Reading Test 6 Клас (перездача).

Додано: 15 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading Test 6 Клас (Term 1).
6 запитань
Запитання 1

My younger brother and sister can be a real pain in the neck!

Tommy always asks a lot of questions. He is the most curious person I know! Tommy is also very sociable - he can't stand being alone.

He talked loudly in a Spanish lesson once, and Ms Smith, who is his firm teacher, punished him. (She gave Tom more homework.)

However, my brother is very friendly and helpful. He likes cooking, and he always helps Mum make dinner.

Tina, my younger sister, is not crazy about cooking. She is not so chatty either. Tina loves drawing, and she is a pet student of her Art teacher. (That's so unfair!) My sister is not shy at all, and she often hangs out with her best friend, Ann. She is also too much into fashion. Tina has so many clothes, and she still wants more! I never go shopping with her because she spends 20-30 minutes in fitting rooms.

We are all so different, but there are some things that I have in common with Tom and Tina. We all have short black hair and brown eyes. (But I'm the tallest, of course!) Oh, and a great sense of humour. I guess we got it from our dad!

Tom is curious and sociable.

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Запитання 2

My younger brother and sister can be a real pain in the neck!

Tommy always asks a lot of questions. He is the most curious person I know! Tommy is also very sociable - he can't stand being alone.

He talked loudly in a Spanish lesson once, and Ms Smith, who is his firm teacher, punished him. (She gave Tom more homework.)

However, my brother is very friendly and helpful. He likes cooking, and he always helps Mum make dinner.

Tina, my younger sister, is not crazy about cooking. She is not so chatty either. Tina loves drawing, and she is a pet student of her Art teacher. (That's so unfair!) My sister is not shy at all, and she often hangs out with her best friend, Ann. She is also too much into fashion. Tina has so many clothes, and she still wants more! I never go shopping with her because she spends 20-30 minutes in fitting rooms.

We are all so different, but there are some things that I have in common with Tom and Tina. We all have short black hair and brown eyes. (But I'm the tallest, of course!) Oh, and a great sense of humour. I guess we got it from our dad!

He never talks in his lessons.

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Запитання 3

My younger brother and sister can be a real pain in the neck!

Tommy always asks a lot of questions. He is the most curious person I know! Tommy is also very sociable - he can't stand being alone.

He talked loudly in a Spanish lesson once, and Ms Smith, who is his firm teacher, punished him. (She gave Tom more homework.)

However, my brother is very friendly and helpful. He likes cooking, and he always helps Mum make dinner.

Tina, my younger sister, is not crazy about cooking. She is not so chatty either. Tina loves drawing, and she is a pet student of her Art teacher. (That's so unfair!) My sister is not shy at all, and she often hangs out with her best friend, Ann. She is also too much into fashion. Tina has so many clothes, and she still wants more! I never go shopping with her because she spends 20-30 minutes in fitting rooms.

We are all so different, but there are some things that I have in common with Tom and Tina. We all have short black hair and brown eyes. (But I'm the tallest, of course!) Oh, and a great sense of humour. I guess we got it from our dad!

Tina is very chatty.

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Запитання 4

My younger brother and sister can be a real pain in the neck!

Tommy always asks a lot of questions. He is the most curious person I know! Tommy is also very sociable - he can't stand being alone.

He talked loudly in a Spanish lesson once, and Ms Smith, who is his firm teacher, punished him. (She gave Tom more homework.)

However, my brother is very friendly and helpful. He likes cooking, and he always helps Mum make dinner.

Tina, my younger sister, is not crazy about cooking. She is not so chatty either. Tina loves drawing, and she is a pet student of her Art teacher. (That's so unfair!) My sister is not shy at all, and she often hangs out with her best friend, Ann. She is also too much into fashion. Tina has so many clothes, and she still wants more! I never go shopping with her because she spends 20-30 minutes in fitting rooms.

We are all so different, but there are some things that I have in common with Tom and Tina. We all have short black hair and brown eyes. (But I'm the tallest, of course!) Oh, and a great sense of humour. I guess we got it from our dad!

She has too many clothes.

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Запитання 5

My younger brother and sister can be a real pain in the neck!

Tommy always asks a lot of questions. He is the most curious person I know! Tommy is also very sociable - he can't stand being alone.

He talked loudly in a Spanish lesson once, and Ms Smith, who is his firm teacher, punished him. (She gave Tom more homework.)

However, my brother is very friendly and helpful. He likes cooking, and he always helps Mum make dinner.

Tina, my younger sister, is not crazy about cooking. She is not so chatty either. Tina loves drawing, and she is a pet student of her Art teacher. (That's so unfair!) My sister is not shy at all, and she often hangs out with her best friend, Ann. She is also too much into fashion. Tina has so many clothes, and she still wants more! I never go shopping with her because she spends 20-30 minutes in fitting rooms.

We are all so different, but there are some things that I have in common with Tom and Tina. We all have short black hair and brown eyes. (But I'm the tallest, of course!) Oh, and a great sense of humour. I guess we got it from our dad!

Tom and Tina are as tall as Tod.

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Запитання 6

My younger brother and sister can be a real pain in the neck!

Tommy always asks a lot of questions. He is the most curious person I know! Tommy is also very sociable - he can't stand being alone.

He talked loudly in a Spanish lesson once, and Ms Smith, who is his firm teacher, punished him. (She gave Tom more homework.)

However, my brother is very friendly and helpful. He likes cooking, and he always helps Mum make dinner.

Tina, my younger sister, is not crazy about cooking. She is not so chatty either. Tina loves drawing, and she is a pet student of her Art teacher. (That's so unfair!) My sister is not shy at all, and she often hangs out with her best friend, Ann. She is also too much into fashion. Tina has so many clothes, and she still wants more! I never go shopping with her because she spends 20-30 minutes in fitting rooms.

We are all so different, but there are some things that I have in common with Tom and Tina. We all have short black hair and brown eyes. (But I'm the tallest, of course!) Oh, and a great sense of humour. I guess we got it from our dad!

They have a great sense of humour from their dad.

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