Reading Test B

Додано: 12 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
14 запитань
Запитання 1

The history of fashion

People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years and fashion has existed whether they were aware of it or not. Very few examples of ancient clothing exist, but there are examples of Bronze Age clothing from Denmark which show that their clothes were mainly made of woollen cloth or leather.

About 3,000 years ago, men were wearing woollen leggings, woollen cloaks or coats without arms and woollen hats. They also had accessories such as leather belts, from which hung a bronze sword, and leather wrist guards (a kind of bracelet) to protect their arms from the bows which they used to shoot arrows.

Moving quickly to the nineteenth century, fashion was very important to rich people. In the 1840s men used to wear very tight trousers, waistcoats with high collars, neckties and knee-length frock coats. They generally had long hair pulled to the side and most men had moustaches.

By the end of the nineteenth century, men were wearing something that we would recognise today – the three-piece suit. The longer frock coats were disappearing and the very high collars were beginning to be worn turned down like on coats and shirts today. It was now fashionable for men to have short hair although they still had big moustaches.

Fashion in the 1920s saw a huge change in style for women, but less obvious changes for men. Perhaps one of the most famous designs from this era is the two-colour shoe with laces which men wore for less formal occasions. The three-piece suit began to disappear as younger men preferred to wear wide-legged trousers and loose jackets in brighter colours than ever before. By the end of the twenties, the car had become a part of a rich man’s life and fashions changed to reflect this.

Fashion has been reflecting the world in which we live for millennia and has changed over that time, but probably not as fast as the last 100 years. Today, people are freer to wear almost anything they want and fashion has become a huge global industry.

1 It’s common to find Bronze Age clothing.

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Запитання 2

The history of fashion

People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years and fashion has existed whether they were aware of it or not. Very few examples of ancient clothing exist, but there are examples of Bronze Age clothing from Denmark which show that their clothes were mainly made of woollen cloth or leather.

About 3,000 years ago, men were wearing woollen leggings, woollen cloaks or coats without arms and woollen hats. They also had accessories such as leather belts, from which hung a bronze sword, and leather wrist guards (a kind of bracelet) to protect their arms from the bows which they used to shoot arrows.

Moving quickly to the nineteenth century, fashion was very important to rich people. In the 1840s men used to wear very tight trousers, waistcoats with high collars, neckties and knee-length frock coats. They generally had long hair pulled to the side and most men had moustaches.

By the end of the nineteenth century, men were wearing something that we would recognise today – the three-piece suit. The longer frock coats were disappearing and the very high collars were beginning to be worn turned down like on coats and shirts today. It was now fashionable for men to have short hair although they still had big moustaches.

Fashion in the 1920s saw a huge change in style for women, but less obvious changes for men. Perhaps one of the most famous designs from this era is the two-colour shoe with laces which men wore for less formal occasions. The three-piece suit began to disappear as younger men preferred to wear wide-legged trousers and loose jackets in brighter colours than ever before. By the end of the twenties, the car had become a part of a rich man’s life and fashions changed to reflect this.

Fashion has been reflecting the world in which we live for millennia and has changed over that time, but probably not as fast as the last 100 years. Today, people are freer to wear almost anything they want and fashion has become a huge global industry.

2 Most bronze age clothes were made of wool.

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Запитання 3

The history of fashion

People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years and fashion has existed whether they were aware of it or not. Very few examples of ancient clothing exist, but there are examples of Bronze Age clothing from Denmark which show that their clothes were mainly made of woollen cloth or leather.

About 3,000 years ago, men were wearing woollen leggings, woollen cloaks or coats without arms and woollen hats. They also had accessories such as leather belts, from which hung a bronze sword, and leather wrist guards (a kind of bracelet) to protect their arms from the bows which they used to shoot arrows.

Moving quickly to the nineteenth century, fashion was very important to rich people. In the 1840s men used to wear very tight trousers, waistcoats with high collars, neckties and knee-length frock coats. They generally had long hair pulled to the side and most men had moustaches.

By the end of the nineteenth century, men were wearing something that we would recognise today – the three-piece suit. The longer frock coats were disappearing and the very high collars were beginning to be worn turned down like on coats and shirts today. It was now fashionable for men to have short hair although they still had big moustaches.

