Reading Prime Time 1 Module 6

Додано: 6 травня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 130 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Millions of people around the world use mobile phones to keep in touch with friends and family, and there is an 80 % chance that you have got a mobile phone in your pocket or bag. Have you ever wondered , how a mobile network works ?

Answer the question - What is this text about ?

варіанти відповідей

It is about how to use a mobile phone

It is about how a mobile network works

It is about people who use mobile network

Запитання 2

Millions of people around the world use mobile phones to keep in touch with friends and family, and there is an 80 % chance that you have got a mobile phone in your pocket or bag. Have you ever wondered , how a mobile network works ?

Are mobile phones popular nowadays ?

варіанти відповідей

Not really

A lot of people use mobile phones nowdays

People don't use mobile phones a lot

Запитання 3

A mobile phone is actually a sophisticated radio that uses radio waves to communicate, like a really good walkie- talkie.A walkie- talkie uses one channel and one frequency so only one person can talk at the same time.The mobile phone uses two frequencies , one for talking and one for listening , which means both users can talk at the same time, and it can use over 1600 channels.

What waves does a mobile phone use to communicate ?

варіанти відповідей

It uses rado waves

It uses walkie talkie

It doesn't need any waves to communicate

Запитання 4

A mobile phone is actually a sophisticated radio that uses radio waves to communicate, like a really good walkie- talkie.A walkie- talkie uses one channel and one frequency so only one person can talk at the same time.The mobile phone uses two frequencies , one for talking and one for listening , which means both users can talk at the same time, and it can use over 1600 channels.

How many channels and frequencies does a walkie talkie use ?

варіанти відповідей

It uses one channel and two frequencies

It needs one channel and one frequency

It uses more than one channel and more than one frequency

Запитання 5

A mobile phone is actually a sophisticated radio that uses radio waves to communicate, like a really good walkie- talkie.A walkie- talkie uses one channel and one frequency so only one person can talk at the same time.The mobile phone uses two frequencies , one for talking and one for listening , which means both users can talk at the same time, and it can use over 1600 channels.

How many users can talk on the phone at the same time ?

варіанти відповідей

Only one user is possible to talk

Two people can talk at the same time

More than two users can talk at the same time

Запитання 6

When your mobile phone is on, the phone communicates to what we call a base station.A base station is a special antenna which can be on the top of a building or a communication tower. There are usually hundreds of base stations in cities all over the world.Sometimes telephone companies disguise their base stations so you do not even notice them.

When does your mobile phone communicate to a base station ?

варіанти відповідей

When you do not use your mobile phone

When your mobile phone doesn't work

When your mobile phone is on

Запитання 7

When your mobile phone is on, the phone communicates to what we call a base station.A base station is a special antenna which can be on the top of a building or a communication tower. There are usually hundreds of base stations in cities all over the world.Sometimes telephone companies disguise their base stations so you do not even notice them.

Where is usually a base station ?

варіанти відповідей

It is in the building

It is on the building

It is on the ground

Запитання 8

When your mobile phone is on, the phone communicates to what we call a base station.A base station is a special antenna which can be on the top of a building or a communication tower. There are usually hundreds of base stations in cities all over the world.Sometimes telephone companies disguise their base stations so you do not even notice them.

Why can't we sometimes notice base stations ?

варіанти відповідей

Because they are very small

Because companies disguise them

Because they are high in the sky

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