Reading test (Focus 3)

Додано: 17 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 76 разів
17 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text 1. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

According to the article, people are pleased when they

варіанти відповідей

see that their photos are online.

are compared to Hollywood actors.

see how they really looked when out.

look at themselves in the mirror before they go out.

Запитання 2

Read the text 1. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

The writer says that

варіанти відповідей

most people look better before they go out. 

this problem only affects George Clooney.  

you should be careful who you go out with.

we are always pleased when we see our reflections.

Запитання 3

Read the text 1. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

One way to look better in photographs is to

варіанти відповідей

show your friends how to take them.

be careful about who takes your photo.

make sure you look down on the photographer.

be prepared for photos that friends take.

Запитання 4

Read the text 1. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

The difference between looking at yourself and other people in photos is that they

варіанти відповідей

are more attractive than you.

look the same as you remember them.

never look as good as they should.

are wearing more stylish clothes than you.

Запитання 5

Read the text 1. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

The aim of the article is to

варіанти відповідей

make people feel better about photos of themselves.

help people look better when they go out.

criticise the effect of social media.

advise people on how to take attractive photos.

Запитання 6

Read the text 2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.

Sarah usually enjoys the adverts she sees on TV.  

варіанти відповідей



Doesn't say

Запитання 7

Read the text 2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.

Sarah was watching her favourite film on TV the other night.    

варіанти відповідей



Doesn't say

Запитання 8

Read the text 2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.

There was a particular advert that attracted Sarah.  

варіанти відповідей



Doesn't say

Запитання 9

Read the text 2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.

It wasn’t until Sarah saw the ad that she considered buying a smartphone.  

варіанти відповідей



Doesn't say

Запитання 10

Read the text 2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.

Sarah was very satisfied with her phone when she first got it. 

варіанти відповідей



Doesn't say

Запитання 11

Read the text 2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.

One problem Sarah had was that texts didn’t go where she intended them to. 

варіанти відповідей



Doesn't say

Запитання 12

Read the text 2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.

The battery on Sarah’s phone works for a few days after it is charged.  

варіанти відповідей



Doesn't say

Запитання 13

Read the text 2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.

Sarah wants to get a refund for her phone.  

варіанти відповідей



Doesn't say

Запитання 14

Read the short texts and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.


Please do not leave any money or jewellery in your car, and do not leave your car unlocked.

Drivers should

варіанти відповідей

lock anything valuable inside their car.

take valuable items with them.

keep your valuables hidden. 

Запитання 15

Read the short texts and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

Customers in this shop should not leave bags or valuables unattended at any time, for security reasons.

варіанти відповідей

This shop does not sell bags or jewellery.

Security staff may check customers’ bags at any time.

You must take care of your belongings while in this shop.

Запитання 16

Read the short texts and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

Think bike!

It’s important to know what’s going on around you at all times, so do NOT listen to music while you’re cycling along. And remember it’s illegal to cycle at night without lights. You could be fined if you’re caught. Why take the risk?

The main point of this text is to

варіанти відповідей

explain the dangers of cycling

advise cyclists on safe cycling. 

inform cyclists of changes in the law.

Запитання 17

Read the short texts and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

To:      Jess

From: Michael

You’ll never guess what happened to me yesterday! I was just cycling towards a crossing in town. All the cars had stopped and the traffic lights were red. Suddenly, a car came speeding past, the people had to jump out of the way and I nearly fell off my bike!

The car that Michael describes

варіанти відповідей

was waiting at the traffic lights.

went through a red light.

forced some other cars to stop.

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