
Додано: 11 листопада 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 53 рази
6 запитань
Запитання 1

- Hi, Mum!

- Hello, darling! (1) ______________.

- It was all right. we had only foyr lessons. The first one was History. (2) __________. We leraned about the people who lived in our countyr many, many years ago. Then we had English. It was a fun too.We learned a lovely song and sang it together.

- I'm very glad you liked your classes!

- (3) ____________ . After English we had Maths - and it was not bad, it was awful!

- Why? (4) _________

- No, the problem is I forgot everything we leraned last year!

- Don't worry, dear! If you like I can help you to remember the Maths.

- Thanks, Mum. It can really help!

- (5) _____________ .

- It was famntastic!

- What was it?

- (6) _____________

- Oh, I see.

варіанти відповідей

- Was it dull?

- But it was not the end of the day!

- And how did you like the last lesson?

- How was your first day at school?

Запитання 2

- Hi, Mum!

- Hello, darling! (1) ______________.

- It was all right. we had only foyr lessons. The first one was History. (2) __________. We leraned about the people who lived in our countyr many, many years ago. Then we had English. It was a fun too.We learned a lovely song and sang it together.

- I'm very glad you liked your classes!

- (3) ____________ . After English we had Maths - and it was not bad, it was awful!

- Why? (4) _________

- No, the problem is I forgot everything we leraned last year!

- Don't worry, dear! If you like I can help you to remember the Maths.

- Thanks, Mum. It can really help!

- (5) _____________ .

- It was famntastic!

- What was it?

- (6) _____________

- Oh, I see.

варіанти відповідей

- Was it dull?

- It was really intersting

- And how did you like the last lesson?

- How was your first day at school?

Запитання 3

- Hi, Mum!

- Hello, darling! (1) ______________.

- It was all right. we had only foyr lessons. The first one was History. (2) __________. We leraned about the people who lived in our countyr many, many years ago. Then we had English. It was a fun too.We learned a lovely song and sang it together.

- I'm very glad you liked your classes!

- (3) ____________ . After English we had Maths - and it was not bad, it was awful!

- Why? (4) _________

- No, the problem is I forgot everything we leraned last year!

- Don't worry, dear! If you like I can help you to remember the Maths.

- Thanks, Mum. It can really help!

- (5) _____________ .

- It was famntastic!

- What was it?

- (6) _____________

- Oh, I see.

варіанти відповідей

- But it was not the end of the day!

- It was really intersting

- And how did you like the last lesson?

- How was your first day at school?

Запитання 4

- Hi, Mum!

- Hello, darling! (1) ______________.

- It was all right. we had only foyr lessons. The first one was History. (2) __________. We leraned about the people who lived in our countyr many, many years ago. Then we had English. It was a fun too.We learned a lovely song and sang it together.

- I'm very glad you liked your classes!

- (3) ____________ . After English we had Maths - and it was not bad, it was awful!

- Why? (4) _________

- No, the problem is I forgot everything we leraned last year!

- Don't worry, dear! If you like I can help you to remember the Maths.

- Thanks, Mum. It can really help!

- (5) _____________ .

- It was famntastic!

- What was it?

- (6) _____________

- Oh, I see.

варіанти відповідей

- But it was not the end of the day!

- It was really intersting

-Was it dull?

- How was your first day at school?

Запитання 5

- Hi, Mum!

- Hello, darling! (1) ______________.

- It was all right. we had only foyr lessons. The first one was History. (2) __________. We leraned about the people who lived in our countyr many, many years ago. Then we had English. It was a fun too.We learned a lovely song and sang it together.

- I'm very glad you liked your classes!

- (3) ____________ . After English we had Maths - and it was not bad, it was awful!

- Why? (4) _________

- No, the problem is I forgot everything we leraned last year!

- Don't worry, dear! If you like I can help you to remember the Maths.

- Thanks, Mum. It can really help!

- (5) _____________ .

- It was famntastic!

- What was it?

- (6) _____________

- Oh, I see.

варіанти відповідей

- But it was not the end of the day!

- It was really intersting

-Was it dull?

- And how did you like the last lesson?

Запитання 6

- Hi, Mum!

- Hello, darling! (1) ______________.

- It was all right. we had only foyr lessons. The first one was History. (2) __________. We leraned about the people who lived in our countyr many, many years ago. Then we had English. It was a fun too.We learned a lovely song and sang it together.

- I'm very glad you liked your classes!

- (3) ____________ . After English we had Maths - and it was not bad, it was awful!

- Why? (4) _________

- No, the problem is I forgot everything we leraned last year!

- Don't worry, dear! If you like I can help you to remember the Maths.

- Thanks, Mum. It can really help!

- (5) _____________ .

- It was famntastic!

- What was it?

- (6) _____________

- Oh, I see.

варіанти відповідей

- But it was not the end of the day!

- It was really intersting

- Computer Studies.

- And how did you like the last lesson?

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