Reading Test Form 10 Term II

Додано: 4 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading Test Form 10 Term II
Тест виконано: 852 рази
26 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (1—7) with the correct variant (A, B, C or D).

Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web. He received a knighthood from the British Queen for his efforts (so he is called «Sir»). He is director of W3C, which looks after the Web’s development. A _________1) British newspaper ranked him as the world’s greatest living genius. Today’s world would be very different without his discovery. Berners-Lee was born in 1955 to parents who were mathematicians and computer scientists. He _________2) with numbers and electronics and managed to build his own computer. He ___________3) to Oxford University and was banned from using the computers for hacking. Berners-Lee graduated with a degree in physics. His first jobs after graduating were as a computer programmer and software developer. Berners-Lee spent the 1980s on a _________4) based on sharing and updating information online. In 1991, he put the first website online. It explained what the World Wide __________5) was and how it was used. He gave his idea to the world for free. In 1994, Berners-Lee founded W3C to set standards and improve the quality of the Web. Berners-Lee now spends his time between W3C and as a professor of computer science in England. He also writes _________6) the future of the Web. In 2004, he was ________7) as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize.

...which looks after the Web’s development. A _________1) British newspaper...

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Запитання 2

Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (1—7) with the correct variant (A, B, C or D).

Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web. He received a knighthood from the British Queen for his efforts (so he is called «Sir»). He is director of W3C, which looks after the Web’s development. A _________1) British newspaper ranked him as the world’s greatest living genius. Today’s world would be very different without his discovery. Berners-Lee was born in 1955 to parents who were mathematicians and computer scientists. He _________2) with numbers and electronics and managed to build his own computer. He ___________3) to Oxford University and was banned from using the computers for hacking. Berners-Lee graduated with a degree in physics. His first jobs after graduating were as a computer programmer and software developer. Berners-Lee spent the 1980s on a _________4) based on sharing and updating information online. In 1991, he put the first website online. It explained what the World Wide __________5) was and how it was used. He gave his idea to the world for free. In 1994, Berners-Lee founded W3C to set standards and improve the quality of the Web. Berners-Lee now spends his time between W3C and as a professor of computer science in England. He also writes _________6) the future of the Web. In 2004, he was ________7) as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize.

He _________2) with numbers and electronics and managed to build his own computer.

варіанти відповідей

grew up

brought up



Запитання 3

Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (1—7) with the correct variant (A, B, C or D).

Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web. He received a knighthood from the British Queen for his efforts (so he is called «Sir»). He is director of W3C, which looks after the Web’s development. A _________1) British newspaper ranked him as the world’s greatest living genius. Today’s world would be very different without his discovery. Berners-Lee was born in 1955 to parents who were mathematicians and computer scientists. He _________2) with numbers and electronics and managed to build his own computer. He ___________3) to Oxford University and was banned from using the computers for hacking. Berners-Lee graduated with a degree in physics. His first jobs after graduating were as a computer programmer and software developer. Berners-Lee spent the 1980s on a _________4) based on sharing and updating information online. In 1991, he put the first website online. It explained what the World Wide __________5) was and how it was used. He gave his idea to the world for free. In 1994, Berners-Lee founded W3C to set standards and improve the quality of the Web. Berners-Lee now spends his time between W3C and as a professor of computer science in England. He also writes _________6) the future of the Web. In 2004, he was ________7) as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize.

He ___________3) to Oxford University and was banned from using the computers for hacking.

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Запитання 4

Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (1—7) with the correct variant (A, B, C or D).

Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web. He received a knighthood from the British Queen for his efforts (so he is called «Sir»). He is director of W3C, which looks after the Web’s development. A _________1) British newspaper ranked him as the world’s greatest living genius. Today’s world would be very different without his discovery. Berners-Lee was born in 1955 to parents who were mathematicians and computer scientists. He _________2) with numbers and electronics and managed to build his own computer. He ___________3) to Oxford University and was banned from using the computers for hacking. Berners-Lee graduated with a degree in physics. His first jobs after graduating were as a computer programmer and software developer. Berners-Lee spent the 1980s on a _________4) based on sharing and updating information online. In 1991, he put the first website online. It explained what the World Wide __________5) was and how it was used. He gave his idea to the world for free. In 1994, Berners-Lee founded W3C to set standards and improve the quality of the Web. Berners-Lee now spends his time between W3C and as a professor of computer science in England. He also writes _________6) the future of the Web. In 2004, he was ________7) as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize.

Berners-Lee spent the 1980s on a _________4) based on sharing and updating information online.

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Запитання 5

Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (1—7) with the correct variant (A, B, C or D).

Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web. He received a knighthood from the British Queen for his efforts (so he is called «Sir»). He is director of W3C, which looks after the Web’s development. A _________1) British newspaper ranked him as the world’s greatest living genius. Today’s world would be very different without his discovery. Berners-Lee was born in 1955 to parents who were mathematicians and computer scientists. He _________2) with numbers and electronics and managed to build his own computer. He ___________3) to Oxford University and was banned from using the computers for hacking. Berners-Lee graduated with a degree in physics. His first jobs after graduating were as a computer programmer and software developer. Berners-Lee spent the 1980s on a _________4) based on sharing and updating information online. In 1991, he put the first website online. It explained what the World Wide __________5) was and how it was used. He gave his idea to the world for free. In 1994, Berners-Lee founded W3C to set standards and improve the quality of the Web. Berners-Lee now spends his time between W3C and as a professor of computer science in England. He also writes _________6) the future of the Web. In 2004, he was ________7) as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize.

It explained what the World Wide __________5) was and how it was used.

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Запитання 6

Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (1—7) with the correct variant (A, B, C or D).

Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web. He received a knighthood from the British Queen for his efforts (so he is called «Sir»). He is director of W3C, which looks after the Web’s development. A _________1) British newspaper ranked him as the world’s greatest living genius. Today’s world would be very different without his discovery. Berners-Lee was born in 1955 to parents who were mathematicians and computer scientists. He _________2) with numbers and electronics and managed to build his own computer. He ___________3) to Oxford University and was banned from using the computers for hacking. Berners-Lee graduated with a degree in physics. His first jobs after graduating were as a computer programmer and software developer. Berners-Lee spent the 1980s on a _________4) based on sharing and updating information online. In 1991, he put the first website online. It explained what the World Wide __________5) was and how it was used. He gave his idea to the world for free. In 1994, Berners-Lee founded W3C to set standards and improve the quality of the Web. Berners-Lee now spends his time between W3C and as a professor of computer science in England. He also writes _________6) the future of the Web. In 2004, he was ________7) as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize.

He also writes _________6) the future of the Web.

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Запитання 7

Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (1—7) with the correct variant (A, B, C or D).

Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web. He received a knighthood from the British Queen for his efforts (so he is called «Sir»). He is director of W3C, which looks after the Web’s development. A _________1) British newspaper ranked him as the world’s greatest living genius. Today’s world would be very different without his discovery. Berners-Lee was born in 1955 to parents who were mathematicians and computer scientists. He _________2) with numbers and electronics and managed to build his own computer. He ___________3) to Oxford University and was banned from using the computers for hacking. Berners-Lee graduated with a degree in physics. His first jobs after graduating were as a computer programmer and software developer. Berners-Lee spent the 1980s on a _________4) based on sharing and updating information online. In 1991, he put the first website online. It explained what the World Wide __________5) was and how it was used. He gave his idea to the world for free. In 1994, Berners-Lee founded W3C to set standards and improve the quality of the Web. Berners-Lee now spends his time between W3C and as a professor of computer science in England. He also writes _________6) the future of the Web. In 2004, he was ________7) as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize.

In 2004, he was ________7) as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize.

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Запитання 8

Match choices (A—E) to (1—5).

