Reading Test Form 9 (Term 1)

Додано: 7 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Better Batter Business Food is part of celebrations in many cultures. And there is one type of food we think of first when we are planning a celebration—cake. Caitlin Miller runs a successful cake business, where she designs and makes cakes. “I always knew I had a talent for making cakes,” she says. “I made my own birthday cake when I was 11 and everyone loved it. I loved cooking as I grew up, and I often made cakes for friends at college. I majored in chemistry, but I never wanted to be a scientist. It helps me understand cooking, though! When I graduated, I wanted to start my own business, and a cake business was the obvious choice. I thought it was going to be easy. I knew I could cook. But I didn’t know enough about running a business. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. You can’t make great cakes and just wait for people to buy them. After six months, my business almost closed.” Caitlin decided she needed to learn more about running a business. She took a course in small business management. In that course, she met people in the same situation as her. “It was great to hear other people’s stories and compare them with my situation. I learned to think about my business in a different way. In the past, I thought about what I was good at and what I wanted to do. Now, I think about what my customers want and what I can do for them. Your business also has to have a clear identity. I decided to make celebration cakes for birthdays, graduations, and weddings. I try to make each cake special for that particular customer. We work on the design together, so my communication skills are very important. Now, the customer is in charge. My cakes sell now because I know exactly what each customer wants.” 

Question 1

Caitlin learned she was good at making cakes …

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when she graduated.

at a young age.

when she started her business.

Запитання 2

Better Batter Business Food is part of celebrations in many cultures. And there is one type of food we think of first when we are planning a celebration—cake. Caitlin Miller runs a successful cake business, where she designs and makes cakes. “I always knew I had a talent for making cakes,” she says. “I made my own birthday cake when I was 11 and everyone loved it. I loved cooking as I grew up, and I often made cakes for friends at college. I majored in chemistry, but I never wanted to be a scientist. It helps me understand cooking, though! When I graduated, I wanted to start my own business, and a cake business was the obvious choice. I thought it was going to be easy. I knew I could cook. But I didn’t know enough about running a business. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. You can’t make great cakes and just wait for people to buy them. After six months, my business almost closed.” Caitlin decided she needed to learn more about running a business. She took a course in small business management. In that course, she met people in the same situation as her. “It was great to hear other people’s stories and compare them with my situation. I learned to think about my business in a different way. In the past, I thought about what I was good at and what I wanted to do. Now, I think about what my customers want and what I can do for them. Your business also has to have a clear identity. I decided to make celebration cakes for birthdays, graduations, and weddings. I try to make each cake special for that particular customer. We work on the design together, so my communication skills are very important. Now, the customer is in charge. My cakes sell now because I know exactly what each customer wants.” 

Question 2

Caitlin thinks her major …

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is useful.

taught her to cook.

doesn’t help her now

Запитання 3

Better Batter Business Food is part of celebrations in many cultures. And there is one type of food we think of first when we are planning a celebration—cake. Caitlin Miller runs a successful cake business, where she designs and makes cakes. “I always knew I had a talent for making cakes,” she says. “I made my own birthday cake when I was 11 and everyone loved it. I loved cooking as I grew up, and I often made cakes for friends at college. I majored in chemistry, but I never wanted to be a scientist. It helps me understand cooking, though! When I graduated, I wanted to start my own business, and a cake business was the obvious choice. I thought it was going to be easy. I knew I could cook. But I didn’t know enough about running a business. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. You can’t make great cakes and just wait for people to buy them. After six months, my business almost closed.” Caitlin decided she needed to learn more about running a business. She took a course in small business management. In that course, she met people in the same situation as her. “It was great to hear other people’s stories and compare them with my situation. I learned to think about my business in a different way. In the past, I thought about what I was good at and what I wanted to do. Now, I think about what my customers want and what I can do for them. Your business also has to have a clear identity. I decided to make celebration cakes for birthdays, graduations, and weddings. I try to make each cake special for that particular customer. We work on the design together, so my communication skills are very important. Now, the customer is in charge. My cakes sell now because I know exactly what each customer wants.” 

Question 3

When she started her business, Caitlin didn’t realize how … it was.

