Reported speech

Додано: 19 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 785 разів
24 запитання
Запитання 1

‘I can swim really fast.’

варіанти відповідей

He said that he could swim really fast.   

He told that he could swim really fast.  

He said me that he could swim really fast.

Запитання 2

‘There was an accident outside the supermarket’.

варіанти відповідей

 He said there has been an accident outside the supermarket.   

He said there were an accident outside the supermarket.   

 He said there had been an accident outside the supermarket.   

Запитання 3

Tom said ‘I’m going to London tomorrow.’

Five days later you say …

варіанти відповідей

Tom said he was going to London tomorrow.   

Tom said he is going to London the following day.   

 Tom said he was going to London the following day.

Запитання 4

Which sentence is NOT correct?

варіанти відповідей

Lisa said she didn’t have a map.   

 Karen said she was going to be late.   

James said he will help me.   

Запитання 5

Which words complete the sentence?

Maria apologised for not coming. She said she had been busy … .

варіанти відповідей

 the following day   

 that day

 previous day   

Запитання 6

"Where is it?" said Mary. She … .

варіанти відповідей

 said where it is

 asked where it was

 asked if it was there

Запитання 7

She always asks me not to burn the cookies. She always says … .

варіанти відповідей

"Not to burn the cookies!"

 "Please don't burn the cookies."

 "Do not burn the cookies."

Запитання 8

I asked: "When did "The Beatles" make their first record?"

варіанти відповідей

I asked when "The Beatles" made their first record.

I asked when "The Beatles" had made their first record.

I asked when had "The Beatles" made their first record.

Запитання 9

He suggested: "Let's go to the jazz concert."

варіанти відповідей

He suggested let's go to the jazz concert.

He suggested going to the jazz concert.

He suggested to go to the jazz concert.

Запитання 10

They asked: "How many concerts have you been to in your life?"

варіанти відповідей

They asked how many concerts had you been to in your life.

They asked how many concerts we have been in our life.

They asked how many concerts we had been in our life.

Запитання 11

She wondered: "What are your plans for the future?"

варіанти відповідей

She wondered what was your plans for the future.

She wondered what were our plans for the future.

She wondered what our plans for the future were.

Запитання 12

She said: "My friend can play the flute."

варіанти відповідей

She said that her friend can play the flute.

She said that her friend could play the flute.

She said that my friend could play flute.

Запитання 13

He exclaimed: "Don't touch my discs!"

варіанти відповідей

He exclaimed didn't touch his discs.

He exclaimed not to touch his discs.

He exclaimed don't touch his discs.

Запитання 14

He said: "My life is full of music." 

варіанти відповідей

He said that my life is full of music.

He said that his life is full of music.

He said that his life was full of music.

Запитання 15

He asked: "Do you prefer going to the concerts or waching them on TV?"

варіанти відповідей

He asked if I preferred going to the concerts or watching them on TV.

He asked did I prefer going to the concerts or watching them on TV.

He asked if I had preferred going to the concerts or watching them on TV.

Запитання 16

She said: "Alexander Rybak won the Eurovision song contest 7 years ago."

варіанти відповідей

She said that Alexander Rybak had won the Eurovision song contest 7 years before.

She said that Alexander Rybak had won the Eurovision song contest 7 years ago.

She said that Alexander Rybak won the Eurovision song contest 7 years ago.

Запитання 17

I am writing an email to my girlfriend."

He told me that he … an email to his girlfriend.

варіанти відповідей

 is writing

was writing


Запитання 18

'I must leave early today.' 

He said that he … early that day.

варіанти відповідей


must leave

had to leave

Запитання 19

'I'll lend you the money.'

He told me he … me the money.

варіанти відповідей


would lend

was lending

Запитання 20

'Have you signed the contract?' 

Suzan … .

варіанти відповідей

told me if I had signed the contract

asked me whether I had signed the contract

said if I signed the contract

Запитання 21

'May I smoke in this room?'

Micky asked me … .

варіанти відповідей

if he may smoke in this room

if he might smoke in that room

whether he smoked in that room

Запитання 22

She … to us … there was nothing to worry about, but actually there was so much.

варіанти відповідей

told / that

said / -

asked / if

told / -

Запитання 23

Keith: Shall we throw a party for Jane next Saturday?

Bill told Lara that Keith ... for Jane the following Saturday.

варіанти відповідей

suggested throwing a party

boasted about throwing a party

promised to throw a party

Запитання 24

Martha … to break up with him if Jack didn't stop smoking.

варіанти відповідей





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