Sonya often ____ home late on Wednesdays because she has a piano lesson at school.
Do you ____ the bed every morning?
The kitchen is a mess! Please do the washing ____ after your meal.
The house looks nice. Did you ___ the carpet?
Li did the washing, so you can hang ___ the clothes to dry.
I ___ a lot of money last month. I need to be careful this month.
Luis works in a supermarket. His job is to put products on the _____ .
When the customer pays, the cashier puts the money into the ___.
How many ____ of chocolate do you need to make this cake?
I'm going to ____ all the money I make because I want to buy a new bag.
"Oh dear! I haven't got time to do the ironing."
"Don't worry, ___ it for you"
I'm sure Keiko ___ her exams. She always studies so hard.
" ____ stay in a hotel? "Yes, we booked one ages ago".
Sorry, I can't lend you my raincoat, because I ____ it at the weekend.
"When ___ Marisa?" "Tomorrow after school. Is that OK?"
"Oh! I left my wallet at home!" "Don't worry, ___ you some money."
Do you have any ___ in the house?
We need ____ and vegetables. Can you get some on your way home?
There is too ____ in this room! It's very crowded.
How ____ maths homework have you got today?
There are ____ cartons of juice left, so don't buy any more.
There are very few ____ working here.
How ____ time have we got until the train leaves?
Are there ____ jars of olives in the cupboard?
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