Reading (the 2d term) (English Plus 2 Second Edition)

Додано: 11 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 292 рази
18 запитань
Запитання 1


Akrit Jaswal was born in India in 1993. His parents could soon see that he was more intelligent than other children. He could talk when he was only ten months old and he could read and write at the age of two. When he was five, he could read better than most adults. Medicine was one of his favourite interests, and he decided to become a doctor. When he was six years old, doctors at his local hospital said he could watch them. He spent many hours watching them and he also read a lot of books about medicine.

Akrit started university in India at the age of eleven to study medicine. He was younger than any other student there. His professors realized that he was more intelligent than they were. He plans to finish his studies in India and then go to Harvard University in America. When he was a small child, he saw people dying in the streets in India. They couldn’t go to hospital because they were poor and didn’t have any money. Akrit wants to help people like these in the future. He wants to give them better lives.


варіанти відповідей

Akrit talked when he was 2 months

Akrit talked when he was 10 months

Akrit talked when he was 2 years

Akrit talked when he was 10 years

Запитання 2


Akrit Jaswal was born in India in 1993. His parents could soon see that he was more intelligent than other children. He could talk when he was only ten months old and he could read and write at the age of two. When he was five, he could read better than most adults. Medicine was one of his favourite interests, and he decided to become a doctor. When he was six years old, doctors at his local hospital said he could watch them. He spent many hours watching them and he also read a lot of books about medicine.

Akrit started university in India at the age of eleven to study medicine. He was younger than any other student there. His professors realized that he was more intelligent than they were. He plans to finish his studies in India and then go to Harvard University in America. When he was a small child, he saw people dying in the streets in India. They couldn’t go to hospital because they were poor and didn’t have any money. Akrit wants to help people like these in the future. He wants to give them better lives.


варіанти відповідей

Akrit read at the age of 5.

Akrit read and wrote at the age of 5.

Akrit read and wrote at the age of 2.

Akrit read at the age of 2.

Запитання 3


Akrit Jaswal was born in India in 1993. His parents could soon see that he was more intelligent than other children. He could talk when he was only ten months old and he could read and write at the age of two. When he was five, he could read better than most adults. Medicine was one of his favourite interests, and he decided to become a doctor. When he was six years old, doctors at his local hospital said he could watch them. He spent many hours watching them and he also read a lot of books about medicine.

Akrit started university in India at the age of eleven to study medicine. He was younger than any other student there. His professors realized that he was more intelligent than they were. He plans to finish his studies in India and then go to Harvard University in America. When he was a small child, he saw people dying in the streets in India. They couldn’t go to hospital because they were poor and didn’t have any money. Akrit wants to help people like these in the future. He wants to give them better lives.


варіанти відповідей

At the age of 5 he was keen in medicine.

At the age of 6 he was keen in medicine.

At the age of 5 he was keen in reading.

At the age of 6 he was keen in reading.

Запитання 4


Akrit Jaswal was born in India in 1993. His parents could soon see that he was more intelligent than other children. He could talk when he was only ten months old and he could read and write at the age of two. When he was five, he could read better than most adults. Medicine was one of his favourite interests, and he decided to become a doctor. When he was six years old, doctors at his local hospital said he could watch them. He spent many hours watching them and he also read a lot of books about medicine.

Akrit started university in India at the age of eleven to study medicine. He was younger than any other student there. His professors realized that he was more intelligent than they were. He plans to finish his studies in India and then go to Harvard University in America. When he was a small child, he saw people dying in the streets in India. They couldn’t go to hospital because they were poor and didn’t have any money. Akrit wants to help people like these in the future. He wants to give them better lives.


варіанти відповідей

He entered the university at 11.

He entered the university at 6.

He entered the university at 7.

He entered the university at 5.

Запитання 5


Akrit Jaswal was born in India in 1993. His parents could soon see that he was more intelligent than other children. He could talk when he was only ten months old and he could read and write at the age of two. When he was five, he could read better than most adults. Medicine was one of his favourite interests, and he decided to become a doctor. When he was six years old, doctors at his local hospital said he could watch them. He spent many hours watching them and he also read a lot of books about medicine.

Akrit started university in India at the age of eleven to study medicine. He was younger than any other student there. His professors realized that he was more intelligent than they were. He plans to finish his studies in India and then go to Harvard University in America. When he was a small child, he saw people dying in the streets in India. They couldn’t go to hospital because they were poor and didn’t have any money. Akrit wants to help people like these in the future. He wants to give them better lives.

варіанти відповідей

Atkin was born in India.

Atkin was born in America.

Запитання 6


Akrit Jaswal was born in India in 1993. His parents could soon see that he was more intelligent than other children. He could talk when he was only ten months old and he could read and write at the age of two. When he was five, he could read better than most adults. Medicine was one of his favourite interests, and he decided to become a doctor. When he was six years old, doctors at his local hospital said he could watch them. He spent many hours watching them and he also read a lot of books about medicine.

Akrit started university in India at the age of eleven to study medicine. He was younger than any other student there. His professors realized that he was more intelligent than they were. He plans to finish his studies in India and then go to Harvard University in America. When he was a small child, he saw people dying in the streets in India. They couldn’t go to hospital because they were poor and didn’t have any money. Akrit wants to help people like these in the future. He wants to give them better lives.

