School Life

Додано: 26 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 365 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

I 1___ a Spanish language course last year. There were only a few students in my group, 2___ the teacher was able to concentrate on each student individually. Of course, we had to do some exercises, but we 3___ a lot and we used Spanish 4___ time. Learning grammar is usually boring, 5___ the way we 6___ it was actually fun! The teacher gave us a text and we had to find examples of the new language and then, we tried 7___ the rule. 8___ problems is a good method in language learning. It is quite challenging and based on students’ work, and by doing things you will remember better. So, on this course, we got better at Spanish, and we were given useful 9___ on how to learn a foreign language more effectively.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 2

I 1___ a Spanish language course last year. There were only a few students in my group, 2___ the teacher was able to concentrate on each student individually. Of course, we had to do some exercises, but we 3___ a lot and we used Spanish 4___ time. Learning grammar is usually boring, 5___ the way we 6___ it was actually fun! The teacher gave us a text and we had to find examples of the new language and then, we tried 7___ the rule. 8___ problems is a good method in language learning. It is quite challenging and based on students’ work, and by doing things you will remember better. So, on this course, we got better at Spanish, and we were given useful 9___ on how to learn a foreign language more effectively.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 3

I 1___ a Spanish language course last year. There were only a few students in my group, 2___ the teacher was able to concentrate on each student individually. Of course, we had to do some exercises, but we 3___ a lot and we used Spanish 4___ time. Learning grammar is usually boring, 5___ the way we 6___ it was actually fun! The teacher gave us a text and we had to find examples of the new language and then, we tried 7___ the rule. 8___ problems is a good method in language learning. It is quite challenging and based on students’ work, and by doing things you will remember better. So, on this course, we got better at Spanish, and we were given useful 9___ on how to learn a foreign language more effectively.

варіанти відповідей


were speaking

had spoken

Запитання 4

I 1___ a Spanish language course last year. There were only a few students in my group, 2___ the teacher was able to concentrate on each student individually. Of course, we had to do some exercises, but we 3___ a lot and we used Spanish 4___ time. Learning grammar is usually boring, 5___ the way we 6___ it was actually fun! The teacher gave us a text and we had to find examples of the new language and then, we tried 7___ the rule. 8___ problems is a good method in language learning. It is quite challenging and based on students’ work, and by doing things you will remember better. So, on this course, we got better at Spanish, and we were given useful 9___ on how to learn a foreign language more effectively.

варіанти відповідей


a whole

all the

Запитання 5

I 1___ a Spanish language course last year. There were only a few students in my group, 2___ the teacher was able to concentrate on each student individually. Of course, we had to do some exercises, but we 3___ a lot and we used Spanish 4___ time. Learning grammar is usually boring, 5___ the way we 6___ it was actually fun! The teacher gave us a text and we had to find examples of the new language and then, we tried 7___ the rule. 8___ problems is a good method in language learning. It is quite challenging and based on students’ work, and by doing things you will remember better. So, on this course, we got better at Spanish, and we were given useful 9___ on how to learn a foreign language more effectively.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

I 1___ a Spanish language course last year. There were only a few students in my group, 2___ the teacher was able to concentrate on each student individually. Of course, we had to do some exercises, but we 3___ a lot and we used Spanish 4___ time. Learning grammar is usually boring, 5___ the way we 6___ it was actually fun! The teacher gave us a text and we had to find examples of the new language and then, we tried 7___ the rule. 8___ problems is a good method in language learning. It is quite challenging and based on students’ work, and by doing things you will remember better. So, on this course, we got better at Spanish, and we were given useful 9___ on how to learn a foreign language more effectively.

варіанти відповідей

had done

had made

had taught

Запитання 7

I 1___ a Spanish language course last year. There were only a few students in my group, 2___ the teacher was able to concentrate on each student individually. Of course, we had to do some exercises, but we 3___ a lot and we used Spanish 4___ time. Learning grammar is usually boring, 5___ the way we 6___ it was actually fun! The teacher gave us a text and we had to find examples of the new language and then, we tried 7___ the rule. 8___ problems is a good method in language learning. It is quite challenging and based on students’ work, and by doing things you will remember better. So, on this course, we got better at Spanish, and we were given useful 9___ on how to learn a foreign language more effectively.

варіанти відповідей

work out

to work out

worked out

Запитання 8

I 1___ a Spanish language course last year. There were only a few students in my group, 2___ the teacher was able to concentrate on each student individually. Of course, we had to do some exercises, but we 3___ a lot and we used Spanish 4___ time. Learning grammar is usually boring, 5___ the way we 6___ it was actually fun! The teacher gave us a text and we had to find examples of the new language and then, we tried 7___ the rule. 8___ problems is a good method in language learning. It is quite challenging and based on students’ work, and by doing things you will remember better. So, on this course, we got better at Spanish, and we were given useful 9___ on how to learn a foreign language more effectively.

