




my grandparents

Запитання 5

_______ comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

I spend June with my ... .

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 7

We have a … at the camp. 

варіанти відповідей



lot of fun

many games

Запитання 8

My summer holidays

I like summer holidays very much. Usually I spend June with my parents at the seaside. I like to swim in the Black Sea and lay in the sun.

In July I go to the camp. The camp is near my town. We have a lot of fun at the camp. There is a forest near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.

August comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents. We spend a lot of time near the river fishing or swimming.

I return home at the end of August, meet my friends and we have a picnic.

I like summer and enjoy my summer holidays very much.

Позначте відповідне речення

Біля табору є ліс, куди ми ходимо на пікнік вранці. 

варіанти відповідей

There is a forest near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.

In July I go to the camp.

The camp is near my town.

We have a lot of fun at the camp.

Запитання 9

My summer holidays

I like summer holidays very much. Usually I spend June with my parents at the seaside. I like to swim in the Black Sea and lay in the sun.

In July I go to the camp. The camp is near my town. We have a lot of fun at the camp. There is a forest near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.

August comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents. We spend a lot of time near the river fishing or swimming.

I return home at the end of August, meet my friends and we have a picnic.

I like summer and enjoy my summer holidays very much.

Позначте відповідне речення

Я повертаюсь додому наприкінці серпня, зустрічаю своїх друзів і ми влаштовуємо пікнік

варіанти відповідей

We spend a lot of time near the river fishing or swimming.

August comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents.

I return home at the end of August, meet my friends and we have a picnic.

I like summer and enjoy my summer holidays very much.

Запитання 10

My summer holidays

I like summer holidays very much. Usually I spend June with my parents at the seaside. I like to swim in the Black Sea and lay in the sun.

In July I go to the camp. The camp is near my town. We have a lot of fun at the camp. There is a forest near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.

August comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents. We spend a lot of time near the river fishing or swimming.

I return home at the end of August, meet my friends and we have a picnic.

I like summer and enjoy my summer holidays very much.

Позначте відповідне речення

Я люблю купатися в Чорному морі і засмагати. 

варіанти відповідей

I like to swim in the Black Sea and lay in the sun.

We have a lot of fun at the camp.

We spend a lot of time near the river fishing or swimming.

I return home at the end of August

Запитання 11

Where is the camp?

варіанти відповідей

near my town

near my house

near my shop

near my grandparents

Запитання 12

What do we have in the forest near our camp?

варіанти відповідей




morning exercises

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