Reading/ Контроль читання 2 клас 2 семестр

Додано: 24 травня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read (Прочитaй):

My name is Vita. I am a girl. I am seven years old. I like to go to school. I have got a nice teacher. I live with Mum, Dad and my brother. I have got a cat. I like summer. I can swim in the sea and ride a bike. I like to play in the sandpit and make a sandcastle.

Read and say Yes or No (Скажи Так чи Ні):

Vita likes summer.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2


My name is Vita. I am a girl. I am seven years old. I like to go to school. I have got a nice teacher. I live with Mum, Dad and my brother. I have got a cat. I like summer. I can swim in the sea and ride a bike. I like to play in the sandpit and make a sandcastle. 

Read and say Yes or No

She has got a sister.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3


My name is Vita. I am a girl. I am seven years old. I like to go to school. I have got a nice teacher. I live with Mum, Dad and my brother. I have got a cat. I like summer. I can swim in the sea and ride a bike. I like to play in the sandpit and make a sandcastle. 

Read and say Yes or No

Vita likes to go to school.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4


My name is Vita. I am a girl. I am seven years old. I like to go to school. I have got a nice teacher. I live with Mum, Dad and my brother. I have got a cat. I like summer. I can swim in the sea and ride a bike. I like to play in the sandpit and make a sandcastle. 

Read and say Yes or No

Vita has got a dog.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5


My name is Vita. I am a girl. I am seven years old. I like to go to school. I have got a nice teacher. I live with Mum, Dad and my brother. I have got a cat. I like summer. I can swim in the sea and ride a bike. I like to play in the sandpit and make a sandcastle. 

Read and say Yes or No

Vita is 7.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6


My name is Vita. I am a girl. I am seven years old. I like to go to school. I have got a nice teacher. I live with Mum, Dad and my brother. I have got a cat. I like summer. I can swim in the sea and ride a bike. I like to play in the sandpit and make a sandcastle.

Read and say Yes or No

She can ride a bike.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7


My name is Vita. I am a girl. I am seven years old. I like to go to school. I have got a nice teacher. I live with Mum, Dad and my brother. I have got a cat. I like summer. I can swim in the sea and ride a bike. I like to play in the sandpit and make a sandcastle. 

Закінчи речення відповідно до тексту

I have got a nice ...

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8


My name is Vita. I am a girl. I am seven years old. I like to go to school. I have got a nice teacher. I live with Mum, Dad and my brother. I have got a cat. I like summer. I can swim in the sea and ride a bike. I like to play in the sandpit and make a sandcastle. 

Закінчи речення відповідно до тексту

I like to ...

варіанти відповідей

make a sandcastle

catch fish

look for shells

Запитання 9


My name is Vita. I am a girl. I am seven years old. I like to go to school. I have got a nice teacher. I live with Mum, Dad and my brother. I have got a cat. I like summer. I can swim in the sea and ride a bike. I like to play in the sandpit and make a sandcastle. 

Закінчи речення відповідно до тексту (обери декілька відповідей)

I can ...

варіанти відповідей

swim in the sea

ride a bike

catch fish

make a sandcastle

Запитання 10


My name is Vita. I am a girl. I am seven years old. I like to go to school. I have got a nice teacher. I live with Mum, Dad and my brother. I have got a cat. I like summer. I can swim in the sea and ride a bike. I like to play in the sandpit and make a sandcastle. 

Закінчи речення відповідно до тексту

I like to play...

варіанти відповідей

on the swings

with a toy car

in the sandpit

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