варіанти відповідей

a easy



Запитання 4

Better Batter Business Food is part of celebrations in many cultures. And there is one type of food we think of first when we are planning a celebration—cake. Caitlin Miller runs a successful cake business, where she designs and makes cakes. “I always knew I had a talent for making cakes,” she says. “I made my own birthday cake when I was 11 and everyone loved it. I loved cooking as I grew up, and I often made cakes for friends at college. I majored in chemistry, but I never wanted to be a scientist. It helps me understand cooking, though! When I graduated, I wanted to start my own business, and a cake business was the obvious choice. I thought it was going to be easy. I knew I could cook. But I didn’t know enough about running a business. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. You can’t make great cakes and just wait for people to buy them. After six months, my business almost closed.” Caitlin decided she needed to learn more about running a business. She took a course in small business management. In that course, she met people in the same situation as her. “It was great to hear other people’s stories and compare them with my situation. I learned to think about my business in a different way. In the past, I thought about what I was good at and what I wanted to do. Now, I think about what my customers want and what I can do for them. Your business also has to have a clear identity. I decided to make celebration cakes for birthdays, graduations, and weddings. I try to make each cake special for that particular customer. We work on the design together, so my communication skills are very important. Now, the customer is in charge. My cakes sell now because I know exactly what each customer wants.” 

Question 4

Caitlin became successful when she started to think about what … wanted.

варіанти відповідей

other businesses


her customers

Запитання 5

Better Batter Business Food is part of celebrations in many cultures. And there is one type of food we think of first when we are planning a celebration—cake. Caitlin Miller runs a successful cake business, where she designs and makes cakes. “I always knew I had a talent for making cakes,” she says. “I made my own birthday cake when I was 11 and everyone loved it. I loved cooking as I grew up, and I often made cakes for friends at college. I majored in chemistry, but I never wanted to be a scientist. It helps me understand cooking, though! When I graduated, I wanted to start my own business, and a cake business was the obvious choice. I thought it was going to be easy. I knew I could cook. But I didn’t know enough about running a business. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. You can’t make great cakes and just wait for people to buy them. After six months, my business almost closed.” Caitlin decided she needed to learn more about running a business. She took a course in small business management. In that course, she met people in the same situation as her. “It was great to hear other people’s stories and compare them with my situation. I learned to think about my business in a different way. In the past, I thought about what I was good at and what I wanted to do. Now, I think about what my customers want and what I can do for them. Your business also has to have a clear identity. I decided to make celebration cakes for birthdays, graduations, and weddings. I try to make each cake special for that particular customer. We work on the design together, so my communication skills are very important. Now, the customer is in charge. My cakes sell now because I know exactly what each customer wants.” 

Question 5

Caitlin needs to communicate well to help her customers decide what …

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they want.

to celebrate

price to pay

Запитання 6

Better Batter Business Food is part of celebrations in many cultures. And there is one type of food we think of first when we are planning a celebration—cake. Caitlin Miller runs a successful cake business, where she designs and makes cakes. “I always knew I had a talent for making cakes,” she says. “I made my own birthday cake when I was 11 and everyone loved it. I loved cooking as I grew up, and I often made cakes for friends at college. I majored in chemistry, but I never wanted to be a scientist. It helps me understand cooking, though! When I graduated, I wanted to start my own business, and a cake business was the obvious choice. I thought it was going to be easy. I knew I could cook. But I didn’t know enough about running a business. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. You can’t make great cakes and just wait for people to buy them. After six months, my business almost closed.” Caitlin decided she needed to learn more about running a business. She took a course in small business management. In that course, she met people in the same situation as her. “It was great to hear other people’s stories and compare them with my situation. I learned to think about my business in a different way. In the past, I thought about what I was good at and what I wanted to do. Now, I think about what my customers want and what I can do for them. Your business also has to have a clear identity. I decided to make celebration cakes for birthdays, graduations, and weddings. I try to make each cake special for that particular customer. We work on the design together, so my communication skills are very important. Now, the customer is in charge. My cakes sell now because I know exactly what each customer wants.” 

Question 6

She works on the design of a cake....

