Reading Test

Додано: 13 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 214 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

The people below all want to find a new free-time activity. On the next page there are descriptions of eight clubs. Decide which club would be the most suitable for the following people. For 1–5 write the correct letter A–H.

1 Emma loves using her imagination in a creative way. She loves working on projects with other people, and she would like to visit places and see creative people at work.

варіанти відповідей

A Think! Do you want to know more about international events? We meet once a week for an informal discussion. Each week we watch a film from around the world and/or invite speakers to help us understand recent events. At our next meeting we are showing a film about earthquake rescue teams.

B Games and chat We meet once a week to play computer games. We give our views on new games and talk about games past and present. We also organise trips to game shows to see how designers come up with new ideas and create new games. You’ll discover a whole new world! 

C Party Plus At Party Plus, we are looking for new people to help us. We organise street parties and concerts to raise money for local charities. It’s challenging work, and you have to work with a wide range of people, but you’ll have a lot to offer future employers and you’ll make a difference!

 D Come dine with me We meet regularly to visit restaurants and enjoy eating delicious food from all over the world. We also invite chefs from other countries to tell us about how food is grown and prepared where they come from. There’s usually quite a large group of us, so it’s a wonderful way to meet people.

E Nature lovers Are you interested in nature? Our group has been exploring the wildlife of the city for over 100 years! We organise talks from experts on the animals and plants around us. We also work in small groups to think of ways to improve life for the animals and people in our city!  

   F Action! We are a film club, but we don’t watch films – we make them! We’re always looking for new people with interesting ideas. You will do activities in small groups, so it’s a great way to learn new skills and make friends. We also organise regular trips to film studios to see how the professionals do things. City explorers 

G A world of food. We can teach you to prepare delicious dishes! Our trainers come from five countries, and they love to share their recipes and the history of their cultures. This class will teach you how to create wonderful food in your own kitchen. You never know, you might decide to become a professional chef one day!  

H Get out and about with City explorers! We explore our own city and produce information guides so that visitors can enjoy it too. We also produce maps of the city, past and present, showing how it’s changed. We often get together with groups from other towns and cities to compare information and experiences.  

Запитання 2

2 Marco loves making things, and he enjoys meeting people from other cultures. He would like to learn a skill that he can use outside the class. 

варіанти відповідей

A Think! Do you want to know more about international events? We meet once a week for an informal discussion. Each week we watch a film from around the world and/or invite speakers to help us understand recent events. At our next meeting we are showing a film about earthquake rescue teams.

B Games and chat We meet once a week to play computer games. We give our views on new games and talk about games past and present. We also organise trips to game shows to see how designers come up with new ideas and create new games. You’ll discover a whole new world!

C Party Plus At Party Plus, we are looking for new people to help us. We organise street parties and concerts to raise money for local charities. It’s challenging work, and you have to work with a wide range of people, but you’ll have a lot to offer future employers and you’ll make a difference!

 D Come dine with me We meet regularly to visit restaurants and enjoy eating delicious food from all over the world. We also invite chefs from other countries to tell us about how food is grown and prepared where they come from. There’s usually quite a large group of us, so it’s a wonderful way to meet people.

E Nature lovers Are you interested in nature? Our group has been exploring the wildlife of the city for over 100 years! We organise talks from experts on the animals and plants around us. We also work in small groups to think of ways to improve life for the animals and people in our city!  

  F Action! We are a film club, but we don’t watch films – we make them! We’re always looking for new people with interesting ideas. You will do activities in small groups, so it’s a great way to learn new skills and make friends. We also organise regular trips to film studios to see how the professionals do things. City explorers

G A world of food We can teach you to prepare delicious dishes! Our trainers come from five countries, and they love to share their recipes and the history of their cultures. This class will teach you how to create wonderful food in your own kitchen. You never know, you might decide to become a professional chef one day!

H Get out and about with City explorers! We explore our own city and produce information guides so that visitors can enjoy it too. We also produce maps of the city, past and present, showing how it’s changed. We often get together with groups from other towns and cities to compare information and experiences.

Запитання 3

3 Amina is interested in serious issues. She enjoys listening to talks and learning about life in other countries. She would also like to discuss her ideas and opinions with other people. 

варіанти відповідей

A Think! Do you want to know more about international events? We meet once a week for an informal discussion. Each week we watch a film from around the world and/or invite speakers to help us understand recent events. At our next meeting we are showing a film about earthquake rescue teams.