1) Victoria and Albert Museum is an excellent and informative museum with immense resources for design students as it houses the national collection of applied arts. The museum’s galleries and buildings themselves are considered as works of art. If you are interested in exploring the various artefacts that were part of the cultures from where they have come over the centuries this is the place to be.

This museum_____________________

варіанти відповідей

has galleries and buildings which are themselves believed to be the works of art.

is worth the journey if you like fashion, architecture and industrial design.

is advised to be visited several times.

exposes an impressive collection devoted to the history of the British Army.

displays wax models of famous people.

Запитання 9

Match choices (A—E) to (1—5).

2) Madame Tussaud’s is London’s busiest attraction and houses one of the world’s largest collections of lifelike wax models of celebrities, politicians and other world-famous people. Madame Tussaud often travelled to many places and displayed her wax models. Madame Tussaud’s has become the best attraction of London.

This museum_____________________

варіанти відповідей

has galleries and buildings which are themselves believed to be the works of art.

is worth the journey if you like fashion, architecture and industrial design.

is advised to be visited several times.

exposes an impressive collection devoted to the history of the British Army.

displays wax models of famous people.

Запитання 10

Match choices (A—E) to (1—5).

3) National Gallery. Vast gallery on the north side of Trafalgar Square, with an impressive collection of Western European art from the middle ages to the early 20th century. As it’s free we recommend you make a number of trips, doing it in at least two stages (it’s only 200 yards away from the Leicester Square, and in the heart of theatreland). Do the East Wing, North Wing and the Sainsbury/West Wings in separate trips, or you may find yourself becoming oblivious to the quality of the exhibits.

This museum_____________________

варіанти відповідей

has galleries and buildings which are themselves believed to be the works of art.

is worth the journey if you like fashion, architecture and industrial design.

is advised to be visited several times.

exposes an impressive collection devoted to the history of the British Army.

displays wax models of famous people.

Запитання 11

Match choices (A—E) to (1—5).

4) National Army Museum is located approximately 15 miles from central London. This museum is worth the journey if you are interested in learning about the history of the British Army. It unfolds the story of the British Army from thefifteenth century to the present day and is home to an impressive collection of old and new vehicles, armoury of the years gone by, vibrant uniforms and records which detail significant historic events

This museum_____________________

варіанти відповідей

has galleries and buildings which are themselves believed to be the works of art.

is worth the journey if you like fashion, architecture and industrial design.

is advised to be visited several times.

exposes an impressive collection devoted to the history of the British Army.

displays wax models of famous people.

Запитання 12

Match choices (A—E) to (1—5).

5) The Design Museum has a comprehensive collection of innovative designs. It is a museum focusing on industrial design, fashion and architecture and therefore you can find mass-produced everyday items. It is also the UK’s largest provider of design resources.

This museum_____________________

варіанти відповідей

has galleries and buildings which are themselves believed to be the works of art.

is worth the journey if you like fashion, architecture and industrial design.

is advised to be visited several times.

exposes an impressive collection devoted to the history of the British Army.

displays wax models of famous people.

Запитання 13

Read the text. For each question choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.


In 776 BC the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honour the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The Greeks paid much attention to physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. That is why contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Olympic athletes had to be men of Greek nationality and not slaves. Winners were greatly honoured. People put olive wreaths on their heads, sang songs and wrote poems about their achievements. Originally Olympic Games were held as games of friendship, and any wars were stopped to allow the games to take place. The games were so important to the Greeks that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads” dating from 776 BC.

1. Which of the following is NOT true?

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Winners put olive wreaths on their own heads.  

The games were held in Greece every four years. 

Battles were interrupted to take part in the games.

Only Greek men could take part in the Games.

Запитання 14

Read the text. For each question choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.