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with her team

with her customer

Запитання 7

Text 2

My Job is Special! For most people, a job means they get up at 7:00 am and drive to work by 8:30 or 9:00 am. Later, they have lunch at noon, and then they start work again at 1:00 pm. Finally, they finish work at about 5:00 pm and then go home and have dinner with their family. That kind of job is okay for most people, but my job is special and I love it! I’m a commercial airline pilot. That means I don’t drive to work, I fly! In fact, I fly to many different destinations in the world and I have friends in many countries. Usually, I fly between countries in Asia, North America and South America. It’s not surprising, then, that my best friend lives in Japan and we stay in touch by Facebook and e-mail – when I’m in Tokyo, he always invites me to have dinner with him and his family. In fact, my favorite food is sushi. Another good friend of mine – Gustavo – lives in Brasilia. That’s the capital city of Brazil. Gustavo and I love to watch football games together when I visit. Is my job perfect? No, it’s not. Because I fly across many different time zones, I sometimes go to bed at 2:00 am. At other times, I go to bed at 2:00 pm. That kind of schedule isn’t easy. In addition, my job often separates me from my wife and two children. They live in New York and often I am many thousands of miles away. Sometimes I miss them very much. However, I think I have an exciting job. And my kids think it’s great that I can say, “Hello” in eighteen different languages: “Ni hao,” “Anyoung haseyo,” “Konnichiwa,” “Bonjour,” ….

Question 7

The author has a nine-to -five job lile most people do.

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Запитання 8

Text 2

My Job is Special! For most people, a job means they get up at 7:00 am and drive to work by 8:30 or 9:00 am. Later, they have lunch at noon, and then they start work again at 1:00 pm. Finally, they finish work at about 5:00 pm and then go home and have dinner with their family. That kind of job is okay for most people, but my job is special and I love it! I’m a commercial airline pilot. That means I don’t drive to work, I fly! In fact, I fly to many different destinations in the world and I have friends in many countries. Usually, I fly between countries in Asia, North America and South America. It’s not surprising, then, that my best friend lives in Japan and we stay in touch by Facebook and e-mail – when I’m in Tokyo, he always invites me to have dinner with him and his family. In fact, my favorite food is sushi. Another good friend of mine – Gustavo – lives in Brasilia. That’s the capital city of Brazil. Gustavo and I love to watch football games together when I visit. Is my job perfect? No, it’s not. Because I fly across many different time zones, I sometimes go to bed at 2:00 am. At other times, I go to bed at 2:00 pm. That kind of schedule isn’t easy. In addition, my job often separates me from my wife and two children. They live in New York and often I am many thousands of miles away. Sometimes I miss them very much. However, I think I have an exciting job. And my kids think it’s great that I can say, “Hello” in eighteen different languages: “Ni hao,” “Anyoung haseyo,” “Konnichiwa,” “Bonjour,” ….

Question 8

He flies to many countries in Europe.

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Запитання 9

My Job is Special! For most people, a job means they get up at 7:00 am and drive to work by 8:30 or 9:00 am. Later, they have lunch at noon, and then they start work again at 1:00 pm. Finally, they finish work at about 5:00 pm and then go home and have dinner with their family. That kind of job is okay for most people, but my job is special and I love it! I’m a commercial airline pilot. That means I don’t drive to work, I fly! In fact, I fly to many different destinations in the world and I have friends in many countries. Usually, I fly between countries in Asia, North America and South America. It’s not surprising, then, that my best friend lives in Japan and we stay in touch by Facebook and e-mail – when I’m in Tokyo, he always invites me to have dinner with him and his family. In fact, my favorite food is sushi. Another good friend of mine – Gustavo – lives in Brasilia. That’s the capital city of Brazil. Gustavo and I love to watch football games together when I visit. Is my job perfect? No, it’s not. Because I fly across many different time zones, I sometimes go to bed at 2:00 am. At other times, I go to bed at 2:00 pm. That kind of schedule isn’t easy. In addition, my job often separates me from my wife and two children. They live in New York and often I am many thousands of miles away. Sometimes I miss them very much. However, I think I have an exciting job. And my kids think it’s great that I can say, “Hello” in eighteen different languages: “Ni hao,” “Anyoung haseyo,” “Konnichiwa,” “Bonjour,” ….

Question 9

His best friend lives in North America and they stay in touch by Facebook and e-mail.

