Reading Unit 8 Go getter2

Додано: 30 березня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 123 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Hi! my name is Magda. I went to Cambridge with my family for a day. First, we got on a red bus and went sightseeing. I took lots of photos with my new camera.Then we bought food from the market and had a picnic next to the river.After that we went on a boat!That was exciting. I didn't buy any souvenirs because we didn't have time. WHAT DID MAGDA DO FIRST?

варіанти відповідей

had a picnic

took lots of photos

went sightseeing

Запитання 2

Hi! My name is Magda.I went to Cambridge with my family for a day.First,we got on a red bus and went sightseeing.I took lots of photos with my new camera. Then we bought food from the market and had a picnic next to the river. After that we went on a boat! That was exciting. I didn't buy any souvenirs because we didn't have time.WHERE DID MAGDA HAVE LUNCH?

варіанти відповідей

on a boat

by the river

on a red bus

Запитання 3

Hi! My name is Magda.I went to Cambridge with my family for a day. First we got on a red bus and went sightseeing.I took lots of photos with my new camera.Then we bought food from the market and had a picnic next to the river.After that we went on a boat! This was exciting.I didn't buy any souvenirs because we didn't have time.WHY DIDN"T MAGDA BUY ANY SOUVENIRS?

варіанти відповідей

because she was on a boat

because she had a picnic next to the river

because she didn't have enough time

Запитання 4

Hi! My name is Magda.I went to Cambridge with my family for a day.First,we got on a red bus and went sightseeing. I took lots of photos with my new camera.Then we bought food from the market and had a picnic next to the river. After that we went on a boat!That was exciting. I didn't buy any souvenirs because we didn't have time. SAY WHICH IS TRUE?(котре вірне?)

варіанти відповідей

Magda's trip toCambridge was boring.

Magda's trip to Cambridge was great.

Запитання 5

Hi! My name is Michael.My best day out in the holidays was to the Transport Museum. I went there with my parents and my little brother. We learnt lots about the history of transport in the UK. It wasn't boring because there was so much to see and to do. We got on and off beautiful old trams and my brother was a bus driver for five minutes.WHAT DID MICHAEL LEARN ABOUT?

варіанти відповідей

about Transport Museum

about history of transport in the UK

about old trams of England

Запитання 6

Hi! My name is Michael.My best day out in the holidays was to the Transport Museum. I went there with my parents and little brother. We learnt lots about the history of transport in the UK.It wasn't boring because there was so much to see and do. We got on and off beautifull old trams and my brother was a bus driver for five minutes.WHO WAS A BUS DRIVER FOR FIVE MINUTES?

варіанти відповідей


his father

his brother

Запитання 7

Hi! My name is Michael. My best day out in the holidays was to the Transport Museum.I went there with my parents and little brother. We learnt a lot about the history of transport in the UK. It wasn't boring because there was so much to see and do. We got on and off beautiful old trams and my brother was a bus driver for five minutes.WHO WAS TO THE TRANSPORT MUSEUM WITH MICHAEL?

варіанти відповідей

his father, mother and his small brother

his parents and his elder brother

his grandparents and his little brother

Запитання 8

Hi! My name is Michael. My best day out in the holidays was to the Transport Museum. I went there with my parents and my little brother. We learnt lots about the history of transport in the UK. It wasn't boring because there was so much to see and to do. We got on and off beautiful old trams and my brother was a bus driver for five minutes. WHICH IS TRUE?(котре вірне?)

варіанти відповідей

Michael"s day out was exciting.

Michael"s day out was boring.

Michael's day out wasn't interesting.

Запитання 9

Hi! My name is Alice. There is a small farm near my town for animals with no home. My granny helps there all the time.I went with her one day in the holidays.There were cats, dogs, hamsters and four horses.The farm looks after the animals and looks for a new home for them. I am going to help there next summer. I can't wait!SAY WHICH IS TRUE?(обери вірне)

варіанти відповідей

There's a little farm next to Alice's town.

There's a small farm in the Alice's town.

There's a small farm far from Alice's town.

Запитання 10

Hi! My name is Alice. There's a small farm near my town for animals with no home. My granny helps there all the time. I went with her one day in the holidays.There were cats, dogs, hamsters and four horses. The farm looks after the animals and looks for a new home for them.I am going to help there next summer. I can't wait! WHICH IS TRUE?(котре вірне?)

варіанти відповідей

Alice'a granny never helps on the farm.

Alice's granny sometimes helps on the farm.

Alice's granny always helps on the farm.

Запитання 11

Hi! My name is Alice.There is a small farm near my town for animals with no home.My granny helps there all the time.I went with her one day in the holidays. There were cats, dogs,hamsters and four horses.The farm looks after the animals and looks for a new home for them.I am going to help there next summer. I can't wait! WHICH IS TRUE?(котре вірне?) care about-турбуватися find-знаходити

варіанти відповідей

The farm only cares about the animals.

The farm only helps the animals to find new home.

The farm cares about animals and finds new home for them.

Запитання 12

Hi! my name is Alice. There is a small farm near my town for animals with no home. My granny helps there all the time. I went with her one day in the holidays.There were cats, dogs,hamsters and four horses.The farm looks after the animals and looks for a new home for them.I am going to help there next summer. I can't wait.WHICH IS TRUE?(котре вірне?)

варіанти відповідей

Alice is excited about helping on the farm next summer.

Alice is not going to help on the farm next summer.

Alice is going to help on the farm this summer.

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