Fashion in the 1920s saw a huge change in style for women, but less obvious changes for men. Perhaps one of the most famous designs from this era is the two-colour shoe with laces which men wore for less formal occasions. The three-piece suit began to disappear as younger men preferred to wear wide-legged trousers and loose jackets in brighter colours than ever before. By the end of the twenties, the car had become a part of a rich man’s life and fashions changed to reflect this.

Fashion has been reflecting the world in which we live for millennia and has changed over that time, but probably not as fast as the last 100 years. Today, people are freer to wear almost anything they want and fashion has become a huge global industry.

3 High collars were fashionable in the nineteenth century.

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Запитання 4

The history of fashion

People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years and fashion has existed whether they were aware of it or not. Very few examples of ancient clothing exist, but there are examples of Bronze Age clothing from Denmark which show that their clothes were mainly made of woollen cloth or leather.

About 3,000 years ago, men were wearing woollen leggings, woollen cloaks or coats without arms and woollen hats. They also had accessories such as leather belts, from which hung a bronze sword, and leather wrist guards (a kind of bracelet) to protect their arms from the bows which they used to shoot arrows.

Moving quickly to the nineteenth century, fashion was very important to rich people. In the 1840s men used to wear very tight trousers, waistcoats with high collars, neckties and knee-length frock coats. They generally had long hair pulled to the side and most men had moustaches.

By the end of the nineteenth century, men were wearing something that we would recognise today – the three-piece suit. The longer frock coats were disappearing and the very high collars were beginning to be worn turned down like on coats and shirts today. It was now fashionable for men to have short hair although they still had big moustaches.

Fashion in the 1920s saw a huge change in style for women, but less obvious changes for men. Perhaps one of the most famous designs from this era is the two-colour shoe with laces which men wore for less formal occasions. The three-piece suit began to disappear as younger men preferred to wear wide-legged trousers and loose jackets in brighter colours than ever before. By the end of the twenties, the car had become a part of a rich man’s life and fashions changed to reflect this.

Fashion has been reflecting the world in which we live for millennia and has changed over that time, but probably not as fast as the last 100 years. Today, people are freer to wear almost anything they want and fashion has become a huge global industry.

4 By the end of the nineteenth century, three-piece suits had disappeared.

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Запитання 5

The history of fashion

People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years and fashion has existed whether they were aware of it or not. Very few examples of ancient clothing exist, but there are examples of Bronze Age clothing from Denmark which show that their clothes were mainly made of woollen cloth or leather.

About 3,000 years ago, men were wearing woollen leggings, woollen cloaks or coats without arms and woollen hats. They also had accessories such as leather belts, from which hung a bronze sword, and leather wrist guards (a kind of bracelet) to protect their arms from the bows which they used to shoot arrows.

Moving quickly to the nineteenth century, fashion was very important to rich people. In the 1840s men used to wear very tight trousers, waistcoats with high collars, neckties and knee-length frock coats. They generally had long hair pulled to the side and most men had moustaches.

By the end of the nineteenth century, men were wearing something that we would recognise today – the three-piece suit. The longer frock coats were disappearing and the very high collars were beginning to be worn turned down like on coats and shirts today. It was now fashionable for men to have short hair although they still had big moustaches.

Fashion in the 1920s saw a huge change in style for women, but less obvious changes for men. Perhaps one of the most famous designs from this era is the two-colour shoe with laces which men wore for less formal occasions. The three-piece suit began to disappear as younger men preferred to wear wide-legged trousers and loose jackets in brighter colours than ever before. By the end of the twenties, the car had become a part of a rich man’s life and fashions changed to reflect this.

Fashion has been reflecting the world in which we live for millennia and has changed over that time, but probably not as fast as the last 100 years. Today, people are freer to wear almost anything they want and fashion has become a huge global industry.

5 Long hair was more popular than short hair at the end of the nineteenth century.

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Запитання 6

The history of fashion

People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years and fashion has existed whether they were aware of it or not. Very few examples of ancient clothing exist, but there are examples of Bronze Age clothing from Denmark which show that their clothes were mainly made of woollen cloth or leather.