B Games and chat We meet once a week to play computer games. We give our views on new games and talk about games past and present. We also organise trips to game shows to see how designers come up with new ideas and create new games. You’ll discover a whole new world!

C Party Plus At Party Plus, we are looking for new people to help us. We organise street parties and concerts to raise money for local charities. It’s challenging work, and you have to work with a wide range of people, but you’ll have a lot to offer future employers and you’ll make a difference!


 D Come dine with me We meet regularly to visit restaurants and enjoy eating delicious food from all over the world. We also invite chefs from other countries to tell us about how food is grown and prepared where they come from. There’s usually quite a large group of us, so it’s a wonderful way to meet people.

E Nature lovers Are you interested in nature? Our group has been exploring the wildlife of the city for over 100 years! We organise talks from experts on the animals and plants around us. We also work in small groups to think of ways to improve life for the animals and people in our city!  


F Action! We are a film club, but we don’t watch films – we make them! We’re always looking for new people with interesting ideas. You will do activities in small groups, so it’s a great way to learn new skills and make friends. We also organise regular trips to film studios to see how the professionals do things. City explorers

G A world of food We can teach you to prepare delicious dishes! Our trainers come from five countries, and they love to share their recipes and the history of their cultures. This class will teach you how to create wonderful food in your own kitchen. You never know, you might decide to become a professional chef one day!  

H Get out and about with City explorers! We explore our own city and produce information guides so that visitors can enjoy it too. We also produce maps of the city, past and present, showing how it’s changed. We often get together with groups from other towns and cities to compare information and experiences.  

Запитання 4

4 Niko enjoys going to different places and meeting people from different backgrounds. He’s also keen to find out about the place where he lives. He’s especially interested in history.  

варіанти відповідей

A Think! Do you want to know more about international events? We meet once a week for an informal discussion. Each week we watch a film from around the world and/or invite speakers to help us understand recent events. At our next meeting we are showing a film about earthquake rescue teams.


B Games and chat .We meet once a week to play computer games. We give our views on new games and talk about games past and present. We also organise trips to game shows to see how designers come up with new ideas and create new games. You’ll discover a whole new world!

C Party Plus At Party Plus, we are looking for new people to help us. We organise street parties and concerts to raise money for local charities. It’s challenging work, and you have to work with a wide range of people, but you’ll have a lot to offer future employers and you’ll make a difference!


D Come dine with me .We meet regularly to visit restaurants and enjoy eating delicious food from all over the world. We also invite chefs from other countries to tell us about how food is grown and prepared where they come from. There’s usually quite a large group of us, so it’s a wonderful way to meet people.

E Nature lovers. Are you interested in nature? Our group has been exploring the wildlife of the city for over 100 years! We organise talks from experts on the animals and plants around us. We also work in small groups to think of ways to improve life for the animals and people in our city!  


F Action! We are a film club, but we don’t watch films – we make them! We’re always looking for new people with interesting ideas. You will do activities in small groups, so it’s a great way to learn new skills and make friends. We also organise regular trips to film studios to see how the professionals do things. City explorers



G A world of food We can teach you to prepare delicious dishes! Our trainers come from five countries, and they love to share their recipes and the history of their cultures. This class will teach you how to create wonderful food in your own kitchen. You never know, you might decide to become a professional chef one day!  


H Get out and about with City explorers! We explore our own city and produce information guides so that visitors can enjoy it too. We also produce maps of the city, past and present, showing how it’s changed. We often get together with groups from other towns and cities to compare information and experiences.  

Запитання 5

5 Erica is keen to help other people. She enjoys events where there are crowds of people. She wants to learn skills she can use in a job when she finishes her studies.

варіанти відповідей

A Think! Do you want to know more about international events? We meet once a week for an informal discussion. Each week we watch a film from around the world and/or invite speakers to help us understand recent events. At our next meeting we are showing a film about earthquake rescue teams.


B Games and chat We meet once a week to play computer games. We give our views on new games and talk about games past and present. We also organise trips to game shows to see how designers come up with new ideas and create new games. You’ll discover a whole new world!

C Party Plus At Party Plus, we are looking for new people to help us. We organise street parties and concerts to raise money for local charities. It’s challenging work, and you have to work with a wide range of people, but you’ll have a lot to offer future employers and you’ll make a difference!

