Reading II 9th form

Додано: 13 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 190 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and tick the correct box.

Winchester is considered to be the first capital of England. It was built about 70 AD as a Roman town. This was a market place with many shops and public buildings and the forum in the centre.

The last Roman soldier left Britain in 407. Town life then was broken down.

Late in the 9th century Alfred the Great, the first king of all England, was crowned here. He revived the old Roman town. It then became and remained the capital and the most important city in England until the 11th century and the arrival of William the Conqueror. However, by the 14th century the city had lost its place as the second most important city and began to change into what it is today – a small, sleepy, provincial town.

At present Winchester combines the best of city life with the freshness of the surrounding countryside.

With popular tourist attractions and architecture including a magnificent cathedral, award-winning pubs and restaurants and a variety of shops, Winchester is a popular tourist destination.

Most of the things to see and do in Winchester, and the places to eat, drink and sleep are within an easy walking distance from each other and the railway station.

Winchester is surrounded by picturesque Hampshire villages and beautiful countryside of the South Downs National Park. So, you can take a walk towards Twyford along water meadows, and on St Catherine`s Hill.

On balance, Winchester is a beautiful historic city not far from London, and it is surely worth a visit.

What city is considered to be the first capital of England?

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Запитання 2

Read the text and tick the correct box.

Winchester is considered to be the first capital of England. It was built about 70 AD as a Roman town. This was a market place with many shops and public buildings and the forum in the centre.

The last Roman soldier left Britain in 407. Town life then was broken down.

Late in the 9th century Alfred the Great, the first king of all England, was crowned here. He revived the old Roman town. It then became and remained the capital and the most important city in England until the 11th century and the arrival of William the Conqueror. However, by the 14th century the city had lost its place as the second most important city and began to change into what it is today – a small, sleepy, provincial town.

At present Winchester combines the best of city life with the freshness of the surrounding countryside.

With popular tourist attractions and architecture including a magnificent cathedral, award-winning pubs and restaurants and a variety of shops, Winchester is a popular tourist destination.

Most of the things to see and do in Winchester, and the places to eat, drink and sleep are within an easy walking distance from each other and the railway station.

Winchester is surrounded by picturesque Hampshire villages and beautiful countryside of the South Downs National Park. So, you can take a walk towards Twyford along water meadows, and on St Catherine`s Hill.

On balance, Winchester is a beautiful historic city not far from London, and it is surely worth a visit.

What king was crowned in Winchester in the 9th century?

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Запитання 3

Read the text and tick the correct box.

Winchester is considered to be the first capital of England. It was built about 70 AD as a Roman town. This was a market place with many shops and public buildings and the forum in the centre.

The last Roman soldier left Britain in 407. Town life then was broken down.

Late in the 9th century Alfred the Great, the first king of all England, was crowned here. He revived the old Roman town. It then became and remained the capital and the most important city in England until the 11th century and the arrival of William the Conqueror. However, by the 14th century the city had lost its place as the second most important city and began to change into what it is today – a small, sleepy, provincial town.

At present Winchester combines the best of city life with the freshness of the surrounding countryside.

With popular tourist attractions and architecture including a magnificent cathedral, award-winning pubs and restaurants and a variety of shops, Winchester is a popular tourist destination.

Most of the things to see and do in Winchester, and the places to eat, drink and sleep are within an easy walking distance from each other and the railway station.

Winchester is surrounded by picturesque Hampshire villages and beautiful countryside of the South Downs National Park. So, you can take a walk towards Twyford along water meadows, and on St Catherine`s Hill.

On balance, Winchester is a beautiful historic city not far from London, and it is surely worth a visit.

Is Winchester far from London?

варіанти відповідей

very far

not far

Запитання 4

Read the text and tick the correct box.

It’s true that many scientific researches remain off the public attention. There are those studies that represent inventions and discoveries that “cannot or should not be reproduced”. Every year these inventions are awarded the lg Nobel Prize.

The lg Nobel Prize as a parody of the Nobel Prize and given out in late September or early October each year for ten unusual scientific discoveries. The lg Nobel Prizes honour achievements that make people laugh, and then think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the originality, honour the imagination and raise people’s interests in science, medicine and technology.

The prizes are presented to the winners by actual Nobel laureates. One person, Sir Andre Geim, has actually won both an lg Nobel Prize (in 2000) and a real Nobel Prize (in 2010). He won the lg Nobel Prize for an experiment where he and another scientist successfully levitated a frog using magnets.