About 3,000 years ago, men were wearing woollen leggings, woollen cloaks or coats without arms and woollen hats. They also had accessories such as leather belts, from which hung a bronze sword, and leather wrist guards (a kind of bracelet) to protect their arms from the bows which they used to shoot arrows.

Moving quickly to the nineteenth century, fashion was very important to rich people. In the 1840s men used to wear very tight trousers, waistcoats with high collars, neckties and knee-length frock coats. They generally had long hair pulled to the side and most men had moustaches.

By the end of the nineteenth century, men were wearing something that we would recognise today – the three-piece suit. The longer frock coats were disappearing and the very high collars were beginning to be worn turned down like on coats and shirts today. It was now fashionable for men to have short hair although they still had big moustaches.

Fashion in the 1920s saw a huge change in style for women, but less obvious changes for men. Perhaps one of the most famous designs from this era is the two-colour shoe with laces which men wore for less formal occasions. The three-piece suit began to disappear as younger men preferred to wear wide-legged trousers and loose jackets in brighter colours than ever before. By the end of the twenties, the car had become a part of a rich man’s life and fashions changed to reflect this.

Fashion has been reflecting the world in which we live for millennia and has changed over that time, but probably not as fast as the last 100 years. Today, people are freer to wear almost anything they want and fashion has become a huge global industry.

6 Shoes with laces were no longer popular in the 1920s.

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Запитання 7

The history of fashion

People have been wearing clothes for thousands of years and fashion has existed whether they were aware of it or not. Very few examples of ancient clothing exist, but there are examples of Bronze Age clothing from Denmark which show that their clothes were mainly made of woollen cloth or leather.

About 3,000 years ago, men were wearing woollen leggings, woollen cloaks or coats without arms and woollen hats. They also had accessories such as leather belts, from which hung a bronze sword, and leather wrist guards (a kind of bracelet) to protect their arms from the bows which they used to shoot arrows.

Moving quickly to the nineteenth century, fashion was very important to rich people. In the 1840s men used to wear very tight trousers, waistcoats with high collars, neckties and knee-length frock coats. They generally had long hair pulled to the side and most men had moustaches.

By the end of the nineteenth century, men were wearing something that we would recognise today – the three-piece suit. The longer frock coats were disappearing and the very high collars were beginning to be worn turned down like on coats and shirts today. It was now fashionable for men to have short hair although they still had big moustaches.

Fashion in the 1920s saw a huge change in style for women, but less obvious changes for men. Perhaps one of the most famous designs from this era is the two-colour shoe with laces which men wore for less formal occasions. The three-piece suit began to disappear as younger men preferred to wear wide-legged trousers and loose jackets in brighter colours than ever before. By the end of the twenties, the car had become a part of a rich man’s life and fashions changed to reflect this.

Fashion has been reflecting the world in which we live for millennia and has changed over that time, but probably not as fast as the last 100 years. Today, people are freer to wear almost anything they want and fashion has become a huge global industry.

7 The arrival of motor vehicles influenced fashion.

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Запитання 8


Starting a new school can be an anxious time for anyone, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Anna came to the UK from Italy when she was six. ‘I didn’t speak a word of English and everything seemed very strange. At first I wasn’t happy and wanted to return to Italy. However, many of the kids in my class had had the same problem and were keen to help me learn English. They and their parents were very welcoming and it didn’t take long for me feel comfortable. I think I was quite lucky because my older sister, Zoella, found it much more difficult even though she spoke some English.’

Eugenio, Anna’s brother, was the oldest of the children and was sixteen when the family came to England. ‘In some ways it was harder and in others easier than I expected. I already spoke quite a bit of English, but that didn’t stop some of the other boys laughing at me when I made mistakes and there were some awkward moments when I came out with the wrong word or phrase. My way of dealing with it was to laugh with them. I soon made some good friends although I think that was mainly because I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years!’

Patrick is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘It can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But I think it helps that most of the kids in our school have been through the same thing. They understand the problems and the worries and are usually happy to help any new arrival. Our students have also created an advice sheet which we send to all new students before they arrive. It covers everything from where to find things, who to see if there’s a problem, what clothes to wear and so on. We also have a welcome afternoon before they start school properly, when they can meet some of their future class.’