варіанти відповідей

Atkin is going to study in America

Atkin is going to study in India

Запитання 7


Akrit Jaswal was born in India in 1993. His parents could soon see that he was more intelligent than other children. He could talk when he was only ten months old and he could read and write at the age of two. When he was five, he could read better than most adults. Medicine was one of his favourite interests, and he decided to become a doctor. When he was six years old, doctors at his local hospital said he could watch them. He spent many hours watching them and he also read a lot of books about medicine.

Akrit started university in India at the age of eleven to study medicine. He was younger than any other student there. His professors realized that he was more intelligent than they were. He plans to finish his studies in India and then go to Harvard University in America. When he was a small child, he saw people dying in the streets in India. They couldn’t go to hospital because they were poor and didn’t have any money. Akrit wants to help people like these in the future. He wants to give them better lives.

варіанти відповідей

Akrit wants to help rich people and earn money.have money.

Akrit wants to help poor people for free.

Akrit wants to have money in the future.

Запитання 8

The life of a news photographer

David is a news photographer. “I don’t take photos of celebrities or weddings,” he explains. “I take photos of important events in the news.”

Newspapers and news websites use David’s photos for their stories. “If I hear about a big storm, or an accident, I get in my car quickly. I need to get close to the action!”

David describes his favourite photo: “I was driving home when I saw a young girl in a tall tree. Her cat was in the tree, and she was trying to rescue it. The cat jumped down safely, but the girl couldn’t get down. She was stuck in the tree and crying for help. A brave man climbed up and rescued her. While he was carrying the girl down from the tree, I took a photo.”

Soon the photo was everywhere – on TV, in the newspapers, and online. David says: “For a few days, I was famous!”

варіанти відповідей

David takes photos of celebrities.

David takes photos of weddings.

David takes photos of celebrities and weddings.

David takes photos of major news' events.

Запитання 9

The life of a news photographer

David is a news photographer. “I don’t take photos of celebrities or weddings,” he explains. “I take photos of important events in the news.”

Newspapers and news websites use David’s photos for their stories. “If I hear about a big storm, or an accident, I get in my car quickly. I need to get close to the action!”

David describes his favourite photo: “I was driving home when I saw a young girl in a tall tree. Her cat was in the tree, and she was trying to rescue it. The cat jumped down safely, but the girl couldn’t get down. She was stuck in the tree and crying for help. A brave man climbed up and rescued her. While he was carrying the girl down from the tree, I took a photo.”

Soon the photo was everywhere – on TV, in the newspapers, and online. David says: “For a few days, I was famous!”

варіанти відповідей

The famous newspapers use his photos for their stories.

The famous websites use his photos for their stories.

The famous newspapers and websites use his photos for their stories.

The newspapers use his photos for their stories.

Запитання 10

The life of a news photographer

David is a news photographer. “I don’t take photos of celebrities or weddings,” he explains. “I take photos of important events in the news.”

Newspapers and news websites use David’s photos for their stories. “If I hear about a big storm, or an accident, I get in my car quickly. I need to get close to the action!”

David describes his favourite photo: “I was driving home when I saw a young girl in a tall tree. Her cat was in the tree, and she was trying to rescue it. The cat jumped down safely, but the girl couldn’t get down. She was stuck in the tree and crying for help. A brave man climbed up and rescued her. While he was carrying the girl down from the tree, I took a photo.”

Soon the photo was everywhere – on TV, in the newspapers, and online. David says: “For a few days, I was famous!”

варіанти відповідей

David's favourite photo is about a cat.

David's favourite photo is about a girl.

David's favourite photo is about a cat and a girl.

David's favourite photo is about a brave man.

Запитання 11

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but when there’s a break I always turn on my phone and check my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!


варіанти відповідей

Sally's laptop is important for her.

Sally's landline is important for her.

Sally's mobile phone is important for her.

Запитання 12

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but when there’s a break I always turn on my phone and check my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!


варіанти відповідей

It's not forbidden to use a mobile phone during lessons.

It's forbidden to use a mobile phone during lessons.

Запитання 13

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but when there’s a break I always turn on my phone and check my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!


варіанти відповідей

Sally has about 100 friends on social nets.

Sally has less than 100 friends on social nets.

Sally has more than 100 friends on social nets.

Запитання 14

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but when there’s a break I always turn on my phone and check my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!


варіанти відповідей

Sally sends a lot of messages.

Sally makes a lot of calls.

Sally sends a few messages.

Запитання 15

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but when there’s a break I always turn on my phone and check my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!

 1. Sally doesn't use her mobile phone for....

варіанти відповідей

listening to music

sending messages

watching videos

making calls

playing games

Запитання 16

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but when there’s a break I always turn on my phone and check my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!


варіанти відповідей

Using mobile phone costs not much.

Using mobile phone costs a lot.

Using mobile phone costs enough.

Запитання 17

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but when there’s a break I always turn on my phone and check my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!


варіанти відповідей

Sally's mother calls seldom

Sally's father calls seldom

Sally's mother calls constantly

Sally's mother calls rarely

Запитання 18

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but when there’s a break I always turn on my phone and check my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She always wants to know where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents pay for it.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!


варіанти відповідей

Sally gets messages all the time.

Sally gets messages only in the morning.

Sally gets messages in the evening.

Sally gets messages at night.

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