Reading Test Module 2 On Screen B2

Додано: 15 листопада 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 359 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1


Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one extra heading.

1. In the summer of 2011, a Dutch teenager named Boyan Slat went diving off the coast of Greece. Boyan was eager to experience the underwater wildlife of the area, but instead, he got a terrible surprise. “I saw more plastic bags than fish,” Boyan says. From that day on, this amazing teenager has dedicated his life to cleaning up the world’s oceans of floating plastic.

2. However, Boyan has a massive task in front of him. Every year, around 28 million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans. In some cases, people dump rubbish into oceans directly, but most plastic flows into oceans from rivers and drainage systems. Once there, it gets carried away by currents, and most of it gathers in five huge areas of water called gyres. The most famous gyre, nicknamed the Pacific Garbage Patch, is situated between Hawaii and California. 

3. The environmental consequences of this plastic are huge. Many marine animals accidentally eat pieces of plastic, which then get stuck in their stomachs, causing them to starve. For example, turtles often confuse plastic bags for jellyfish, and albatrosses eat small pieces of plastic thinking that they are the eggs of flying fish.

4. But how can this problem be solved? First, Boyan thought about collecting the plastic using ships and fishing nets, but he soon realised that this method was too expensive and slow. Instead, he came up with an idea to install floating barriers in the ocean. In the plans he designed barriers lie on the surface of the water only, allowing fish to swim unharmed underneath. The oceans’ currents then carry floating rubbish towards the barriers, where it is collected and recycled on the mainland.

5. The next step was for Boyan to raise money for the project. At first, this proved very difficult; not a lot of companies wanted to give money to a 19-year-old student! But after a video of him talking about his project went viral on the Internet, he soon raised over $2 million! Nowadays, Boyan’s foundation, The Ocean Cleanup, is doing research to see if his dream can become a reality. Many experts say his plan won’t work, but Boyan recently claimed that the first platform will be built before 2020. As he says “When people say something is impossible, I like to prove them wrong.”

варіанти відповідей

a. A Tragic Impact

b. Making it Possible

c. A Shocking Discovery   

d. A Major Setback

e. Where it All Ends Up

f. Finding a Solution 

Запитання 2


Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one extra heading.

1. In the summer of 2011, a Dutch teenager named Boyan Slat went diving off the coast of Greece. Boyan was eager to experience the underwater wildlife of the area, but instead, he got a terrible surprise. “I saw more plastic bags than fish,” Boyan says. From that day on, this amazing teenager has dedicated his life to cleaning up the world’s oceans of floating plastic.

2. However, Boyan has a massive task in front of him. Every year, around 28 million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans. In some cases, people dump rubbish into oceans directly, but most plastic flows into oceans from rivers and drainage systems. Once there, it gets carried away by currents, and most of it gathers in five huge areas of water called gyres. The most famous gyre, nicknamed the Pacific Garbage Patch, is situated between Hawaii and California. 

3. The environmental consequences of this plastic are huge. Many marine animals accidentally eat pieces of plastic, which then get stuck in their stomachs, causing them to starve. For example, turtles often confuse plastic bags for jellyfish, and albatrosses eat small pieces of plastic thinking that they are the eggs of flying fish.

4. But how can this problem be solved? First, Boyan thought about collecting the plastic using ships and fishing nets, but he soon realised that this method was too expensive and slow. Instead, he came up with an idea to install floating barriers in the ocean. In the plans he designed barriers lie on the surface of the water only, allowing fish to swim unharmed underneath. The oceans’ currents then carry floating rubbish towards the barriers, where it is collected and recycled on the mainland.

5. The next step was for Boyan to raise money for the project. At first, this proved very difficult; not a lot of companies wanted to give money to a 19-year-old student! But after a video of him talking about his project went viral on the Internet, he soon raised over $2 million! Nowadays, Boyan’s foundation, The Ocean Cleanup, is doing research to see if his dream can become a reality. Many experts say his plan won’t work, but Boyan recently claimed that the first platform will be built before 2020. As he says “When people say something is impossible, I like to prove them wrong.”

варіанти відповідей

a. A Tragic Impact

b. Making it Possible

c. A Shocking Discovery   

d. A Major Setback

e. Where it All Ends Up

f. Finding a Solution 

Запитання 3


Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one extra heading.

1. In the summer of 2011, a Dutch teenager named Boyan Slat went diving off the coast of Greece. Boyan was eager to experience the underwater wildlife of the area, but instead, he got a terrible surprise. “I saw more plastic bags than fish,” Boyan says. From that day on, this amazing teenager has dedicated his life to cleaning up the world’s oceans of floating plastic.

2. However, Boyan has a massive task in front of him. Every year, around 28 million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans. In some cases, people dump rubbish into oceans directly, but most plastic flows into oceans from rivers and drainage systems. Once there, it gets carried away by currents, and most of it gathers in five huge areas of water called gyres. The most famous gyre, nicknamed the Pacific Garbage Patch, is situated between Hawaii and California. 

3. The environmental consequences of this plastic are huge. Many marine animals accidentally eat pieces of plastic, which then get stuck in their stomachs, causing them to starve. For example, turtles often confuse plastic bags for jellyfish, and albatrosses eat small pieces of plastic thinking that they are the eggs of flying fish.