1 Going to a new school can be

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Запитання 9


Starting a new school can be an anxious time for anyone, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Anna came to the UK from Italy when she was six. ‘I didn’t speak a word of English and everything seemed very strange. At first I wasn’t happy and wanted to return to Italy. However, many of the kids in my class had had the same problem and were keen to help me learn English. They and their parents were very welcoming and it didn’t take long for me feel comfortable. I think I was quite lucky because my older sister, Zoella, found it much more difficult even though she spoke some English.’

Eugenio, Anna’s brother, was the oldest of the children and was sixteen when the family came to England. ‘In some ways it was harder and in others easier than I expected. I already spoke quite a bit of English, but that didn’t stop some of the other boys laughing at me when I made mistakes and there were some awkward moments when I came out with the wrong word or phrase. My way of dealing with it was to laugh with them. I soon made some good friends although I think that was mainly because I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years!’

Patrick is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘It can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But I think it helps that most of the kids in our school have been through the same thing. They understand the problems and the worries and are usually happy to help any new arrival. Our students have also created an advice sheet which we send to all new students before they arrive. It covers everything from where to find things, who to see if there’s a problem, what clothes to wear and so on. We also have a welcome afternoon before they start school properly, when they can meet some of their future class.’

2 Six-year old Anna

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spoke a little English before she came.

studied English in her Italian school.

liked her new school immediately.

was hoping to go back to Italy.

Запитання 10


Starting a new school can be an anxious time for anyone, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Anna came to the UK from Italy when she was six. ‘I didn’t speak a word of English and everything seemed very strange. At first I wasn’t happy and wanted to return to Italy. However, many of the kids in my class had had the same problem and were keen to help me learn English. They and their parents were very welcoming and it didn’t take long for me feel comfortable. I think I was quite lucky because my older sister, Zoella, found it much more difficult even though she spoke some English.’

Eugenio, Anna’s brother, was the oldest of the children and was sixteen when the family came to England. ‘In some ways it was harder and in others easier than I expected. I already spoke quite a bit of English, but that didn’t stop some of the other boys laughing at me when I made mistakes and there were some awkward moments when I came out with the wrong word or phrase. My way of dealing with it was to laugh with them. I soon made some good friends although I think that was mainly because I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years!’

Patrick is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘It can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But I think it helps that most of the kids in our school have been through the same thing. They understand the problems and the worries and are usually happy to help any new arrival. Our students have also created an advice sheet which we send to all new students before they arrive. It covers everything from where to find things, who to see if there’s a problem, what clothes to wear and so on. We also have a welcome afternoon before they start school properly, when they can meet some of their future class.’

3 Anna says her classmates

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didn’t understand her difficulties.

had friendly parents.

took a long time to like her.

thought she was lucky.

Запитання 11


Starting a new school can be an anxious time for anyone, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Anna came to the UK from Italy when she was six. ‘I didn’t speak a word of English and everything seemed very strange. At first I wasn’t happy and wanted to return to Italy. However, many of the kids in my class had had the same problem and were keen to help me learn English. They and their parents were very welcoming and it didn’t take long for me feel comfortable. I think I was quite lucky because my older sister, Zoella, found it much more difficult even though she spoke some English.’

Eugenio, Anna’s brother, was the oldest of the children and was sixteen when the family came to England. ‘In some ways it was harder and in others easier than I expected. I already spoke quite a bit of English, but that didn’t stop some of the other boys laughing at me when I made mistakes and there were some awkward moments when I came out with the wrong word or phrase. My way of dealing with it was to laugh with them. I soon made some good friends although I think that was mainly because I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years!’

Patrick is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘It can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But I think it helps that most of the kids in our school have been through the same thing. They understand the problems and the worries and are usually happy to help any new arrival. Our students have also created an advice sheet which we send to all new students before they arrive. It covers everything from where to find things, who to see if there’s a problem, what clothes to wear and so on. We also have a welcome afternoon before they start school properly, when they can meet some of their future class.’

4 Eugenio

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is younger than Zoella.

found it really easy to fit in.

had some problem with the language.

laughed at the boys in his class.

