After kindergarten, I went to _________ school.
Mary went to an ______ secondary school, which was rather expensive.
Miss Harris is in the __________ with all the other teachers.
Our _______ is too small and it gets very crowded at lunchtime.
Tim is my ______. In fact, we sit together in most lesson.
Peggy's favourite subject is ______, especially physics.
I like Maths; I enjoy solving ___________.
My favourite subject is _______, because I'm good at sports.
I've lost a big ________ with my art work in it.
Our history ________ is very interesting; it contains a lot of photos and sources.
I'm going to _________ from university in six year's time.
Chris is going to ________ his final exam at university next year.
If you ________ the driving test, you can retake it.
This school has the highest _________ standarts in the city.
Students who ________ in exams can expect to find themselves in trouble.
Miss Smith is quite _______ : she expects everyone to study hard.
I don't see the point of learning things by _______without understanding them!
Miss Tardy says she hasn't had the time to __________ our tests. I hoped I'd know my result today.
If I _______ all the exams, I'm going to celebrate for a week.
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