Some other examples of works that resulted in people winning lg Nobel Prizes are: for the discovery that cows who are given names produce more milk than cows that don’t have names; for the invention of Clocky – an alarm clock on wheels that hides making you get out of bed, find it and turn it off; for the research why woodpeckers don’t get headaches.

The lg Nobels may be silly, but that’s the point – not all the science has to be serious.

To paraphrase the lg Nobel’s motto, if something makes someone laugh, it doesn’t mean it won’t also make them think about important things that exist in the world.

What is the lg Nobel Prize?

варіанти відповідей

inventions and discoveries that “cannot or should not be reproduced”

inventions and discoveries that “can or should be reproduced”

inventions and discoveries that "have already been reproduced”

Запитання 5

Read the text and tick the correct box.

It’s true that many scientific researches remain off the public attention. There are those studies that represent inventions and discoveries that “cannot or should not be reproduced”. Every year these inventions are awarded the lg Nobel Prize.

The lg Nobel Prize as a parody of the Nobel Prize and given out in late September or early October each year for ten unusual scientific discoveries. The lg Nobel Prizes honour achievements that make people laugh, and then think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the originality, honour the imagination and raise people’s interests in science, medicine and technology.

The prizes are presented to the winners by actual Nobel laureates. One person, Sir Andre Geim, has actually won both an lg Nobel Prize (in 2000) and a real Nobel Prize (in 2010). He won the lg Nobel Prize for an experiment where he and another scientist successfully levitated a frog using magnets.

Some other examples of works that resulted in people winning lg Nobel Prizes are: for the discovery that cows who are given names produce more milk than cows that don’t have names; for the invention of Clocky – an alarm clock on wheels that hides making you get out of bed, find it and turn it off; for the research why woodpeckers don’t get headaches.

The lg Nobels may be silly, but that’s the point – not all the science has to be serious.

To paraphrase the lg Nobel’s motto, if something makes someone laugh, it doesn’t mean it won’t also make them think about important things that exist in the world.

When is it given?

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Запитання 6

Read the text and tick the correct box.

It’s true that many scientific researches remain off the public attention. There are those studies that represent inventions and discoveries that “cannot or should not be reproduced”. Every year these inventions are awarded the lg Nobel Prize.

The lg Nobel Prize as a parody of the Nobel Prize and given out in late September or early October each year for ten unusual scientific discoveries. The lg Nobel Prizes honour achievements that make people laugh, and then think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the originality, honour the imagination and raise people’s interests in science, medicine and technology.

The prizes are presented to the winners by actual Nobel laureates. One person, Sir Andre Geim, has actually won both an lg Nobel Prize (in 2000) and a real Nobel Prize (in 2010). He won the lg Nobel Prize for an experiment where he and another scientist successfully levitated a frog using magnets.

Some other examples of works that resulted in people winning lg Nobel Prizes are: for the discovery that cows who are given names produce more milk than cows that don’t have names; for the invention of Clocky – an alarm clock on wheels that hides making you get out of bed, find it and turn it off; for the research why woodpeckers don’t get headaches.

The lg Nobels may be silly, but that’s the point – not all the science has to be serious.

To paraphrase the lg Nobel’s motto, if something makes someone laugh, it doesn’t mean it won’t also make them think about important things that exist in the world.

What achievements does it honour?

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Запитання 7

Read the text and tick the correct boxes.

The term “normcore” refers to a modern fashion trend. It’s often called “anti-fashion” because the key feature of this style is dressing simple or even dull, for example, white snickers, zip-up sweatshirts and black trousers. The same styles both for men and women and dark colours are very popular. The key is to look comfortable and effortless. The icon of the movement are celebrities such as Jerry Seinfeld and Steve Jobs.

варіанти відповідей

The text describes a new music trend.

The normcore style is marked by bright colours.

If you are a normcore, your outfit is rather traditional and normal-looking.

Some famous people choose to follow the normcore trend.

Запитання 8

Read the text and tick the correct boxes.

Although it may seem that subcultures are disappearing, there are new trends that come to life. Among them are cybergoths.

Cybergoths is a movement that unites fans of electronic goth music marked by dark lyrics and vocals. Cybergoth clothing looks like traditional goth outfit and includes vinyl black dresses, neon accessories, hair, and make-up. “Cyberlocks”, goggles, gas masks, fishnet stockings, coloured lenses, ultraviolet jewelry and radioactive symbols are other cybergoth trends.

варіанти відповідей

The text says that all subcultures have disappeared.

Cybergoths are computer geeks.

Cybergoths are fond of electronic music with dark lyrics and vocals.

Cybergoth outfit is similar to the clothes that traditional goths wear. 

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