Запитання 12


Starting a new school can be an anxious time for anyone, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Anna came to the UK from Italy when she was six. ‘I didn’t speak a word of English and everything seemed very strange. At first I wasn’t happy and wanted to return to Italy. However, many of the kids in my class had had the same problem and were keen to help me learn English. They and their parents were very welcoming and it didn’t take long for me feel comfortable. I think I was quite lucky because my older sister, Zoella, found it much more difficult even though she spoke some English.’

Eugenio, Anna’s brother, was the oldest of the children and was sixteen when the family came to England. ‘In some ways it was harder and in others easier than I expected. I already spoke quite a bit of English, but that didn’t stop some of the other boys laughing at me when I made mistakes and there were some awkward moments when I came out with the wrong word or phrase. My way of dealing with it was to laugh with them. I soon made some good friends although I think that was mainly because I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years!’

Patrick is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘It can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But I think it helps that most of the kids in our school have been through the same thing. They understand the problems and the worries and are usually happy to help any new arrival. Our students have also created an advice sheet which we send to all new students before they arrive. It covers everything from where to find things, who to see if there’s a problem, what clothes to wear and so on. We also have a welcome afternoon before they start school properly, when they can meet some of their future class.’

5 Eugenio believes the boys liked him because he

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liked laughing at their jokes.

was a useful member of the football team.

won a football competition.

was good at making friends.

Запитання 13


Starting a new school can be an anxious time for anyone, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Anna came to the UK from Italy when she was six. ‘I didn’t speak a word of English and everything seemed very strange. At first I wasn’t happy and wanted to return to Italy. However, many of the kids in my class had had the same problem and were keen to help me learn English. They and their parents were very welcoming and it didn’t take long for me feel comfortable. I think I was quite lucky because my older sister, Zoella, found it much more difficult even though she spoke some English.’

Eugenio, Anna’s brother, was the oldest of the children and was sixteen when the family came to England. ‘In some ways it was harder and in others easier than I expected. I already spoke quite a bit of English, but that didn’t stop some of the other boys laughing at me when I made mistakes and there were some awkward moments when I came out with the wrong word or phrase. My way of dealing with it was to laugh with them. I soon made some good friends although I think that was mainly because I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years!’

Patrick is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘It can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But I think it helps that most of the kids in our school have been through the same thing. They understand the problems and the worries and are usually happy to help any new arrival. Our students have also created an advice sheet which we send to all new students before they arrive. It covers everything from where to find things, who to see if there’s a problem, what clothes to wear and so on. We also have a welcome afternoon before they start school properly, when they can meet some of their future class.’

6 Patrick says that

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the international school is frightening.

almost all the students have had a similar experience.

he school solves problems very quickly.

students at the school are worried about school.

Запитання 14


Starting a new school can be an anxious time for anyone, but when it is in another country, it can be really scary, especially if you have to learn a new language.

Anna came to the UK from Italy when she was six. ‘I didn’t speak a word of English and everything seemed very strange. At first I wasn’t happy and wanted to return to Italy. However, many of the kids in my class had had the same problem and were keen to help me learn English. They and their parents were very welcoming and it didn’t take long for me feel comfortable. I think I was quite lucky because my older sister, Zoella, found it much more difficult even though she spoke some English.’

Eugenio, Anna’s brother, was the oldest of the children and was sixteen when the family came to England. ‘In some ways it was harder and in others easier than I expected. I already spoke quite a bit of English, but that didn’t stop some of the other boys laughing at me when I made mistakes and there were some awkward moments when I came out with the wrong word or phrase. My way of dealing with it was to laugh with them. I soon made some good friends although I think that was mainly because I’m pretty good at football and helped the school team to win their first match in two years!’

Patrick is a teacher at the international school they all attend. ‘It can be very scary for young people going to any new school. But I think it helps that most of the kids in our school have been through the same thing. They understand the problems and the worries and are usually happy to help any new arrival. Our students have also created an advice sheet which we send to all new students before they arrive. It covers everything from where to find things, who to see if there’s a problem, what clothes to wear and so on. We also have a welcome afternoon before they start school properly, when they can meet some of their future class.’

7 New students at the school

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receive an advice sheet before they start.

meet the teachers at a welcome party.

must find somewhere to put their things.

can wear any clothes they choose.

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