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Запитання 10

My Job is Special! For most people, a job means they get up at 7:00 am and drive to work by 8:30 or 9:00 am. Later, they have lunch at noon, and then they start work again at 1:00 pm. Finally, they finish work at about 5:00 pm and then go home and have dinner with their family. That kind of job is okay for most people, but my job is special and I love it! I’m a commercial airline pilot. That means I don’t drive to work, I fly! In fact, I fly to many different destinations in the world and I have friends in many countries. Usually, I fly between countries in Asia, North America and South America. It’s not surprising, then, that my best friend lives in Japan and we stay in touch by Facebook and e-mail – when I’m in Tokyo, he always invites me to have dinner with him and his family. In fact, my favorite food is sushi. Another good friend of mine – Gustavo – lives in Brasilia. That’s the capital city of Brazil. Gustavo and I love to watch football games together when I visit. Is my job perfect? No, it’s not. Because I fly across many different time zones, I sometimes go to bed at 2:00 am. At other times, I go to bed at 2:00 pm. That kind of schedule isn’t easy. In addition, my job often separates me from my wife and two children. They live in New York and often I am many thousands of miles away. Sometimes I miss them very much. However, I think I have an exciting job. And my kids think it’s great that I can say, “Hello” in eighteen different languages: “Ni hao,” “Anyoung haseyo,” “Konnichiwa,” “Bonjour,” ….

Question 10

When he visits his friend in Brazil they like to play football together.

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Запитання 11

My Job is Special!

For most people, a job means they get up at 7:00 am and drive to work by 8:30 or 9:00 am. Later, they have lunch at noon, and then they start work again at 1:00 pm. Finally, they finish work at about 5:00 pm and then go home and have dinner with their family. That kind of job is okay for most people, but my job is special and I love it! I’m a commercial airline pilot. That means I don’t drive to work, I fly! In fact, I fly to many different destinations in the world and I have friends in many countries. Usually, I fly between countries in Asia, North America and South America. It’s not surprising, then, that my best friend lives in Japan and we stay in touch by Facebook and e-mail – when I’m in Tokyo, he always invites me to have dinner with him and his family. In fact, my favorite food is sushi. Another good friend of mine – Gustavo – lives in Brasilia. That’s the capital city of Brazil. Gustavo and I love to watch football games together when I visit. Is my job perfect? No, it’s not. Because I fly across many different time zones, I sometimes go to bed at 2:00 am. At other times, I go to bed at 2:00 pm. That kind of schedule isn’t easy. In addition, my job often separates me from my wife and two children. They live in New York and often I am many thousands of miles away. Sometimes I miss them very much. However, I think I have an exciting job. And my kids think it’s great that I can say, “Hello” in eighteen different languages: “Ni hao,” “Anyoung haseyo,” “Konnichiwa,” “Bonjour,” ….

Question 11

He thinks that his job is not perfect and has some disadvantages.

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Запитання 12

My Job is Special!

For most people, a job means they get up at 7:00 am and drive to work by 8:30 or 9:00 am. Later, they have lunch at noon, and then they start work again at 1:00 pm. Finally, they finish work at about 5:00 pm and then go home and have dinner with their family. That kind of job is okay for most people, but my job is special and I love it! I’m a commercial airline pilot. That means I don’t drive to work, I fly! In fact, I fly to many different destinations in the world and I have friends in many countries. Usually, I fly between countries in Asia, North America and South America. It’s not surprising, then, that my best friend lives in Japan and we stay in touch by Facebook and e-mail – when I’m in Tokyo, he always invites me to have dinner with him and his family. In fact, my favorite food is sushi. Another good friend of mine – Gustavo – lives in Brasilia. That’s the capital city of Brazil. Gustavo and I love to watch football games together when I visit. Is my job perfect? No, it’s not. Because I fly across many different time zones, I sometimes go to bed at 2:00 am. At other times, I go to bed at 2:00 pm. That kind of schedule isn’t easy. In addition, my job often separates me from my wife and two children. They live in New York and often I am many thousands of miles away. Sometimes I miss them very much. However, I think I have an exciting job. And my kids think it’s great that I can say, “Hello” in eighteen different languages: “Ni hao,” “Anyoung haseyo,” “Konnichiwa,” “Bonjour,” ….

Question 12

His wife and children live in New York and he doesn't spend much time with them.

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