F. 6. London. Reading Test

Додано: 11 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading (II term) - 6th form
Тест виконано: 273 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 1.


              London is the capital of the (1) ... . It stands on the river (2) ... . London is a very (3) ... city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big (4) ... and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people (5) ... here. London is one of the biggest cities in the (6) ... The Thames is not a (7) ... river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long.There are many green (8) ... and famous monuments in the center of the city. Tourists from all over the world (9) ... this beautiful capital.

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British Isles



Запитання 2

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 2.


              London is the capital of the (1) ... . It stands on the river (2) ... . London is a very (3) ... city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big (4) ... and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people (5) ... here. London is one of the biggest cities in the (6) ... The Thames is not a (7) ... river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long.There are many green (8) ... and famous monuments in the center of the city. Tourists from all over the world (9) ... this beautiful capital.

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Запитання 3

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 3.


              London is the capital of the (1) ... . It stands on the river (2) ... . London is a very (3) ... city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big (4) ... and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people (5) ... here. London is one of the biggest cities in the (6) ... The Thames is not a (7) ... river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long.There are many green (8) ... and famous monuments in the center of the city. Tourists from all over the world (9) ... this beautiful capital.

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Запитання 4

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 4.


              London is the capital of the (1) ... . It stands on the river (2) ... . London is a very (3) ... city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big (4) ... and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people (5) ... here. London is one of the biggest cities in the (6) ... The Thames is not a (7) ... river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long.There are many green (8) ... and famous monuments in the center of the city. Tourists from all over the world (9) ... this beautiful capital.

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Запитання 5

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 5.


              London is the capital of the (1) ... . It stands on the river (2) ... . London is a very (3) ... city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big (4) ... and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people (5) ... here. London is one of the biggest cities in the (6) ... The Thames is not a (7) ... river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long.There are many green (8) ... and famous monuments in the center of the city. Tourists from all over the world (9) ... this beautiful capital.

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Запитання 6

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 6.


              London is the capital of the (1) ... . It stands on the river (2) ... . London is a very (3) ... city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big (4) ... and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people (5) ... here. London is one of the biggest cities in the (6) ... The Thames is not a (7) ... river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long.There are many green (8) ... and famous monuments in the center of the city. Tourists from all over the world (9) ... this beautiful capital.

варіанти відповідей


British Isles



Запитання 7

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 7.


              London is the capital of the (1) ... . It stands on the river (2) ... . London is a very (3) ... city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big (4) ... and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people (5) ... here. London is one of the biggest cities in the (6) ... The Thames is not a (7) ... river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long.There are many green (8) ... and famous monuments in the center of the city. Tourists from all over the world (9) ... this beautiful capital.

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Запитання 8

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 8.


              London is the capital of the (1) ... . It stands on the river (2) ... . London is a very (3) ... city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big (4) ... and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people (5) ... here. London is one of the biggest cities in the (6) ... The Thames is not a (7) ... river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long.There are many green (8) ... and famous monuments in the center of the city. Tourists from all over the world (9) ... this beautiful capital.

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Запитання 9

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 9.


              London is the capital of the (1) ... . It stands on the river (2) ... . London is a very (3) ... city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big (4) ... and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people (5) ... here. London is one of the biggest cities in the (6) ... The Thames is not a (7) ... river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long.There are many green (8) ... and famous monuments in the center of the city. Tourists from all over the world (9) ... this beautiful capital.

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Запитання 10

Find the part of the sentence.

Red Rose is the symbol ....

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of the capital of Wales

on the flag of the UK

of England

in Buckingham Palace

Запитання 11

Find the part of the sentence.

Big Ben is ....

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the capital of Wales.

the money of the UK.

in Buckingham Palace.

the clock.

Запитання 12

Find the part of the sentence.

Cardiff is ......

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the capital of Wales.

the money of the UK.

the clock.

in Buckingham Palace.

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