4. But how can this problem be solved? First, Boyan thought about collecting the plastic using ships and fishing nets, but he soon realised that this method was too expensive and slow. Instead, he came up with an idea to install floating barriers in the ocean. In the plans he designed barriers lie on the surface of the water only, allowing fish to swim unharmed underneath. The oceans’ currents then carry floating rubbish towards the barriers, where it is collected and recycled on the mainland.

5. The next step was for Boyan to raise money for the project. At first, this proved very difficult; not a lot of companies wanted to give money to a 19-year-old student! But after a video of him talking about his project went viral on the Internet, he soon raised over $2 million! Nowadays, Boyan’s foundation, The Ocean Cleanup, is doing research to see if his dream can become a reality. Many experts say his plan won’t work, but Boyan recently claimed that the first platform will be built before 2020. As he says “When people say something is impossible, I like to prove them wrong.”

варіанти відповідей

a. A Tragic Impact

b. Making it Possible

c. A Shocking Discovery   

d. A Major Setback

e. Where it All Ends Up

f. Finding a Solution 

Запитання 4


Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one extra heading.

1. In the summer of 2011, a Dutch teenager named Boyan Slat went diving off the coast of Greece. Boyan was eager to experience the underwater wildlife of the area, but instead, he got a terrible surprise. “I saw more plastic bags than fish,” Boyan says. From that day on, this amazing teenager has dedicated his life to cleaning up the world’s oceans of floating plastic.

2. However, Boyan has a massive task in front of him. Every year, around 28 million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans. In some cases, people dump rubbish into oceans directly, but most plastic flows into oceans from rivers and drainage systems. Once there, it gets carried away by currents, and most of it gathers in five huge areas of water called gyres. The most famous gyre, nicknamed the Pacific Garbage Patch, is situated between Hawaii and California. 

3. The environmental consequences of this plastic are huge. Many marine animals accidentally eat pieces of plastic, which then get stuck in their stomachs, causing them to starve. For example, turtles often confuse plastic bags for jellyfish, and albatrosses eat small pieces of plastic thinking that they are the eggs of flying fish.

4. But how can this problem be solved? First, Boyan thought about collecting the plastic using ships and fishing nets, but he soon realised that this method was too expensive and slow. Instead, he came up with an idea to install floating barriers in the ocean. In the plans he designed barriers lie on the surface of the water only, allowing fish to swim unharmed underneath. The oceans’ currents then carry floating rubbish towards the barriers, where it is collected and recycled on the mainland.

5. The next step was for Boyan to raise money for the project. At first, this proved very difficult; not a lot of companies wanted to give money to a 19-year-old student! But after a video of him talking about his project went viral on the Internet, he soon raised over $2 million! Nowadays, Boyan’s foundation, The Ocean Cleanup, is doing research to see if his dream can become a reality. Many experts say his plan won’t work, but Boyan recently claimed that the first platform will be built before 2020. As he says “When people say something is impossible, I like to prove them wrong.”

варіанти відповідей

a. A Tragic Impact

b. Making it Possible

c. A Shocking Discovery   

d. A Major Setback

e. Where it All Ends Up

f. Finding a Solution 

Запитання 5


Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one extra heading.

1. In the summer of 2011, a Dutch teenager named Boyan Slat went diving off the coast of Greece. Boyan was eager to experience the underwater wildlife of the area, but instead, he got a terrible surprise. “I saw more plastic bags than fish,” Boyan says. From that day on, this amazing teenager has dedicated his life to cleaning up the world’s oceans of floating plastic.

2. However, Boyan has a massive task in front of him. Every year, around 28 million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans. In some cases, people dump rubbish into oceans directly, but most plastic flows into oceans from rivers and drainage systems. Once there, it gets carried away by currents, and most of it gathers in five huge areas of water called gyres. The most famous gyre, nicknamed the Pacific Garbage Patch, is situated between Hawaii and California. 

3. The environmental consequences of this plastic are huge. Many marine animals accidentally eat pieces of plastic, which then get stuck in their stomachs, causing them to starve. For example, turtles often confuse plastic bags for jellyfish, and albatrosses eat small pieces of plastic thinking that they are the eggs of flying fish.

4. But how can this problem be solved? First, Boyan thought about collecting the plastic using ships and fishing nets, but he soon realised that this method was too expensive and slow. Instead, he came up with an idea to install floating barriers in the ocean. In the plans he designed barriers lie on the surface of the water only, allowing fish to swim unharmed underneath. The oceans’ currents then carry floating rubbish towards the barriers, where it is collected and recycled on the mainland.

5. The next step was for Boyan to raise money for the project. At first, this proved very difficult; not a lot of companies wanted to give money to a 19-year-old student! But after a video of him talking about his project went viral on the Internet, he soon raised over $2 million! Nowadays, Boyan’s foundation, The Ocean Cleanup, is doing research to see if his dream can become a reality. Many experts say his plan won’t work, but Boyan recently claimed that the first platform will be built before 2020. As he says “When people say something is impossible, I like to prove them wrong.”

варіанти відповідей

a. A Tragic Impact

b. Making it Possible

c. A Shocking Discovery   

d. A Major Setback

e. Where it All Ends Up

f. Finding a Solution 

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