In 776 BC the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honour the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The Greeks paid much attention to physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. That is why contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Olympic athletes had to be men of Greek nationality and not slaves. Winners were greatly honoured. People put olive wreaths on their heads, sang songs and wrote poems about their achievements. Originally Olympic Games were held as games of friendship, and any wars were stopped to allow the games to take place. The games were so important to the Greeks that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads” dating from 776 BC.

 2. Why were the Olympic Games held? 

варіанти відповідей

To stop wars.  

To honour the best athletes. 

To honour Zeus. 

To sing songs about the athletes. 

Запитання 15

Read the text. For each question choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.


In 776 BC the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honour the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The Greeks paid much attention to physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. That is why contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Olympic athletes had to be men of Greek nationality and not slaves. Winners were greatly honoured. People put olive wreaths on their heads, sang songs and wrote poems about their achievements. Originally Olympic Games were held as games of friendship, and any wars were stopped to allow the games to take place. The games were so important to the Greeks that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads” dating from 776 BC.

3.When did these games begin? 

варіанти відповідей

776 years  ago.

In 776 AВ.

2,776 years ago.

2,796 years ago.

Запитання 16

Read the text. For each question choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.


In 776 BC the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honour the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The Greeks paid much attention to physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. That is why contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Olympic athletes had to be men of Greek nationality and not slaves. Winners were greatly honoured. People put olive wreaths on their heads, sang songs and wrote poems about their achievements. Originally Olympic Games were held as games of friendship, and any wars were stopped to allow the games to take place. The games were so important to the Greeks that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads” dating from 776 BC.

4. Which of the following contests was not mentioned?

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discus throwing 




Запитання 17

Read the text. For each question choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.


In 776 BC the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honour the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The Greeks paid much attention to physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. That is why contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Olympic athletes had to be men of Greek nationality and not slaves. Winners were greatly honoured. People put olive wreaths on their heads, sang songs and wrote poems about their achievements. Originally Olympic Games were held as games of friendship, and any wars were stopped to allow the games to take place. The games were so important to the Greeks that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads” dating from 776 BC.

5. What conclusion can we make about the ancient Greeks? 

варіанти відповідей

They liked to fight. 

They were very athletic. 

They liked a lot of ceremony. 

They couldn’t count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates.

Запитання 18

Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then read the statement below and choose true or false.

Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.

The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000 mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.

The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400 m, and even stay there for several days.

The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300 mm of rain per year.

1  Madagascar has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

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Запитання 19

Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then read the statement below and choose true or false.

Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.

The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000 mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.

The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400 m, and even stay there for several days.

The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300 mm of rain per year.

2  There is more rain in January than in June.

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Запитання 20

Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then read the statement below and choose true or false.

Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.

The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000 mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.

The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400 m, and even stay there for several days.

The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300 mm of rain per year.

3  The wet season is colder than the dry season.

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Запитання 21

Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then read the statement below and choose true or false.

Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.

The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000 mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.

The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400 m, and even stay there for several days.

The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300 mm of rain per year.

4  It hardly ever rains in central Madagascar.

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Запитання 22

Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then read the statement below and choose true or false.

Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.

The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000 mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.

The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400 m, and even stay there for several days.

The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300 mm of rain per year.

5  The wettest part of the island is the east.

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Запитання 23

Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then read the statement below and choose true or false.

Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.

The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000 mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.

The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400 m, and even stay there for several days.

The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300 mm of rain per year.

6  January-March is a good time to visit eastern Madagascar.

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Запитання 24

Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then read the statement below and choose true or false.

Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.

The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000 mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.

The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400 m, and even stay there for several days.

The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300 mm of rain per year.

7  The centre of Madagascar is the coldest part.

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Запитання 25

Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then read the statement below and choose true or false.

Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.

The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000 mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.

The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400 m, and even stay there for several days.

The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300 mm of rain per year.

8  Snow sometimes falls in Madagascar.

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Запитання 26

Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then read the statement below and choose true or false.

Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.

The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000 mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.

The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400 m, and even stay there for several days.

The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300 mm of rain per year.

9  The west coast has the best weather in December.

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