Reading Test

Додано: 2 травня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose one correct answer .

2. Many mountains and hills in the West are dead volcanoes. In Arizona there are thousands of them, separated from one another on the otherwise flat land. There are also volcanoes in the West that are not dead but are sleeping. Who knows when one might blow apart or shoot rock and ashes into the air? Not long ago, the entire side of Mount Saint Helens was blown away - rock and soil were thrown into the air, and forests were blown flat.

A. This story is mostly about -

варіанти відповідей

1. Mount Saint Helens.

2. volcanoes.

3. volcanoes in the West.

4. dead volcanoes.

Запитання 2

Read the text and choose one correct answer .

3.Thousands of years ago, the climate of North America became so cold that great sheets of ice, called glaciers, covered most of Canada and much of the northern part of the United States. The ice sheets were several miles

thick in some places. The glaciers moved, pushing in front of them scooped-out soil and rock, which they left behind when they melted away. These heaps are called moraines. Long Island, Cape Cod, and Martha's Vineyard

are mostly moraines. Huge boulders seen lying in fields were left by a glacier. The water in many, many lakes, including the Great Lakes, fills holes scooped out by glaciers.

There are not as many lakes in the South as in the North because -

варіанти відповідей

1. the glaciers didn't move over the South.

2. there is less water there.

3. the South is less rocky than the North.

4. the holes that the glaciers scooped out have filled up in the South with rock and soil.

Запитання 3

Read the text and choose one correct answer .

5 In New Mexico and Arizona lived the Pueblo Indians. The word "Pueblo" comes from the Spanish word "pueblo," meaning town or village. The Spaniards found these Indians living in apartment houses, some of them

on the side of a cliff so that they could be reached only by ladders. When attacked by Apaches, the Pueblos would pull up the ladders. They grew corn, which they watered with water flowing down in ditches. They wove

cloth, made wonderful baskets, and created jars and pots out of clay.

Which of these does the story not mention?

варіанти відповідей

1. beads

2. pots

3. baskets

4. cloth.

Запитання 4

Read the text and choose one correct answer .

3. Eastern Indians who were related lived in the same house or in nearby houses. Today, we call such a group a "clan." Several clans made up a "tribe." From the old men in each clan a ruler or "sachem" was elected. The

sachems from the clans met together to make rules for the tribe and to punish those who broke the rules. Each clan also elected a war chief, who led the warriors in battle. Some tribes also elected a head war chief.

Sachems were chosen from among

варіанти відповідей

1. the men.

2. the men and women.

3. the old men.

4. the entire clan

Запитання 5

Read the text and choose one correct answer.

2. Many mountains and hills in the West are dead volcanoes. In Arizona there are thousands of them, separated from one another on the otherwise flat land. There are also volcanoes in the West that are not dead but are

sleeping. Who knows when one might blow apart or shoot rock and ashes into the air? Not long ago, the entire side of Mount Saint Helens was blown away - rock and soil were thrown into the air, and forests were blown flat.

"Dead" in this story means -

варіанти відповідей

1. is sleeping.

2. makes no sound or movement.

3. is cold.

4. will never blow up again

Запитання 6

Read the text and choose one correct answer .

4. North America has four great slopes - one slope that rivers flow down toward the Atlantic Ocean, one slope that rivers flow down toward the Hudson Bay and Arctic Ocean, one slope that rivers flow down toward the Gulf of Mexico, and one slope that rivers flow down toward the Pacific Ocean. Land also slopes toward the Great Lakes, but water there empties into the St. Lawrence River and goes on into the Atlantic Ocean.

The St. Lawrence River is full of water from -

варіанти відповідей

1. the Hudson Bay.

2. the Atlantic Ocean.

3. the Great Lakes.

4. the Arctic Ocean.

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