Розуміння читання

Додано: 17 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Hi! My name is Alice. I am seven years old. I don’t like going to school. I like to play with my dolls and with my cat Jerry. But my cat doesn’t like playing with me! Jerry is white with black spots. Playing with cat is a great fun! Reading is boring!

I like summer. I like to play in the sand and make a sandcastle. But I can’t swim.

My brother is eleven. He likes school. He likes swimming and playing football.

варіанти відповідей

Alice is 11.

Alice is 7.

Запитання 2

Hi! My name is Alice. I am seven years old. I don’t like going to school. I like to play with my dolls and with my cat Jerry. But my cat doesn’t like playing with me! Jerry is white with black spots. Playing with cat is a great fun! Reading is boring!

I like summer. I like to play in the sand and make a sandcastle. But I can’t swim.

My brother is eleven. He likes school. He likes swimming and playing football.

варіанти відповідей

Alice is a cat.

Jerry is a cat.

Запитання 3

Hi! My name is Alice. I am seven years old. I don’t like going to school. I like to play with my dolls and with my cat Jerry. But my cat doesn’t like playing with me! Jerry is white with black spots. Playing with cat is a great fun! Reading is boring!

I like summer. I like to play in the sand and make a sandcastle. But I can’t swim.

My brother is eleven. He likes school. He likes swimming and playing football.

варіанти відповідей

My brother is Jerry.

My brother is 11.

Запитання 4

Hi! My name is Alice. I am seven years old. I don’t like going to school. I like to play with my dolls and with my cat Jerry. But my cat doesn’t like playing with me! Jerry is white with black spots. Playing with cat is a great fun! Reading is boring!

I like summer. I like to play in the sand and make a sandcastle. But I can’t swim.

My brother is eleven. He likes school. He likes swimming and playing football.

варіанти відповідей

Alice can swim.

Alice can’t swim.

Запитання 5

Hi! My name is Alice. I am seven years old. I don’t like going to school. I like to play with my dolls and with my cat Jerry. But my cat doesn’t like playing with me! Jerry is white with black spots. Playing with cat is a great fun! Reading is boring!

I like summer. I like to play in the sand and make a sandcastle. But I can’t swim.

My brother is eleven. He likes school. He likes swimming and playing football.

варіанти відповідей

Alice likes making sandcastles.

Alice likes playing football.

Запитання 6

Hi! My name is Alice. I am seven years old. I don’t like going to school. I like to play with my dolls and with my cat Jerry. But my cat doesn’t like playing with me! Jerry is white with black spots. Playing with cat is a great fun! Reading is boring!

I like summer. I like to play in the sand and make a sandcastle. But I can’t swim.

My brother is eleven. He likes school. He likes swimming and playing football.

варіанти відповідей

Jerry likes playing with Alice.

Jerry doesn’t like playing with Alice.

Запитання 7

Hi! My name is Alice. I am seven years old. I don’t like going to school. I like to play with my dolls and with my cat Jerry. But my cat doesn’t like playing with me! Jerry is white with black spots. Playing with cat is a great fun! Reading is boring!

I like summer. I like to play in the sand and make a sandcastle. But I can’t swim.

My brother is eleven. He likes school. He likes swimming and playing football.

варіанти відповідей

Alice’s cat is white with black spots.

Alice is white with black spots.

Запитання 8

Hi! My name is Alice. I am seven years old. I don’t like going to school. I like to play with my dolls and with my cat Jerry. But my cat doesn’t like playing with me! Jerry is white with black spots. Playing with cat is a great fun! Reading is boring!

I like summer. I like to play in the sand and make a sandcastle. But I can’t swim.

My brother is eleven. He likes school. He likes swimming and playing football.

варіанти відповідей

Alice likes playing with dolls.

Alice likes reading.

Запитання 9

Hi! My name is Alice. I am seven years old. I don’t like going to school. I like to play with my dolls and with my cat Jerry. But my cat doesn’t like playing with me! Jerry is white with black spots. Playing with cat is a great fun! Reading is boring!

I like summer. I like to play in the sand and make a sandcastle. But I can’t swim.

My brother is eleven. He likes school. He likes swimming and playing football.

варіанти відповідей

Reading is fun for Alice.

Playing is fun for Alice.

Запитання 10

Hi! My name is Alice. I am seven years old. I don’t like going to school. I like to play with my dolls and with my cat Jerry. But my cat doesn’t like playing with me! Jerry is white with black spots. Playing with cat is a great fun! Reading is boring!

I like summer. I like to play in the sand and make a sandcastle. But I can’t swim.

My brother is eleven. He likes school. He likes swimming and playing football.

варіанти відповідей

Alice’s brother likes swimming.

Alice’s brother likes playing golf.

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