 D Come dine with me We meet regularly to visit restaurants and enjoy eating delicious food from all over the world. We also invite chefs from other countries to tell us about how food is grown and prepared where they come from. There’s usually quite a large group of us, so it’s a wonderful way to meet people.

E Nature lovers Are you interested in nature? Our group has been exploring the wildlife of the city for over 100 years! We organise talks from experts on the animals and plants around us. We also work in small groups to think of ways to improve life for the animals and people in our city!  


F Action! We are a film club, but we don’t watch films – we make them! We’re always looking for new people with interesting ideas. You will do activities in small groups, so it’s a great way to learn new skills and make friends. We also organise regular trips to film studios to see how the professionals do things. City explorers


G A world of food We can teach you to prepare delicious dishes! Our trainers come from five countries, and they love to share their recipes and the history of their cultures. This class will teach you how to create wonderful food in your own kitchen. You never know, you might decide to become a professional chef one day!  

H Get out and about with City explorers! We explore our own city and produce information guides so that visitors can enjoy it too. We also produce maps of the city, past and present, showing how it’s changed. We often get together with groups from other towns and cities to compare information and experiences.  

Запитання 6

Read the text and the questions below. For each question, choose the correct answer.

                                       A hotel under the sea

Want to sleep under the sea? The company Planet Ocean has plans for an exciting underwater hotel, which they hope to build in locations all over the world.

The hotel won’t be large, with only 12 guest rooms, plus a restaurant. Guests will get to the hotel in a lift – so no diving or getting wet! The hotel will float 10 metres under the ocean, although it will be attached to the sea bed to prevent it from moving too far. Because it won’t be very deep under the water, the sun will shine down and provide light. Guests will get great close-up views of the fish and other sea creatures, which won’t be bothered by the hotel and so won’t make any effort to avoid it.

The hotel’s design, with clear plastic walls, means guests will be able to see the sea and all the creatures that live there around, above and below them in their rooms. They will almost get the feeling that they are swimming in the ocean. The luxury rooms will have a shower, TV and even the internet. The restaurant will serve highquality meals. As you might expect, Planet Ocean want to encourage people to eat less fish, so guests won’t find any on the menu. What’s more surprising is that the atmosphere will be silent, so guests will have to imagine the sound of the ocean around them.

The hotel won’t be cheap to build and it won’t be cheap to stay in. But the designers are especially proud of the fact that it will be environmentally friendly. It will use electricity, of course, but it will produce its own, and won’t disturb ocean life at all. In fact, the designers hope some sea creatures will build their homes on parts of the building, which will bring real benefits to the underwater world.

 Planet Ocean’s future designs include a moving hotel. It perhaps sounds like this will work in the same way as a cruise ship, but this is not the case. In fact, rather than moving between continents and countries, it will stay within a single country’s waters, but only occasionally change positions around its coast.

1 What do we learn about the hotel? 

варіанти відповідей

A Guests will have to swim down to get to it.

 B Its lights will shine into the sea so guests can see the fish.

C It will only have a small number of rooms.

 D Fish and other sea creatures will be scared of it. 

Запитання 7

2 What might guests find strange about staying at the hotel? 

варіанти відповідей

A swimming from their rooms into the ocean

B having ocean life in their room

C enjoying a meal of freshly caught fish

 D being unable to hear the ocean 

Запитання 8

3 What is the best thing about the hotel, according to the designers?

варіанти відповідей

 A It won’t cost much to build.  

B It won’t use much electricity.

C It won’t cause any damage to the environment.

D Fish and other sea creatures won’t come very close to it.

Запитання 9

4 Planet Ocean’s moving hotel will


варіанти відповідей

A rarely move from one site to another.

 B travel between various countries.

C be similar to a type of cruise ship.

D remain close to the coast of each continent. 

Запитання 10

5 What might a guest in this hotel say?

варіанти відповідей

A It’s very expensive, but the facilities are quite basic and the windows are too small to see outside.

B It’s great to stay in such a beautiful hotel that is also good for the planet

C   Seeing the fish up close is amazing, but it’s a shame that the hotel disturbs sea life.

D It’s a great idea, and I love the fact that it can move around and travel to different locations. It’s great to stay in such a beautiful hotel that is also good for the planet.

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