варіанти відповідей



Working out

Запитання 9

I 1___ a Spanish language course last year. There were only a few students in my group, 2___ the teacher was able to concentrate on each student individually. Of course, we had to do some exercises, but we 3___ a lot and we used Spanish 4___ time. Learning grammar is usually boring, 5___ the way we 6___ it was actually fun! The teacher gave us a text and we had to find examples of the new language and then, we tried 7___ the rule. 8___ problems is a good method in language learning. It is quite challenging and based on students’ work, and by doing things you will remember better. So, on this course, we got better at Spanish, and we were given useful 9___ on how to learn a foreign language more effectively.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 10

Read the three texts about school uniforms, and for the text in bold choose the best heading. 

1 ___

Did you wear a uniform when you were at school? I did, and I hated it. I was interested in fashion and music, and I wanted to look like my favourite pop star. I didn’t want to look like everybody else in my class. My favourite clothes were flared jeans and short skirts, bright shirts and big boots. Now I’m a teacher. I look at the teenagers in my school and they are no different. They say they don’t like their school uniforms, they read music magazines, and they spend their money on slim trousers, tiny, tight-fitting T-shirts and expensive trainers.

2 ___

In terms of style, school uniforms are not very flattering: they are plain and the colours are dull. In our school the uniform is a grey skirt or trousers, a white blouse or shirt, and a black jumper. Girls are not allowed to wear jewellery. Boys wear ties. Everybody wears smart black or brown shoes. You won’t see any trainers here.

3 ___

Despite the rules about uniform, teachers have to talk to some pupils about their clothes every day: one girl comes in a short skirt, another with a big, bright necklace. Last week a boy had to go home because he was wearing an earring. Why do pupils do this when they know they will have problems? The answer is that they want to feel different; they don’t want to be the same as everybody else.

варіанти відповідей

All the same

Looking attractive

Things don't change

Being an individual

Запитання 11

Read the three texts about school uniforms, and for the text in bold choose the best heading. 

1 ___

Did you wear a uniform when you were at school? I did, and I hated it. I was interested in fashion and music, and I wanted to look like my favourite pop star. I didn’t want to look like everybody else in my class. My favourite clothes were flared jeans and short skirts, bright shirts and big boots. Now I’m a teacher. I look at the teenagers in my school and they are no different. They say they don’t like their school uniforms, they read music magazines, and they spend their money on slim trousers, tiny, tight-fitting T-shirts and expensive trainers.

2 ___

In terms of style, school uniforms are not very flattering: they are plain and the colours are dull. In our school the uniform is a grey skirt or trousers, a white blouse or shirt, and a black jumper. Girls are not allowed to wear jewellery. Boys wear ties. Everybody wears smart black or brown shoes. You won’t see any trainers here.

3 ___

Despite the rules about uniform, teachers have to talk to some pupils about their clothes every day: one girl comes in a short skirt, another with a big, bright necklace. Last week a boy had to go home because he was wearing an earring. Why do pupils do this when they know they will have problems? The answer is that they want to feel different; they don’t want to be the same as everybody else.

варіанти відповідей

 All the same

Looking attractive

Things don’t change

E Being an individual

Запитання 12

Read the three texts about school uniforms, and for the text in bold choose the best heading. 

1 ___

Did you wear a uniform when you were at school? I did, and I hated it. I was interested in fashion and music, and I wanted to look like my favourite pop star. I didn’t want to look like everybody else in my class. My favourite clothes were flared jeans and short skirts, bright shirts and big boots. Now I’m a teacher. I look at the teenagers in my school and they are no different. They say they don’t like their school uniforms, they read music magazines, and they spend their money on slim trousers, tiny, tight-fitting T-shirts and expensive trainers.

2 ___

In terms of style, school uniforms are not very flattering: they are plain and the colours are dull. In our school the uniform is a grey skirt or trousers, a white blouse or shirt, and a black jumper. Girls are not allowed to wear jewellery. Boys wear ties. Everybody wears smart black or brown shoes. You won’t see any trainers here.

3 ___

Despite the rules about uniform, teachers have to talk to some pupils about their clothes every day: one girl comes in a short skirt, another with a big, bright necklace. Last week a boy had to go home because he was wearing an earring. Why do pupils do this when they know they will have problems? The answer is that they want to feel different; they don’t want to be the same as everybody else.

варіанти відповідей

All the same

Looking attractive

Things don’t change

Being an individual

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