Choose the odd one out
dress shirt skirt blouse
Complete the sentence.
I’m not interested in fashion.
I don’t think fashion ___________.
Complete the sentence.
In my opinion, today’s fashion is annoying.
I feel______ when I see today’s fashion.
Complete the sentence.
I’m shocked when I see the prices of new
I think the prices of new clothes are _______.
Choose the odd one out.
baggy cotton woolly leather
Choose the odd one out.
friendly outgoing moody chatty
Order the words to make questions.
at / sitting / home / are / you / ?
Order the words to make questions.
raining / it / is / ?
Complete the sentence with the Present Simple or
Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
My cousins ____ (visit) us at
the moment.
Complete the sentence with the Present Simple or
Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
they never _____ (listen) to folk music.
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