Save the Earth

Додано: 11 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 218 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Recycling is taking used materials and A) ____________ and then turning it into new, useful products. For example, most paper is made from trees, but if old paper is recycled, less trees will be needed. Recycling uses less energy, and helps to control B) ____________.

Three steps for recycling include C) ___________, sorting, and processing.

What materials can be D) __________? E) ___________, including newspapers, magazines, cardboard, books, and envelopes can all be recycled into reusable products.

Plastic is also a common recyclable product, including water, soda, and other drink bottles; plastic bags, wrappers, and many more items.

Glass recycling also includes soda and other drink bottles, as well as jars, broken pieces of glass, and many other glass products.

There is a special F) __________that shows the item can be recycled. 

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Запитання 2

Recycling is taking used materials and A) ____________ and then turning it into new, useful products. For example, most paper is made from trees, but if old paper is recycled, less trees will be needed. Recycling uses less energy, and helps to control B) ____________.

Three steps for recycling include C) ___________, sorting, and processing.

What materials can be D) __________? E) ___________, including newspapers, magazines, cardboard, books, and envelopes can all be recycled into reusable products.

Plastic is also a common recyclable product, including water, soda, and other drink bottles; plastic bags, wrappers, and many more items.

Glass recycling also includes soda and other drink bottles, as well as jars, broken pieces of glass, and many other glass products.

There is a special F) __________that shows the item can be recycled. 

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Запитання 3

Recycling is taking used materials and A) ____________ and then turning it into new, useful products. For example, most paper is made from trees, but if old paper is recycled, less trees will be needed. Recycling uses less energy, and helps to control B) ____________.

Three steps for recycling include C) ___________, sorting, and processing.

What materials can be D) __________? E) ___________, including newspapers, magazines, cardboard, books, and envelopes can all be recycled into reusable products.

Plastic is also a common recyclable product, including water, soda, and other drink bottles; plastic bags, wrappers, and many more items.

Glass recycling also includes soda and other drink bottles, as well as jars, broken pieces of glass, and many other glass products.

There is a special F) __________that shows the item can be recycled. 

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Запитання 4

Recycling is taking used materials and A) ____________ and then turning it into new, useful products. For example, most paper is made from trees, but if old paper is recycled, less trees will be needed. Recycling uses less energy, and helps to control B) ____________.

Three steps for recycling include C) ___________, sorting, and processing.

What materials can be D) __________? E) ___________, including newspapers, magazines, cardboard, books, and envelopes can all be recycled into reusable products.

Plastic is also a common recyclable product, including water, soda, and other drink bottles; plastic bags, wrappers, and many more items.

Glass recycling also includes soda and other drink bottles, as well as jars, broken pieces of glass, and many other glass products.

There is a special F) __________that shows the item can be recycled. 

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Запитання 5

Recycling is taking used materials and A) ____________ and then turning it into new, useful products. For example, most paper is made from trees, but if old paper is recycled, less trees will be needed. Recycling uses less energy, and helps to control B) ____________.

Three steps for recycling include C) ___________, sorting, and processing.

What materials can be D) __________? E) ___________, including newspapers, magazines, cardboard, books, and envelopes can all be recycled into reusable products.

Plastic is also a common recyclable product, including water, soda, and other drink bottles; plastic bags, wrappers, and many more items.

Glass recycling also includes soda and other drink bottles, as well as jars, broken pieces of glass, and many other glass products.

There is a special F) __________that shows the item can be recycled. 

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Запитання 6

Recycling is taking used materials and A) ____________ and then turning it into new, useful products. For example, most paper is made from trees, but if old paper is recycled, less trees will be needed. Recycling uses less energy, and helps to control B) ____________.

Three steps for recycling include C) ___________, sorting, and processing.

What materials can be D) __________? E) ___________, including newspapers, magazines, cardboard, books, and envelopes can all be recycled into reusable products.

Plastic is also a common recyclable product, including water, soda, and other drink bottles; plastic bags, wrappers, and many more items.

Glass recycling also includes soda and other drink bottles, as well as jars, broken pieces of glass, and many other glass products.

There is a special F) __________that shows the item can be recycled. 

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